C'mon, this kid totally had it coming, no matter how hard this man reacts. I'm no adult, but I can imagine how pissed I would get if I were 'motherf*cker-ed' to by a little kid like that. I would've thrown that kid out of one of the windows head over heels... In other words, I'm totally supporting the bus driver here(I don't care if he went to prison)! What do you think?
I support the bus driver, but not his actions if there was a camera on the freakin' bus he could of used the tape as evidence against the whipper snapper.
Uh what? Obviously there was a camera on the bus if the video exists o__o and there's cameras on most buses these days. Anyway, while the kid was acting way out of line, I can't help but feel that the bus driver should have shown more self-control. If I were them I'd have just kicked the kid off of the bus, told them to call their parents or whatever to pick them up, and then sent a notice home. It probably wouldn't have been as easy as it sounds though with an attitude like that, so who knows. I'm kinda neutral on this one. I do admit though that yes, that kid had it coming in a big way xD.
I completely agree. He shouldn't have bothered applying for the job if he knew that a child could push his buttons until he snapped. If someone asked you, "Would you harm a kid?" and you answered, "Maybe, it depends on if..." That should be a red flag right there.
That kid had it coming, but there were other ways to handle that. There was a camera. That kid could have been expelled (or at least banned from the buses - it happened to me once (for another reason)).
It shouldn't have come to violence, I primarily blame it on the Bus Driver, a lot of kids on my bus last year acted like that, and my bus driver was a woman, a small woman at that; so it made her look easy to over-power, which she just turned the bus around, and wrote the kid up. It's easy as that.
First off, I don't know what the argument was about, but that kid is a little jack-ass for mouthing off to the bus-driver like that out of the blue. On the other hand, the bus driver grabbed the f***ing kid by the neck. I'm no professional, but I'm pretty sure that's in the Bus Driver's list of Not To Do's. The kid deserves suspension and the big guy should be put on probation or house arrest, if anything, but a jail sentence sounds a bit over the top. And what's up with this amature-ass news station throwing around words like "lardy" and being all sarcastic? F***, I feel like punching that narrator right in the nose and tossing him in the bus to sit with the rest of the kids.
I'm slightly confused as to what happened. Some kids were yelling and getting up from their seats so the bus driver attacked them? I must be missing something if people are siding with the bus driver, yes what the kids were doing was out of line and horrible but the violence was definitely out of order. Maybe it's because I don't really have any experience with buses because I walk most places but I'm quite confused.
Im in the middle on this one...while yeah,the kid kinda did have it coming,the bus driver shouldnt have reacted like that.... How long did he get sent to prison for?
What I got from that video is that the bus driver was going for the girl (what I would assume would be physical handling), and the kid who swore at him was trying to divert his attention away from her so that the driver wouldn't grab her or something. That's just how it appeared to me. I don't know the whole story, so I'm not taking any sides. For sure, the kids shouldn't have been being jackasses, but as a school bus driver, I would have expected a lot more self-control around children, no matter how rowdy and rude they were. Kick them off the bus if they've gotten to the point when you can't handle them. But an adult that's entrusted with their safety should never lay a hand on them, especially for a stupidly pointless reason such as a kid saying a rude word.
^ This. I am seriously confused as to why people are siding with the bus driver. So here's the chain of events: - Kids are rowdy. - Bus driver approaches young girl in an intimidating way. - Boy cusses at bus driver. - Bus driver physically attacks boy and, from the looks of things, could have caused a lot of damage. It's the bus driver's responsibility to get those kids from A to B safely and well, I think he majorly failed.
I really feel bad for the kid, I mean, all he wanted to do was help his friends, instead, he got smacked. I'd fight for the kid, good thing the driver is in jail.
I don't think that was a news station, it seemed like it was on one of those "amazing things caught on video" kind of shows. News stations are never supposed to show bias on something they're reporting, no matter the situation. If that were a news report, the station would have gotten in a lot of trouble almost immediately.
The kids on the bus were getting up and shouting? Sure they look about 10-13, but guess what, that's something kids do. And didn't the guy talking over the video say that the driver was going to go for a 10 year old girl? If I was the lad who swore I'd do the same to stop her from being hurt by a fully grown man.