Bully Counselling

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by AlexleHoshi, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. trulove13 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 30, 2006
    Twilight, Somewhere inbetween Light and Darkness
    Well girls and boys about 14 13 yrs old, They probably do it because i'm fat. They also today kept saying "go home go home stupid fatass" and stuff like that, two of the guys were also following me and getting in my way, My friends really don't help and i only have like 5 friends, I just give up on fighting back now, it just hurts.
  2. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    i would bi*ch slap the hell out of them if i saw them doing that to you or anyone else
    bullies deserve to die.

    well most i can tell you is to tell a adult or your parents.
    i'm not gonna tell you to get your friends involved
    a adult can stop this so start by telling them
  3. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    A kid was trying to act tough to me, I looked down on him, laughed my ass off, picked him up and carried him 50 feet to a bench and threw his ass on it and told him to chill out.

    Bottom line, being tall = loads of fun.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea adults like security guards, teachers probably won't care but security guards kinda HAVE to care becuz it's there job.
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    If you are going to give up then you don't need to ask for help. But honestly quit taking **** from people like that, god damn it. Almost everyone on here who has a bully problem needs to stand up for them selves I am sick of hearing about how you are put down. If you walk around like you have some kind of self confidence then no one is going to give you **** I can almost promise that. But when you show that petty "oh poor me, boo hoo no one understands me" bullcrap, then chances are that people are going to see you as an easy target. To be really blunt, grow a back bone ignore them and or knock their ass out, but stop giving them a reason, you people are doing it to yourselves.
  6. trulove13 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 30, 2006
    Twilight, Somewhere inbetween Light and Darkness
    Okay today i got back at the leader of the gang, MWAHAHA i kicked him in his you-know-what's. He told our Music teacher Mr.Hayward about it and teach didn't believe him, MAN it felt so good..... Thanx heaps...
  7. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    I was builled in primary school and secondary school. Worse luck.

    In primary school, the bullies made up the charming name of 'disease girl'. They yelled that at me in the corridors, threw my stuff on the floor, and stole stuff. This went on from Year 5 until well into Year 6. I was so upset. One day I thought, 'Stuff it. I'm out of here soon' and told a teacher.

    Happy ever after? As if.
    The Headteacher thought I was telling lies, and the bullies got away with it, while I got yelled at.

    In Year 7, I made one of the most stupid mistakes in my life. I was nice to a girl, who we shall call N. N was a right little B*tch, who was avoided by most of my tutor. I felt sorry for her, so I tried to be nice. However, she threw it back in my face. She was rude, and made up vicious rumors about me and my friends. We told her to leave us alone, and she went running to our Head of Year. She forced us to be friends with her, tis happened about 3 times. Eventually, we got to the Head of Year first, and she was told to stay away from us.

    In Year 8, N made her glorious b*tchy return. We were told she had a social problum, and didn't understand that what she was doing was wrong. We tried to tell her when she was being rude, but she never listened. So, after about 2 mounths, we gave up. I don't think she has as bad a social problum as she pretends.

    I got a brace last Easter. And N had a go at me. 'Oh, before you had your brace you were insane. Now you have a brace, you're civilised, but once you have your brace off, you'll be insane again.' She was rude to other members of my class, so I told the teacher. N was told about this, and was to be reported to our head of Year.

    When she found out, she was furious. We were put in a group for R.E. and were told to act out a fight. She punched at me less than an inch away from my face. I told her to stop, and she yelled at me. When my friend told her to stop, she yelled 'I want to punch Niamh!' (Thats my name.) Less than 30 seconds later, she punched me in the mouth. I never knew she hated my brace that much, XD

    After that, she got a detention, and was told to stay away from me. Then, when my tutor was talking to me, she said 'Why don't you say Hi and be nice to N?' I was in shock. I refused to talk to her.

    Now I'm in Year 9. N is the same as ever, except she thinks I'm her friend. (Er. No.) I tell people not to bully her, but that's it. But now she's bulling my friends. When they told her to leave them alone, she ran to the Head of Year. My friends got in trouble. Then N came up to me and said:
    'Isn't it really horrible when someone bullies you for ages?'

    Yes, I know. N has made my 3 High School years a living hell. For people who are being bullied, or have just been bullied, I find black humor is a good antidote. Try your best to think of those bullies as insignificant specks, who are ingnorant. Try to look on the positive side of things.

    "If you want that rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."
  8. EvolMan_89 Banned

    Feb 14, 2008
  9. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I have a story too. About the kind of bully that loves resistance. Their names are Austin and Brandon Kaiser.
    5th grade was when it started, kind of. I thought they were being nice to me, until a slip of their tongue. I don't remember what it was, but it was something about me being short, and that did it. From that day forward, I swore that their lives would spiral downward into a vortex of pain and misery. The emotional kind. Now I'm in high school, and he's being nice to me, only because he can get to me through two new friends of mine. There's also Tom Mcquade, who made fun of me for my mental disorder, Asbergers Syndrome, a form of Autism. Eventually, I figured out that he is just afraid of me though, but I won't tell him that I know until he is at his weakest. I'm going to take him down too, by telling his girlfriend(Amanda something) that he loves to pick on me. From there, it'll be easy to take him down. There are also their "followers" whose names I don't know.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    that's a bizarre story, i have fake friends too, but i play along just for the hell of it
  11. hereyes sayyes Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008

    AJ, This isss Tom McQuade. I signed up just to post about this, seeing as my girlfriend "Amanda Something" got a little message in her locker and decided to give it to me rather than look herself. In defense of Austin and Brandon, they didn't come to our school until 6th grade, and they were definitely not the only ones who picked on you, but were and still are some of the worst, I'll agree. Now in my defense, I realized what I did is wrong. My little brother was diagnosed with the same disorder early on in the summer. I've also tried to help you out when you weren't paying too much attention... I remember once I picked up a few of your books and set them by your locker when someone tripped you one day. And afraid? Not so much. I don't talk to you because I don't have you in any classes. But in sincerity, I'm sorry for what you've gone through the past year.

    I would've done this in person, but you won't talk to me. I figured this would the best way for you to listen. Have a fun three day weekend.

    Oh, please don't post my full name without my permission. I'm sure Brandon and Austin wouldn't be too happy either. I know Amanda wouldn't approve, but you didn't really post it, so that's cool. Later.
  12. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    I think you should've told him/her that in a PM,

    but I'm glad that you and him/her are getting along better
  13. hereyes sayyes Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008
    yeah do me a favor and don't give me your opinion. i'm making sure everyone see's that. i've known him for 9+ years and he's the kind of person who would lie and say it's not me. just don't worry about my post unless you give me a "hey way to suck it up and apologize." thanks.
  14. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion

    but i am proud and glad that you took matters into your hands and apologized
    that was very graceful of you

    usually a fight would break out, but you did the most responsible thing

    I'm very proud ^_^

  15. hereyes sayyes Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008
    yeah my bad about before. i sent it to my girlfriend and she's really freaked out. so are other close friends of mine that i sent this too. in turn it's stressing me out. haha i didn't mean to take it out on you.
  16. jackjohn2 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008

    Im sorry this has happened AJ, I confess I am not innocent either i have followed others and have not been very nice to you. But I know that you are a very nice kid and now that im in high school ive started to understand you alot more and your a fun person to talk to so if you ever need andything come talk to me. And ill help austin and brandon get off your back to. Peace Love and Hearts


    Jack I.
  17. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    its quite okay

    i try to be nice and make love, not war lol

    you're doing a great job at keeping the situation under control

    trust me

    i've got bad bully problems, and i try to help others with it, when the sad fact is i can't even help myself
  18. hereyes sayyes Moogle Assistant

    Feb 15, 2008
    i know what you mean
  19. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    I'll post it tomorrow

    i have to head to bed now
  20. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I'm not trying to be like one of those people who try to not admit their problems and say a frined is having a problem instead of themselves, because this really did happen to my sister, Lavia on the site, as she was walking home:

    Shes rididng her bike home when this kid from her school keeps asking to borrow her bike. It kept getting worse and worse, and one day he blocked her from going all the way accross the street while in the middle of it, and kept yelling "Gimme your bike!" When she was on the bus today for a fieldtrip, he yelled "Hey____, Lemme --"(i don't wanna use my sis's real name, shes a private person)She just ignored him, but it keeps happening. What do you think she should do, because I can't tell her anything except to stand up to him, but shes too timid and shy to do that.