Okay, I was just browsing through the odd news section on Yahoo.com and then this headline caught my attention. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080523/od_nm/missouri_gun_dc;_ylt=AqmFOC6lXQc_62HNRrQBxwntiBIF I think it's in the right section in the news... it is odd. What do you guys think?
That's just stupid. If you give away guns just for buying a car than that means you are supporting violence which can lead to being sued because you were the one that supplied the weapon. Or at least, I think you can get sued for that? o.O
D8 Omfg . . . I'll buy a car nao! :< This is pretty strange, and yeah, freaky . . . The gun bit for advertisement is amusing, and then placing an alternate free gift is also smart. Only two out of al those who have bought a car has chosen the gun. The owner/seller knew very well that people would chose the alternate free gift. Smart guy. He successfully advertised, and sold cars, and only two chose the guns. LULZ. This is really hilarious.