So... I dunno what has happened, but my internet has suddenly gone from very fast instant loads to very slow and videos take like an hour to load where as a single page can take a few minutes alone. This doesn't happen often, but it has happened before and just randomly gets better again after a period of excessive waiting (a few weeks perhaps). Now the thing is, I've got Unlimited internet with my provider so I can't have reached my download limit or anything. The fact is... there isn't really a reason (a good legit reason) why anything should suddenly be so slow. I may call up my provider later, but to be honest. They'll probably just tell me to do the same steps of reset the router and that boring stuff which doesn't do anything in the long run. So KHV, I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how I can get my internet back up to speed. Or if you may have in fact gone through the same random bursts of slowness that I have and in fact know what is going on (with perhaps a way to get around it). One of my biggest irritations is slow internet. So yeah lol KHV, any help you can give would be a blessing.
Yup, I've tried different cables and everything. Despite the fact that they were all relatively new anyway. New update btw: Now I can't load videos at all and youtube is plain not responding to me. Pages are loading at an alright speed. But it's still noticably slower than before... TT^TT EDIT: No worries, I learnt that other people are having problems with youtube too. Regardless though, other videos are still causing me trouble when streaming and such, as well as webpage load speed... :/
Well, I've had that in the past. But no. That isn't what I am experiencing today. Literally, it's just that everything is painfully slow. Especially videos. Pages aren't too bad now. I've gotten use to it, but videos taking hours to load is not a good thing. (not just youtube-which I know has been having problems)
YouTube works fine for me. Anyway, if you haven't yet done so, try leaving your modem unplugged all night and turn it back on in the morning and see if there's any change.
I'm assuming you're plugged into a router, could you try just plugging directly into the modem? It's possible it's an issue with your router. If, when connected directly to the modem, the connection works fine, your router is the issue. If you're still having problems you should contact your ISP.
Check the firewall. Also, have you installed a new toolbar or new software? It might be bugging with the ports or something like that.
I contacted my providers, and they said right now they are getting a lot of similar calls like my case. So... yeah lol I guess I just have to wait for now and see what happens. It's definitely not the router or firewall settings etc :P
Well, that's good to hear. Yeah, though, when it's the ISP at fault, there's nothing one can do but wait. With us, though, we know it's the modem. I've just got to wait for my mom to call Fairpoint so we can get a new one.