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Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Nov 29, 2010.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    After stepping over some passed out drunks, bypassing couples making out in the hall, and finally arriving at the balcony, Sammy nearly screamed in fright as the boy actually swung a leg over the railing looking like he was really going to jump. She instead just gasped and gave a small startled yelp before rushing over quickly and grabbing his arm. "No! What are you doing? Are you insane? Get off from there!" she screamed as she tried to pull him back. It was true that the snow did look like it would cushion the fall, but the problem to Sammy was whether or not it was snow, or if it was ice. There was also the height. Jesus, drunk people are crazy! I can't believe he even thought about jumping!
  2. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010

    Casey watched as the girl walked back towards the house, and noticed a few others go in the opposite direction - towards her, instead of away. Were they all getting too hot inside? It had been extremely hot in the lodge, so she didn't blame them for coming outside. Feeling goosebumps begin to raise on her arms, her eyes trailed upwards and she let out a soft gasp when she noticed the strange boy beginning to swing one of his legs over the side of the railing. "You can't do that!" she shouted up to him, hoping he would get the hint and go back to his previous position of being completely behind the railing. Despite the fact that Casey was slightly drunk, she still knew what could happen if the boy fell and it honestly frightened her.

    But soon her attention was directed away from the boy and back to the two bottles of alcohol. One was hers, the other was his. Something inside of her desired just a little sip from his bottle. Oh, he won't even notice, she thought to herself, taking his bottle and unscrewing the lid. Placing it up to her lips, she allowed it to slowly trickle down her throat - burning a little less with each small sip she took. Taking the bottle away before she finished a noticeable amount, she put the cap back on and placed it back into the snow so that it would be all cold and ready for the boy to drink.

    It was kind of funny - Casey knew the faces of almost everyone who was attending the party. But for the life of her, she couldn't remember the names of them. She could tell you what classes she had with them, if they talked occasionally or a lot, or who their group of friends were. The moment you asked her for a name, she drew a blank. It wasn't because she didn't care about them - well, actually, that really was it. She never took the time to learn their names. And a name is a big deal for some people. If you can't remember that, you'd rather just not even talk to the person at all. It was one of the reasons Casey didn't have many friends; she failed to be able to become close to people because she just didn't bother.

    Snapping out of her slight daze, she took her almost empty bottle and opened it, pressing it directly to her frozen lips and chugging. She wanted it gone. She wanted to get sloppy drunk and she was almost there. When she felt no more liquid come out of the bottle, she threw it next to the boy's bottle of alcohol. But just as she was getting up from out of the snow, she bent down and picked up the full bottle, carrying it back into the lodge. On her way back in, she passed two other boys who seemed to be curious about what had been going on, but she disregarded their presence and continued into inside. Crashing onto an empty chair inside, she cradled the bottle like you would an infant and wondered if the boy was going to get it any time soon.

  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008


    Jensen felt someone pull him away even farther from his drink. The next thing he felt was a mixture of cold snow and frozen wood as his rear hit the balcony. "Hey!" He looked up, seeing the girl who in the snow just moments before. He was astounded at how fast she had gotten there. "You're qui-quick!" He said with a hiccup. "Do you have my drink!?" He asked it loudly as he stood up, patting his rear several times to knock the snow off. His eyes had so much hope in them...and were also blood red.

    OOC: Short post, don't have long online >>
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Sorry to hear that. But take your time. This RP's going nowhere. Especially when the good part hasn't come yet.

    BIC- Sammy stared at him, her eyes wide. He was absolutely about to jump. If she hadn't gotten there when she did, he would've been over the edge. And all he seemed to care about was his drink. Cool it. He's drunk. He doesn't know what's going on. Sammy thought to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to calm her rising anger. Her breathing became more controlled instead, and her eyes showed less fire when she opened them again. No doubt, her cheeks were probably red because of the cold and her turbulent emotions. "No, I don't have it. It's downstairs. I'll help you down there. I expect a proper 'thank you' when you're sober, considering that I just saved your drunk ass life and am still helping you for some reason." spat Sammy when she lost grip of her emotions again. This kid was about to jump! He's so young! He has a whole life ahead of him, and he was about to waste it all for one measly bottle of alcohol! She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she went over to Jensen held out her hand for him to hold on to. "Come on. Let's go back inside and return to ground level."
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    To be or not to be—I wish that were really a choice.

    After a long session of swaying and twirling amongst the others around them, Jessica finally slowed to a stop. She smiled just slightly and moved her hands down from Jake’s shoulders to rest them in his hands. Her thumbs softly squeezed their palms together and she rose up just slightly on her tip-toes to nudge their noses against each other’s adorably. She bit down on her bottom lip and retreated, meeting his gaze for mere seconds prior to letting his hands go and turning on her heels to gaze around. The party was reaching its end as the floor was becoming visible again, spills and scattered crumbs galore. Most had left the lodge already. A few were passed out around the place, but for the most part everything was winding down. The DJ had faded out the music and said his good byes, receiving drunken hollers and cheers from the dispersing crowds.

    Jessica’s glowing blue eyes connected with Jake’s coffee ones and she released her lip from between her teeth, shifting nervously. She could already feel the butterflies taking off, the heart pounding, the heat flooding her face.

    “So, listen…†Her voice was quieter now that the music had ended, her eyes unfocused now.

    “You’re still here, so I’m assuming you’re staying too…I was wondering…â€

    She frowned, folding her arms across her chest, not exactly sure how to go about asking Jake to share a room with her without sounding as though she was suggesting anything.

  6. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City


    o A terrible sight,
    We're scared tonight.
    Dying in a winter wonderland...

    Jake's heart connected with his lover's. So he was easily able to pick up what she meant, and it warmed his soul to know she'd like him in her bed. Even if it was for a cuddle or two. Picking up her cue without her permission he took over, "It wouldn't make much sense..for a beautiful young lady such as yourself to sleep all alone in a big place like this." He couldn't help it, his fingers glided across her cheek, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her head. "So how about, your boyfriend, watch over you. Just until you fall asleep." He also added, to assuage any fears. "I'll make a pallet for myself on the floor, so you know you'll be safe. From anything."
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    OOC: Hey guys. The holidays has had everyone a bit busy, and I know that LilBueno won't be around for a bit. So I just want to get a feel for who's still planning on posting here...eventually. Anyone resigning, please leave me a PM or a VM so I know. I'll give ya'll a few days for that, and then I'll get to the harassing myself.


    To be or not to be—I wish that were really a choice.

    Smiling gently, she nuzzled her cheek into his hand and nodded. She brought her own colder fingers to her cheek to take his hand between them and pull him from their dancing perimeter and past the lobby. She already had her room, and she wasn’t going to waste anymore time. The party was completely wound down now and she was getting tired. Besides, it would be nice to have a moment alone—and quiet with Jake. Her free hand reached into her pocket and she pulled out the key to their room, turning the doorknob and pushing the door open. Once she and Jake were inside, she closed and locked it with yet another small smile .
    “You don’t have to sleep on the floor…â€

    The room was cozy. A single Queen-sized bed, an over sized closet, dressers, a television and living room space with a fully-equipped kitchen and full-sized bathroom. But the best thing about it, to Jessica, was that it was all free. There was a beautiful balcony, with a lovely view of the quiet slopes below, and it was free. That, and of course, she had Jake.

  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: I almost forgot about this one >>


    Jensen frowned and looked at the girl. "Why can't-*hic*- I thank you now?" He asked curiously. He wondered why she pulled him away from the railing. Surely the snow would have broken his fall. He let her guide him around before remembering something. "Hey...," he started, unsure of how to ask the question on his mind. "You...you are a girl, right?"
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Why, you ask? Because I don't think you understand what you're supposed to be thankful for." Sammy replied as she led him back downstairs relatively safely as there were less people now. They were most likely gone now, and Sammy had to be stranded here for a night. Argh...I should've arranged something beforehand so I could leave this joint. she thought depressed. Hearing Jensen's question she turned towards him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah?" Suddenly, Sammy began to feel a little self conscious about her small bust and her extremely conservative dress style. Well, I guess I can't really blame the guy for thinking otherwise, but still... Finally she found Casey and some others. She still held the bottle of alcohol and needless to say, Sammy was kind of surprised to find that she hadn't drained it all in selfishness. 'Well, anyway, here's your drink. Enjoy." said Sammy as she let go of Jensen's hand.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    A content sigh escaped Jensen's lips. "Good, because the last...girl that I, uh, met here wasn't a girl. Not that I swing that way you know, it just doesn't float my boat," He said before realizing that that might float her boat. Not wanting to be offensive, he immediately started to say, "But everyone's different! Hell, if it floats someone else's boat, that's fine, it just doesn't float mine." Forgetting about his drink for a moment, he envisioned the Titanic sinking into the depths. In fact, it sinks my boat. Actually, my boat goes in a different direction. Wait, I don't even have a boat, I have a plane. That...thing doesn't fly my plane but it can floats someone else's boat, ya know? It's two different things, right? People are different. So whatever floats someone's boat in one direction can do it, but my plane is gonna fly in another direction, know what I mean?" The inebriated teen acted out a boat and plane by making his left hand go forward and his right hand reach into the air. After another moment, he looked at the girl and repeated the motion. "Boats fly and planes float. Wait, no...Boats float and planes fly, but not with each other, yeah, that's right!" He then looked at Casey and grabbed his bottle before thinking of something. "Wait, what about blimps?" Genuinely confused, he glanced at the girl who brought him and then back at Casey and then back to Sammy, "What happens if they crash into each other? Will they fall?" He envisioned two blimps hitting each other, but he didn't imagine them falling. "They'll just bounce off, right? Hey, someone ask Jeeves that."
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex headed back inside after finally getting cooled off. He glanced around the dance floor again. There were less people, so the party was definetly dying down. He looked back to the refreshments table as well, hoping to someone was there that he could socialize it- to no avial. Alex let out a long sigh of sadness and boredom. He couldn't believe it; he hadn't socialized with anyone, anyone, throughout the entire party. He felt like such a loser and wanted to leave, but decided not to. If he left, that would nake him an even bigger loser than he was now. He didn't give a rat's ass about being popular, but he wanted to at least meet someone new.

    As Alex looked towards the back door where he entered, he noticed three people talking who looked friendly enough. He could immediatly tell that the boy was drunk and the two girls were listening to (what he thought) was crap coming right out of his mouth. It's not like he automatically hated the drunk teen (if not young adult), but he had been around his fair share of drunk people to get a feel of what he probably was saying and how he was saying it. Alex took a deep breath and casually walked over to the group. "Ummmm....hello," he said ackwardly. 'Wow, nice one Alex!' he angrily thought.
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Sammy had been ignoring Jensen's insane rant for a time, but she finally turned to him with a raised eyebrow in disbelief that he was still trying to recover. "Dude. Chill out. If only you could HEAR what you're saying right now. I'm not bothered by what you said before, so it's cool. All right?" she asked for confirmation. Hearing someone come up from behind into the group, she turned to the stranger and said a curt, "Greetings" before allowing an awkward silence to occur. Sammy didn't leave the group even though her mission was complete. She knew no one else at the party and figured the remaining few were all here to stay, so she might as well make some friends.
  13. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City


    o A terrible sight,
    We're scared tonight.
    Dying in a winter wonderland...

    Jake reached his arms out and soon she was enveloped in his custom bear hug. Warm exuded him and rushed over her simply from being connected him. His nose took it's place beside hers as they kissed, Eskimo and normally. Again and again their lips collided, sparks and a giddy feeling coming over him as his arms loosened their grip on her and casually locked female hand with male. There, kiss by kiss he lead her too the bed. Then he gently disconnected from her and went to fetch a blanket, going into the nearby closet and grabbing one before laying it down on the floor beside the bed. "I don't think I trust myself."
  14. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010

    Casey's eyes grew wide as she listened to Jensen speak, his mouth allowing complete bullcrap to stream from it. And even though she knew everything he was saying wasn't worth listening to, she couldn't stop herself from doing so. Shaking her head, she allowed a small giggle to escape through her lips and she glanced from Sammy then back to Jensen. "Why are you so stupid?" she blatantly asked. This talk about blimps and boats was making her head hurt, and just as she was about to put the bottle of alcohol up to her lips to sooth her, it was snatched from her grip and she shrieked. "Dude, give it back!" she shouted, louder than she had intended for it to be.

    Standing up from off the chair, she wobbled slightly before regaining her composure. Maybe she really didn't need any more to drink. Especially because she didn't want to end up like Jensen, talking about blimps and boats and whatever else he can think of off the top of his head. Though, it was entertaining. Most people would get annoyed by a person who acted like that when they were drunk, but she actually enjoyed it. It gave her something to laugh at if things got too boring.

    Forgetting about the alcohol and Jensen and Sammy for a moment, she noticed a boy start to walk over towards them. He made an awkward introduction, and Casey couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it. It's not that she was laughing at him. No. It was the alcohol. To her, everything was funny when she was drunk, or even slightly drunk. Plopping back onto the chair, she threw her legs over the arm of it, lounging. "Hellooooo!" she said to the boy, who she honestly hasn't ever seen before. Except, he did look familiar, as if maybe they had seen each other once or twice before, but who knows.

  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    Erika Furudo. A detective. She longed for the intoxicating embrace of liquor. She didn't want beer, wine, rum, gin or tonic though. Her choice of poison was far sweeter, far stronger and far harder to come by. Erika's favourite beverage came in a bottle called 'mystery' and was a liquid known as 'conquest'. Smash the mystery; revel in the conquest. Find the culprit, corner him, taunt him, and weave a fitting tale. Indeed, Erika did not drink alcohol. Others might gain pleasure from numbing their senses, but Erika liked nothing more than to stimulate her little grey cells with the passion of tearing apart a carefully constructed mystery.

    Where is this girl, who prides herself on her fearsome intellect? For now, we do not know, for it is not her turn. The festivities have not yet ended, and the closed circle isn't constructed. There is nothing to detect, so there is no detective. She will arrive before the night is over, once the pieces are in place, you can be sure of that. What sort of mystery would this be, if it didn't have a detective?

    The relationship between a detective and a crime is an odd one. Where one goes, the other follows. Hey, have you heard you should never give refuge to a detective? After all, to welcome a detective is to invite a crime. On the other hand, if you suffer a crime, a detective will soon appear. They follow each other closely, yet theirs is a relationship of life and death. The detective, struggling to penetrate the mystery, the culprit, struggling to kill everyone before the detective finds the truth. Yet they still cling to each other like shadows. What a peculiar tale!

  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Hey. It's not yours anyway. Besides, I think you've had enough to drink tonight," Sammy said to Casey. She yawned and checked her watch. It was very late. Way past the normal time that she'd go to bed. Should I go now? I'm really tired. But they might do something stupid. Ah, screw it. "I'm going to bed. Don't do anything stupid," at this she directed her gaze at Jaden. That last remark was targeted at him. Sammy then went upstairs to find a room to rest in.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    OOC: Alright~ I'm going to time skip after this post. If you would like to continue a thought, or find yourself a room, please do it now. Because in the morning, the role play starts, in its entirety. I'll also start rolling for deaths soon after that~.


    To be or not to be—I wish that were really a choice.

    Jessica’s heart was swelling, as her stomach pressed against his own. And then the contact was gone. She was blushing at Jake’s consideration, but her emotions were beginning to simultaneously betray this appreciation. Lips pressed together again, she watched the boy fix himself a make-shift bed on the floor, heart thumping rapidly against her chest and body tingling with the fade of his warmth with each passing second.

    A quiet chuckle left her throat, her knees bending forward as she scooted and crawled her way closer to Jake, settling into the thin blankets beneath them herself and staring up at him curiously. Her smile faded, but just slightly, eyes constantly drifting from his own and then up at the ceiling as she tried to find her words. They were quiet, when she located them, but they were there. Her hand found its way from her side, fingers latching themselves against the fabric of his shirt, right over his stomach.

    “Well…Why are you trying to?â€

    She smiled, again.

  18. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex seemed oblivious to everything going on. He was that tired. He yawned and stretched, then let out a sigh. He looked around, almost everyone was gone, or leaving. Alex got up and headed inside. It became much cooler now that everyone was gone, just how he liked it. 'Too bad it wasn't like this before,' the teenager thought as he headed to an empty room. He was careful to not step on any fallen chips or beers as he made his way. He opened a door and peeked in. It was empty. 'Thank goodness,' he thought as he went inside and closed the door behind him. He let out another yawn and he undressed. In his boxers and a T-shirt, he slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp by his bed. He quickly slipped into a spendid, and much needed, slumber of solitude.
  19. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City


    o A terrible sight,
    We're scared tonight.
    Dying in a winter wonderland...

    His grin was soft and kind as he lightly tapped her skull with his own once, before his forehead settled upon her own. "Because a pretty, young girl like you...shouldn't be all alone." Jake's lips brushed face like a light rain shower with warmth. Then that shower was over, he snuggled in closer too her. Heat transferring and absorbing between the both of them, until he was drunk on a ancient thing. A thing experienced many times a day, but forgotten since it's creation. "I love you."
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    A petite girl stumbled out of the nearby forest, snow whipping around her, a layer of white obscuring everything in vision. Mounds of snow accumulated on her thick jacket fell off each time she took a step, only for more to reform by the time she lifted her other food. Her bright red jacket was plastered with frost, and beads of ice collected in her eyes as tears that were frozen before they left her eyes.

    After hours of circling in the mountains with no progress, separated from her mountaineering group, Erika finally saw a change in scenery. It was just a faint outline in her vision, but her eyes had never failed her before, so diligently, trusting her sight, forced her frozen limbs towards the apparition. As she got closer, it got less and less ethereal, until she was at the outdoor section of the lodge. Even in her distraught, hypothermic state, she was still able to dully observe cigarette butts, beer bottles, and an odd yellow stain in the snow. In an effort to fire up her little grey cells, she bit on her tongue and chattered out, "T-t-traces of a social g-gathering discovered." In other times, she would have thought it immensely foolish to be drinking alcohol in such conditions, but in the current situation, she decided to conserve her mental ability for things directly related to her survival: namely, getting aid as quickly as possible.

    Making her way to the front door, she clasped her chilled fingers over the metallic knocker, and gritting her teeth, she hammered it down. She waited, willing the residents to be there, and not be absent. After a minute, she beat the knocker again, and then, trying her best to maintain dignified in her situation, called out with the last of her strength, "My name is Erika Furudo! I was separated from my group while tramping! If anyone is there, I am in desperate need of lodging and shelter until the storm passes!""

    That said, her stength spent, she collapsed against the door, barely conscious. She thought she heard someone coming to the door, and her ears had never been wrong before...

    And so the detective arrived at what was to be the scene of the crime.

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