Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. Sexist. SHE IS NOT YOUR SEX OBJECT NOR IS SHE YOUR DELIVERY SYSTEM. HOW ABOUT TO THANK HER FOR GRACING YOUR DICK WITH THE INSIDE OF HER VAGINA, YOU GET UP AND MAKE HER BREAKFEST?
This is worse than her claims of misogyny because of wanting to save the life of your love interest through violence. These images are EVERY WHERE on facebook. All it is is just male fantasy in ways that make women do nothing other than feed you, clean you, and sex you whenever you like. Don't forget blow jobs during vidya games because that's what attractive women are supposed to do.
whats the fuss about someone making breakfast for you do it yourself jeez id feel terrible for making someone else who just woke up wait on me
i'm all for warring against misogyny and sexism but there's nothing inherently wrong with thinking it's awesome that your significant other made you breakfast after having sex in the morning unless you expect her or him to do it every single time, then that is ****ed up and one sided
You know you can just click Watch Thread right Yeahhhh but then again this isn't strictly a "Man that'd be cool" moment in context is it Then again in FULL context I have no idea what's happening here, wtf r u doin Reptar
The problem is it's assumed and it's a gender role. "Please your man." We're not talking about the occasional treat, but when images like this appear on facebook, imgur, tumblr, and memesites they're speaking to an idea of what an "awesome" girlfriend is like and EVERY TRAIT EVERY TIME IS PLEASE YOUR MAN.
Why would I do that, when I can announce to everyone that reads my comment, that I am a huge ******* who enjoys these topics because someone is almost always mad at the end of it?
Ironically the annoyed, sarcastic replies to the argument take up as much space as the argument itself God I love watching you fuckers complain