Bus driver chokes mentally ******ed child!

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Chad Thundercucc, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Reisen Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2008
    Here's the problem.
    • The child should tooken his medicine.

    • The child should been in his seat-belt.

    • The Adult should have ignored him, and kept driving the bus. Or
      she could have stop the bus and try talking to him. Either way there both wrong. Why would throw something at the designated driver, then again
      he is mentally challenge.
  2. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    You are aware that taking 'medication' doesn't actually stop autistic and over-wise severally behaviour and learning challenged people acting in such a way right? It just makes it harder for them to kick off and when they do tone it down just a little bit. So whatever set the boy off to act like that still would of.

    Also when someone has gotten into a state like that boy had it's impossible to reason with them, like how it's impossible to talk to someone when they're hysterically upset. So you couldn't reason with him. And then again I repeat that the guy was hysterical so anything would of made sense to him at the time.

    And I also think that people should stop using "Mentally ******ed" like it's a synonym for "Autistic" or whatever this kid is. Mental ******ation is a completely different learning/behaviour disability to what this boy has.
  3. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    when i used to ride the bus...our bus driver yelled at a mental handy capped child...she was hitting her head against the window...the bus driver yelled at her to stop...when confronted the bus driver said she was worried that her windows would break...not the childs safty

    people these days
  4. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    buses don't supply seat-belts
  5. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    the bus clearly has seatbelts, you see him tugging on one.
  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I cannot believe the mother.On television she said "How many more of these incidents could've happened".She could've potenially ruined that womans life because here disabled child was running around the bus,cursing at the driver and throwing stuff at her.I think the bus driver was completely in the right even if the child is disabled he still should at least even try to maintain a bit of control and if he can't the mother should be there to control him or bring him to school.Why wasn't the mother on the bus with him...hmmm...i know why because she was too busy gossiping with mary nextdoor about the divorce of the woman across the street.
  7. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    and the most original death award of 2008 goes to...
  8. Repliku Chaser

    It doesn't look like she's choking the kid. She may have wanted to because he was being so horrible but to me it just seems she was holding the kid down and yelling at him to simmer down and cut his crap out; which ironically seemed to work so that she could get the kid home in one piece as well as the bus.

    I believe the board is at fault and there should have been a replacement for the monitor. The boy also needs better discipline and help that the mother should be seeking. It is not 'okay' for a kid to be doing this. Having a mental impairment does not mean the child should be allowed to do this kind of behavior and be potentially harmful to others. If he cannot help himself at all, he should -never- be allowed to be without a monitor ever and as he grows he will only become more dangerous if people do not step in and help this mother get through to the boy and get him the help he needs.

    Yes, the bus driver could have tried to just ignore the boy but he was potentially becoming harmful and what if she was driving and he did something more than just hurl things at her? She has to think of her safety, his safety and avoid accidents. That was a very stressful situation and really, I feel sorry for her because she is paying the price due to negligence of the school board and also the mother. The mother seems to think the school ought to be taking care of everything, but she needs to get that boy help too. We do not know the history of this boy's former bus trips with a monitor even or the acts of this child in school. The bus driver is a typical woman who seemed rather not to be just angry but afraid. He kicked up her adrenaline to where she felt she had to do something strong to get him to stop. That's not hatred she's displaying. He's pushed her over the edge where she's panicking, anxious and angry. When the moment was over and the boy stopped what he was doing, note that she returns to a calmer state and got him to his home. She doesn't hate the kid and was just having an emotional breakdown herself. It was a poor way to deal with the scenario but she didn't 'plan' on it. She was desperate. I don't think she should have lost her job over it. Aggressive children like this cause a lot of pain and there should have been some understanding. She's taking the fall for the board that failed to give her the help she needed.

    What I do think should have happened though is that the mother should have been notified and also a way to deal with the boy's aggression needs to be actually addressed more. She needs some better parenting skills to deal with a special needs child. If he continues to grow up in this manner, he is going to become a danger to her as well, and also because he has this aggression issue, I have no doubts he's been a danger to others at school. Otherwise, there'd be no need for a monitor. It troubles me that in Texas they are so far behind, but it's not the only state. In NY, if children are special needs with aggressive tendencies, they are never without mentors and staff that know of it and are trained to deal with those kids' needs. This district really needs to start getting its act together so that the kid is safe, as well as the staff and children around him and the mother needs to look into getting him better care to deal with it.

    Sadly, this boy, as things go on, is going to grow up and be more aggressive and the mother will have to put him into a home. So many kids end up growing up and not being taken care of well to address their issues and end up in group homes where they are isolated. Instead of focusing on the bus driver who lost her wits, they should be thinking on the future of this boy because it looks pretty grim so long as everyone keeps saying he's blameless and they don't try to do anything more for him.
  9. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    That was flat out cruel!
    She was mean!
    The boy is ******ed; he can't help it!
  10. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    IMO people with this do have a lot more self control then other mental problems, but that's only because I have it myself, but as a kid yes it is hard for them to control what they do or say and it doesn't help if a kid is scared or has a lot of anger so maybe the boy was scared because he didn't have someone with him like he wasn't use to so he acted up.