Working on It B's 2018 Staff Evaluation

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by 61, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    My other thread didn't take off like I hoped, so here we go new slate.

    On khv we have some staff members doing nothing to help the site, or in some cases actually hurting it.
    Only the weak links are in this thread.

    Deleting posts is not sufficient for modding this site anymore. We, your userbase, need you to do more.
    I will not repeat this for everyone in here, though it certainly applies to everyone in here.

    @Fearless literally what have you done for khv? The last thing I recall that you did was yell at other staff members who were trying to help you solve a problem.

    @Karuta Other than helping to buy the site, what have you done for khv? Thanks for that, but I haven't seen you do anything at all. It's a little rude to buy a site and then dump it on the other admins and staff to maintain, and then not come back to fix the problem when some of them don't do their jobs. I thought this wasn't going to be a problem anymore.

    @Stardust Same as the two above you, but worse. I can't even recall the last time I saw you post, and your activity is so old it's not even on your profile. I don't know what happened in the past to cement your spot on the staff team for so long, but it's irresponsible and shameful to stay on the team while completely disappearing from the community. If you even remember it. Step down, please.

    @Krowley and @Explode , I don't really know what you guys do either. Explode's new tag is Media Manager so I assume he's up to something, but Krowley seems in and out but overall I gotta say I'm not impressed.

    I'm not going to tag libre because he's not around, and I understand why. i wish he would come around and chill, but i get that he does behind the scenes stuff so I'm not going to call him out.

    But all you guys? I'm definitely calling you out.

    There are other problems with other staff I plan to tackle, but I want to get this worst problem out of the way first.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I don't know if I should reply to this, but like, I'm glad Marushi isn't here because honestly she works so hard for this site and we don't deserve her. That's my contribution.
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Actually I am here but don't worry, I'm not mad. XD Any problem or opinion held by any member of this site is valuable to me and I'm doing my best to make sure the problems are resolved. We'll all get through this in time, don't worry.

    Nothing's killed this place yet and I don't plan on letting it happen on my watch, lol. XD We'll be a'ight, it just might take a little time for things to be addressed.

    I do plan on making a more substantial post on all the relevant threads by tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, but I'd also like to see other people's thoughts on the matter before I do, so don't be afraid to talk to us. We're listening.
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    No XD I meant like, not on the list list, not like, here as in not online.
  5. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    OHHHHHHH okay lol nevermind me I'm not braining today XD
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Seems like there'd be a more effective way of voicing your complaints considering that, if I recall correctly, call out threads are already against the rules. Ignoring that, however, while I actually agree that some members of staff have been less than active the way you've posed your complaint is rude regardless of whether the fact you're right or wrong.

    Are you going rogue on us? Should staffies be looking over their shoulders expecting to be called out by you tomorrow?

    Wasn't sure if I should bother posting this or not but, you know. You wanted the attention.
  7. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm just here for the boobs.
  8. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    who owns khv now
    literally the owner is never around/s
  9. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Karuta is, and he's around, just doesn't post much.
  10. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    i would like staff to focus on replying to this before anything else.
  11. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
  12. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    If this is true shade, I wonder if you've ever been a staff member on anything before.
  13. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I remember when I was on the staff team back in '13 and Plums got on my ass for not doing enough, despite the fact that I did Question Time every* week. So it just goes to show how there is obviously no pressure to justify your position if you're on KHV staff anymore. There are some people who should've been 86'd from the team a long time ago.

    Explode, I assume, is going to be busy recording and uploading KH3 when that comes out?

    Stardust is the ultimate KHV staff hanger-on from what I can see. I appreciate there is a 'behind the scenes' of kHV but I highly doubt her activity is any better there than it is in the public areas. Time to hang up the purple already.

    *okay, almost every week
  14. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Hey bud. I DM’d you two months ago, explicitly asking if you had any concerns about the site/discord. That would’ve been a great opportunity to air this out and address it sooner. But regardless it’s good to hear from you.

    As for me I’m doing mostly external things for the site right now, such as managing the Twitter account, doing a little networking, and editing a YouTube project that’s launching this weekend. The latter has actually been taking up most of my free time lol

    I’m hoping to be on Discord more soon too. I just don’t want to be on my phone too much for the first couple months of my new job.
  15. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Okay, so the one thing I can say is, first of all, I respect you for saying something, B. I really do and I know it comes from a good place because you're not the kind of person who would just spew hate.

    But the one thing I will say is that you're completely off base about Explode. He is one of the most hardworking and dedicated staff members on this website. A lot of the stuff Explode handles you don't know about, which is okay and maybe a bit expected. But he (and Roxam) run the Twitter, and Explode is solely behind an upcoming (and amazing) project that's coming down the pipeline, in addition to all the cutscene work he's done for us. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say this: this place would be much worse without him.

    But yeah, that's all I really have to say right now.
  16. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    There's only so much activity a moderator can accomplish when the userbase is nonexistent or filled with glorified alts of permabanned members. (If that's even a thing anymore lmao) Half the crap we created when I was on board, no one participated in. Change your chiefs, but you still got no indians.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I mean we may have more of a userbase if the staff didn’t let people get away with calling indigenous people Indians but like, I was told that we wouldn’t want to “detract from the big staff issue by getting side-tracked talking about racism”.

    Now I’m not super sensitive or anything, but I’m a fan of that response from a staff member, if anything that attitude is part of the issue. The staff is so worried about saving themselves they won’t moderate.

    I mean this entire thread is against the rules, but it’s sort a necessity isn’t it?
  18. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Staff aren't robots. What I mean by this is while b laid it on pretty heavy and probably could have been more subtle about this, we aren't stupid enough to not realize that there might just be a reason for such threads being made. While I'd rather this not turn into a witch hunt, public criticism is far from that.


    For the love of God. Can we for one minute stop the circle jerk of virtue signaling. Yeah racism is wrong, duh. You have one of the nicer members of the community come in here and G O D FORBID he uses a figure of speech. Let's completely ignore his intentions mind you, because maybe what he was implying is hard and might require self reflection.

    That's not even the worst part. You have the audacity to talk about how something as trivial as this is causing the site to bleed numbers after your history. Please.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Like I said to Cstar in her thread, I had less of a problem with what he said, and more of a problem with the response I got when I brought it up. If the staff member I talked to said it wasn’t rule breaking it would be a different story, but when you get a response that to me read as “yes this breaks the rules but isn’t high on my list of things to do”, it’s a little concerning. Because that attitude is what I mean when I talk about the site bleeding numbers. If I was a new member and I got that sort of response from a staff member, that my concern while valid wasn’t important enough, that would be a giant turn off.

    We all have a history. I think that was the point of this thread earlier this week: I’m talking about the present, and the present is “this concern doesn’t matter”, with no mention of really passing it along to someone else if they really are (and I do believe they are) super swamped.
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'll reply to this since, while not a call-out, it's still sort of a call out ha.

    But essentially I am not around because I am frankly very busy for the most part and while I am bummed that it has come to that; it's just how things are. I've made clear to the staff, which admittedly may not have been obvious to the userbase at large, that I've rescinded any and all responsibility that comes with being an Administrator outside of actually keeping the site running, updated, and having new features implemented. Given my lack of activity on the site in general, I felt it was only fair for me to step down from duties outside of those. To put it another way, what I am doing for KH-Vids is very much like what I have done (as well as currently doing) for other websites, with the biggest exception is that I'm not charging KHV anything for work that I normally would for.

    Again I know this wasn't really a call out to me, but I do think it is fair to further elucidate my position on the site.