Bully Counselling

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by AlexleHoshi, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Repliku Chaser

    I'm glad to see this year is different for you. Some girls can be so annoying and vicious in school, saying really rotten things to make people feel bad, especially after you did something nice for them. They probably thought you were hitting on them and stuff and were just being brats, and then didn't realize how untrue it was. Sometimes people have this delusion that if a guy or a girl does something nice for someone else, it means they want to get with the person. Of course, sometimes this is true, but other times, people just want to be kind.

    I do hope this year goes better for you and that you get to meet new people and do more. Also, since you don't have the same teachers (hopefully), that's a plus. We all probably have ended up with those teachers that made us feel like crap and seemed to be out to get us. Thanks for sharing that with us, and maybe it will help others and you to move on and see we all put up with that crap, but sometimes it can turn out better if we just keep on progressing past it all.
  2. Wisdom Form Guy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Sunset Horizons
    I have never been bullied.That's because I am nice.
  3. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Hehe, I wasn't so much bullied..as put in a personal war with a kid.

    All through primary school (ages 4-11 to those who aint scottish) me and this kid hated each other, we'd bully each other all the way through school and when we go to high school we stopped even looking at each other, though in our 3rd year of high school one of my friends befriended him and he kinda got squeezed into our group of friends, 2 years later we're really good friends, it's funny how time can heal most wounds.
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Yeah, I've got some bullying problems to deal with :(

    Last week there was a guy standing in the hallway and my friend Justin was walking along with me, and he tripped Justin and made him fall. I actually pushed the guy who tripped him, and he almost punched my face. I moved thank god but he backslapped me -_-

    He does this on a daily basis now (not for a few weeks b/c we are on Christmas Break)

    Teacher and Principals have been alerted and every time we go back to tell them what happened, they say just ignore him.
  5. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    well at my dumb school we always have stupid bulling assemblies and it pisses me off cuz we had like 10 of them in one month. But i don't think when teachers really don't care about the students that's why they don't do any thing. But some teachers really do care.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    If this person hit you and tripped this other person, I'd advise telling your parents if the school board won't acknowledge it. No one has a right to land a hand on your person. I would hope that someone would act and hope the situation has at least cleared up somewhat by now. If not though, and he does such a thing again where he actually tries to manhandle you, you should report that and ensure they know he was laying his hands on you. Also, if you have witnesses it would help. Absolutely go to parents if the school authorities won't do anything. Making fun of people is one thing. Hitting is another. It could be though that you standing up against the idiot was enough to encourage them to back off. I hope so.

    Some teachers do care. Others who grew jaded did so because of the way the admin handle these cases and they are used to parents of bullies whining and saying they will sue for erroneous judgments etc. Rules regarding these things have grown rather ridiculous and teachers themselves often feel powerless to do much because their jobs can be on the line. We seem to now defend the idiots instead of being able to have them disciplined because of situations of wrongful accusations or biases. Those teachers who do care and are willing to risk things remember what teaching is about and I hope they don't become a dying breed. However, if some things don't change with how parents who are neglectful to discipline kids and our resolves to that behavior, it's hard to see a positive outcome. The bad parents and rotten kids seem to have it easier than those who try to be good and just want to do what they need to. All the seminars n 'bullies' isn't going to make a difference if they don't see some actual action taken against that behavior. Bullying is a self gratification deed and so no one is going to reach through to their compassionate side. They feel justified in doing this behavior. So yeah, I wouldn't want to waste my time either on assemblies of this sort because there's absolutely no point and it's costing tax money to bother with it.
  7. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    Today, Me and my friend were walking down the hallway and I was talking to my teacher (she's really cool and she' like one of them tomboy toughy ones) She witnessed that the boy was being mean to my friend again, but he didn't hit him he took his hat and wouldn't give it back. My teacher was about to go do something, but I told her I would handle it, and she knew what I meant. So I walked over and took the hat from behind his back. He was ABOUT to say something to me until I told him "Back off" in a bad way that he was about to jump out of his skin O.o

    He walked away and usually he would annoy my friend until the end of the school day, but he didn't even bother to look at him
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Good job, Cupcake. Just watch your back in a way because sometimes these sorts of people will try some retaliation. However, you stood up and he sees you aren't going to take that kind of treatment. Maybe you will even help him wake up so that he stops this ridiculous behavior to others too.
  9. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    I wish I could've but a couple days ago, I was standing in the hallway and my friend wasn't there so he decided to pick on me.

    He actually laid his hands on me again, but I'll tell you I back slapped him as hard as I could because he harassed me in an inappropriate way.

    I told the teachers and they aren't counting me as harassing him with the back slap because he started it.
  10. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I don't get bullied really, I guess that's good. I'm popular in my 'honor' classes, but I only tell jokes in my general class, because I don't want my ass to get kicked (By like one kid) I make freinds who are strong, so I don't have to worry, plus I'm brave to people, so what I'm saying is, people don't mess with me, I mess with them...lol jk, but no I don't get bullied. If you are getting bullied, heres some advice (Take it seriously, not like I'm stupid for saying this)
    1.Leave it alone
    2.Fight back (kick they're ass)
    3.Frame them (The best thing I can do hehe)
    4.Do not tell the teachers! You don't want to become a snitch!
    5.When they are not paying attention, hit them, and run away.
    6.Make they're girlfreind/boyfreind hate them for being a bully

    There you go.
    And if a boy is the bully and your a girl, do not be afraid to hit, your a girl, you have some rights to sexual harrasent or something...and boy's should never hit girls anyway.
  11. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    those two need to be removed.
    Hitting and running shows them that they are afraid of you

    and telling a teacher is the BEST thing you can do. If someone is hurting you or harrasing you, you NEED to tell someone
  12. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Right, I have some really bad bullying problems

    First, lots of people bully me and when I go to the Guidence people they don't do anything. Seconly, It isn't just teachers that do it. Thirdly, So many people do it, it makes me feel like a bad person. Fourthly and most scarily, I have contemplated suicide.
  13. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I'm not trying to be mean, I was joking about hit and run. If you tell the teachers, people will think that you are un-cool. I'd rather handle a situation myself, then tell a teacher. I know what I said, people will think your un-cool, wouldn't you rather kick the person's butt, then having a horrible reputation of being a snitch? If you be a snitch, then people won't want to hang out with you, you'll have no freinds. Don't fight back for a while, but then when you have had enough, let it out. Pretend that they are the person/thing you hate the most.
  14. 11jones2 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    well i have been bullied alot of my life one time i was at school and i had to worked togather with this kid who i thought was my friend and while we were working and start to make fun of my weight and than he started on about my realgoins and he knew alot about it since he just last week came over and we started to talk about realgons aand i start to tell hiim about it and he said all these thing to piss me off and alot of the kids inmy class hated him the best thing to do is even if it bugs you just pretend like it doesnt bother you almost always they stop and if that doesnt work try to gather some of you good friend when hes bullying you and that can scare him or if he makes fun of that than the best thing to do to get your feelings out is just to talk to at good friend that wont make fun of you usally a partent is good or a friend that a bit older than you that has experinces about bullyed
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i know this is late but tell your parents to get involved, i gurantee you that they wont' tell your parents to ignore him
  16. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around


    thats the most silliest thing anyone can do

    I wouldnt' give a care about my reputation if I was being picked on =/

    I've got a pretty bad rep at my school, but i really don't care... if i've got friends then what more do I need?

    if anyone says anything just ignore them or tell them off

    if they dont' have anything better to do, then they apparently have no life and therefore they need to do something to make themselves seem cooler

    trust me, tell a teacher, but remain anonymous teachers and principals 90% of the time won't tell anyone who told
  17. Repliku Chaser

    1. Leave it alone - Yeah, most of the time if you just walk off and ignore it, bullies get bored and go off to do something else because you aren't affected. This can fail though with people that want to find what buttons to push that set you off so this doesn't always work, but a majority of the time it can. There are some people out there who like to torture others so this though the best option at first sometimes proves really difficult to follow.

    2. Fight back (kick their ass) - If someone -hits- you, well, you may have to hit them back; especially if they seem like they aren't going to stop. However, kicking their ass if you are at school is a bad thing to do. It gets you in as much trouble as the bully and sometimes the bully and his/her friends might be there declaring a 'truth' that gets you suspended instead. Bullies seldom attack people alone and go after 'unpopular' people because they can get away with it. They have cronies to back their stories up so this isn't always the wisest choice. I do think if you are hit you should stand your ground if you can but don't do more than they do because this has an ugly way of turning around on you and it can make you out to be a bully too.

    3. Frame them - This just starts a war between people and can cause worse aggression to follow. Since schools don't tend to expel someone unless he/she is really obnoxious, that person is liable to come back and with a vengeance. Especially knowing they were framed will also cause the person problems who did it. If it is also proven the bully was framed, the school is no longer going to trust the word of that kid who did it. I would say not to do this and keep your integrity if you can. No reason to lose your moral code to get petty revenge on someone. You want them to stop; not lower yourself to their expectations.

    4. Do not tell teachers - If it's just petty stuff, I wouldn't tell a teacher but if you are getting plagued and all, why would you not? There's a way to sound like a 'whiny baby' and 'ruin your rep' versus being informative and wanting someone to stop being a moron so you get assistance. Teachers can help some and perhaps even if they can't do anything else, they can offer a student advice on what to do about a bully. They deal with this stuff all the time and if someone actually goes to a teacher that is trusted and asks what to do, teachers often take the scenario more serious because it's not just whining; it's wanting a solution. This shows the teacher it's a serious thing and if no help is provided, things could turn ugly. It also lets a teacher know to watch that bully. Telling the teacher, I'd advise, should be done with some confidentiality as in trying to get the teacher after school or on a break, but this is an option that should not be ignored.

    5. When they are not paying attention, hit them, and run away - Why? That will just be having the same results nearly as framing the person. You are playing with fire and dancing away with it. It will just cause more problems than not. If a bully hits you, you may just have to hit them back, but a hit and run tactic seems pretty lame to me. I've never done it and couldn't see why to bother except to not get caught by teachers. I would advise against doing this kind of behavior as it makes you again, into doing bullying tactics yourself and you want the bully to stop; not become a more serious threat. After all, if you rile the bully up that much, you have to be alone sometime and will run out of running room. They will find a way.

    6. Make they're girlfriend/boyfriend hate them for being a bully - If the boy/girl is with the person any way, the likelihood chance that he/she knows the partner is a jerk is probably known. If not, I suppose if you are actual friends with that person, it wouldn't hurt to say 'your boyfriend/girlfriend is being a real jerk to others so watch yourself'. However, if you aren't a friend, the girl/boy probably isn't going to listen to you any way and if he/she tells the partner bully about the convo, again, you risk more problems your way doing passive aggressive behavior that just irritates anyone. The problem is with the -bully- so going and bothering someone else is going to just make things very bad.

    If you are already being picked on by some jerk, it should tell you that obviously you are not above such things and your reputation is around average, like most others. If you handle a bully the wrong way, your reputation is going to be shot and most of the suggestions you gave on how to deal with bullies makes a person aggressive in ways that will just make their lives worse. No one likes a 'snitch' but at the same time if someone asks for help on how to deal with a bully, that is just commonsense. When people forsake commonsense for 'popularity' that is not even going to last once you graduate high school, that is just ridiculous. You want to get rid of bullies, not become one and not get them more ticked off at you so more people hop on the bandwagon and someone falls under. School doesn't last forever and enduring it can be difficult. Sometimes 'snitching' is something that must be done. We are talking about here how people are 'hurting' others and sometimes even really wounding or messing them up.

    Best ways to deal with bullies is have self confidence to know you do not deserve that treatment and stand up for yourself. If you require help, ask parents for information, ask a trusted teacher for advice. Try to make friends and keep them and be an amiable person because sometimes if bullies are seen going after the 'nice' kid, this can tick off other people and they will get involved to say back off. If a bully bothers you, tell him/her directly 'Back off'. If you are assertive and do not scream at them, yell at them, or act like you are scared, generally this will work. If one hits you hard, you are left with the choice of walking off and reporting it or hitting the person back. Don't let them see you hurt if you can help it. You don't want to show weakness. Telling others to 'some' is a weakness, but again, it depends on the reason and how you go about it. Don't be afraid to get help if you are being overwhelmed. That -is- what the help is there for.
  18. trulove13 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 30, 2006
    Twilight, Somewhere inbetween Light and Darkness
    I've had my run of bullies, and i can't fight back at all. They pick on me and bash m and stuff but when i try to fight back, i get in trouble for it, i do everything i can and they won't stop, plus they have this annoying nickname for me, baby pinson (my last name) it just sucks, the only way i can even escape from it all is to go to the library and read or go on the computer and secretly come on here (it was blocked for a week, I COULDN'T LIVE) this has been going on since year one and i'm in year nine now, WHAT SHOULD I DO?
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Are these males or females in your classes that pick on you and do you have friends? If you can give us a bit more to work with here of painting us some scenes, we can try to aid you more.
  20. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    how many people bully you?
    are they older?
    what gender are they?
    do they do it in a disrespectful way or does it just annoy you?
    why did they start messing with you or was it just randomly one day?