I'm actually surprised that there isn't a thread here about it: Has anyone seen this amazing series? I've been watching since summer break and I'm hooked. If you haven't here's a little summary for you: It's 7 seasons long, but it's so worth it. And it's similar to Supernatural in a way too.
There's 8 seasons, not 7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_Season_Eight It's canon. I liked the series but when Angel came out...well I liked that more. Angel had a better theme song and he was just a better character. Anyways...since this is about Buffy and not Angel, I feel that I should mention that there was a movie as well that became the series we know as Buffy. The movie sucked and is pretty much not at all like the series but the movie isn't canon though so I guess it doesn't matter.
Big fan. Be sure to watch Angel too, the first season ain' t that great but it gets better. There' s also a few interactions between the two series (Angel season 1 happens at the same time as Buffy season 4 etc ...) Supernatural reminds me more of X-Files than Buffy but whatever. [video=youtube;l0tNqwNpGGQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0tNqwNpGGQ[/video]
7 seasons in the Television series is what I'm referring to. So I'll be addressing that here.. and there's 2 extra seasons in the comic book universe (so 9 Seasons), but I'm not following that yet. And yes, I have seen the movie, and I liked it for it's stand alone worth. It's used as canon actually, for the origin story... Considering also I haven't seen Angel yet, I won't say anything in regards to Angel
I forgot to mention that the franchise will be rebooted in theaters. None of the original actors are involved and Joss Whedon has nothing to do with it, so, do not want. http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2011/05/1...the-vampire-slayer-reboot-is-a-horrible-idea/
I actually want it to happen, even though they won't be involved. Though I do agree it's a horrible idea, I just want to see how it goes.
I knew there were comics after season 8 but I never heard anything about 9. Never saw it in stores or anything. @-@ Also, go watch Angel. In my opinion it's way better than Buffy...though a bit more frustrating and depressing at times. I remember hearing about that. It's bad enough that the original actors aren't involved...but no Whedon? Still, I'll watch it if/when it really does come out just because I can't resist anything related to the universe. Anyways...I'm glad to see that there's more Buffy fans here than I thought. Didn't know any of you watched it.
Season 9 just came out over the summer I believe, it's only a few issues in so far. I just started myself over the summer and I'm at the end of Season 7, and plan to watch Angel after
I found Joss Whedon' s reaction to the Buffy reboot announce, it' s a mail he sent to Kristin Dos Santos (E!Online) after he found out there was nothing he could do legally to prevent it : :lolface: The project seemed to be stucked in limbo for a while, but I just stumbled upon this : http://www.moviesonline.ca/2010/11/buffy-vampire-slayer-remake/
I agree with the second article, though. I feel optimistic about the reboot that's being written by a fan herself, and I think if she is a fan, she knows if she messes one thing up that she has hell to pay with the Buffy fandom, they are not forgiving.. Though I don't think it'll be a "Twilight-cash in" because it's the totally different from Twilight EDIT: Also, a great post by a LJ user about the movie reboot. http://angearia.livejournal.com/196645.html ANOTHER EDIT!: The script was rejected! http://www.hypable.com/tv/2011/12/2...ayer-movie-script-rejected-project-in-danger/
Im actually watching the whole series right now. Im at season 3 at the moment by the way. I was too young to watch it when it came out on TV (I think I was 4 or 5) but it had always interested me. I have seen the movie (which was really the original BUFFY and a parody of vampire movies and how teenage girls act at the time). There is this up coming movie that fans of the show are not happy about just because the cast of the series wasn't going to be cast. I am a person who watches movies with a open mind. Im already interested in the re-boot of the original Buffy movie. EDIT: Oh no, I forgot to look at the date before posting. Sorry! Please dont kill me! o_o
h i remember this, I only seen it a few times but the fact the show spoke "Girls can kick vampire ass just like any other monster hunters liek Van Helsing or Hellboy."
Little update, last week I finished the TV series and wow I loved it. The ending to season 5 was just amazing I was crying (on the inside) because it was so powerful yet kinda wished the series ended there. Season 6 was awesome because of Dark Willow. Season 7 tricked me in some parts making me think this person is going to do this and this when its really the opposite yet loved season 7 and how it ended. I dont plan to read the comics because Im fine with leaving Buffy from where it ended.