Duplicate the text layer, put it on top and set it to Multiply and put it on 0-25% or so opacity so the text stands more.
Itz a present, so I won't say too much cnc. It's visually appealing, I can say that. The text can get a bit fixed. And it looks like you smudged too much of him xD But that may just be me. Anyways, great presenT.
It has a steam/smoke effect more than anything (not sure if steam is good for Mustang or not *shrugs*), but it doesn't look too shabby at all. :> Other than that I have nothing.
Trigger, your smudging is so extremely epic but we seriously need some Foreground effects in here. Right about now, to be quite frank it's boring. :l
Smudging is amazing and sexy on this sig, however, um, that's is. D; Add something, anything, right now it's horribly borring. Text blends amazingly, but the font just makes me cry inside because it reminds me of my God awful mistakes I make. You should really give it a warm photo filter or something along the line of it. I love your smudging, you must have spent a LOT of time getting that good at it, for that part GJ.
I love the text. For somereason, I like how the image is sharpened =] Hmm, the clouds, maybe try added some lighter and darker hues to that, so it doesn't seem so plain. Try added some colours like yellow or dark blood red.
I don't know if this gives you any ideas on how to improve it, but: Hope that helps in some degree. D; EDIT: Lmfao, I think I made it even worse. xD