Brush Strokes

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Unfortunately Allen's day didn't go off to a pretty good start. Since he'd gotten sick enough so that he wouldn't be able to head to school, he ended up just staying in bed all day. Though fortunately for him he had his sketchpad and pencil handy near his bed. If he was going to be cooped up in a room all day, he might as well draw some things. As he flipped through the pages, he started to look at some of the work in the book. Some were finished, some were almost done and some were barely started. Maybe he should actually finish one of these drawings or at least attempt to see how it turned out if he continued it.

    As the day went on Allen managed to add something to the unfinished works in his sketchpad. What he finished was one of his smaller project, he wasn't feeling like working on something elaborate. Still, after placing the book on the nearby desk, he got up from his bed to take a quick shower. When the shower had ended, he climbed back into his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Following the cue of the girl that showed him admiration, he walked on and bore witness to the unfinished pieced of work that she had to offer to his viewing pleasure. The piece of art was quite impressive and though Dio told her of how impressed he was of her work, he did not spoil the girl and told her what was missing. The passion and emotion of the work, it was there but unrefined. He made sure he noted this before he went along and left her to work on her project.

    This Renee girl was an exception for Dio. She held promise and she sought his guidance and accepted his talent. So long as she desired it he would mold this girl into something great. She was the one person he would allow to come to his level and even surpass him if he deemed it well. Regardless of this there was still much for her to prove before he could truly feel this fully.

    With class over there was nothing more for Dio to do other than to leave and make his way home. He bid farewell to the professor before making his way out of the building and into his home. He began working on another portrait before fatigue hit him and he fell asleep on his bed
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 2 • 6:15 PM
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

    The doors locked and the lights shut off, signalling the day had finally come to an end. Thank heavens! Miki arched her back and stretched her arms high above her head. Master really should have picked a different pose for her when he painted them. It was hard work to lean forward like that all day. Sheesh. She set down the tea cup and saucer amongst her piles of books and papers. This place was such a mess but they could never really keep it clean. Pukket squaked and her green eyes fell on him. A gentle smile crossed her lips and he flew out of the room. I promise I will tend to you tomorrow Pukket. Fear not. There was a whirring, clicking sound and she watched as he flew into the other room.

    Mori rose to his feet, his arm dangling at his side. Is there something I can do for you Mistress? He always aimed to please. His robotic golden eye rested on her and she shook her head. He nodded once before leaving the study as well.

    I should call upon some of the others. Perhaps they would like some tea... Miki pressed her lips together in thought and lifted her hat off the top of her head. With the Museum closed, they would have the rest of the evening and well into the night to do whatever it was they wished. She reached into her utility belt and pulled out a screw driver. Her stool was loose again and it would not look right if she tumbled over during museum hours. Miki knelt down to tighten the loose screw when a clink, clink, clink, sounded behind her. She didn't need to look to know it was Mori.

    Mistress, I brought you more tea. The sound of the tea pot clinking against the table caught her attention. He was a little clumsy, but very useful nonetheless.

    Thank you Mori. Would you be so kind as to call some of the others while I fix this stool? Evening tea with them sounds perfect right about now. There was no verbal response, but she could hear his metal fingers working the rotary phone. She would have to work on is arm again today. If only she could get him perfect, but part of her liked him so imperfect. It was part of the reason why she always undid what she did. He was more interesting exposed in such a manner.

    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.

    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.

    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.

    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.

    His calls were the same to everyone he phone. So loyal and diligent. She would need to come up with a better way for him to think on his own. Hmm....
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ~:lace: Miki and Mori's Cottagemotion: Nervously excitedusic: Until I Grasp The Second~
    Echo pressed on the doorbell and then stepped back. She felt like she was so tall and couldn't help but to hunch her shoulders a little. She hoped that Miki wouldn't mind the creepy girl to step in. Echo was being silly though, Mori called her in the first place. But she couldn't but to help feel shy at the offer. Mori was a piece of work himself, but she made everyone scream at her presence.

    The timid drawing bit her lower lip and smoothed down her black dress as she patiently waited. She craved for interaction and time with her friends, even more so after the picture frame she was in broke and then was shoved under a bed. Perhaps it was because she did not want to be forgotten all together. She could only imagine what little Sammy felt. The little one was on the back of a failed history exam, stuffed somewhere in a closet. At least Echo had a home where she was somewhat safe for the time being. She looked forward to and dreaded the day to where she would be found again. She would be seen again and remembered! But she heard of horror stories of sketches and drawings like herself being thrown into the trash, slowly being wasted away until there was nothing left of them.

    She shuddered at the thought and then looked down at her little companion. It was the same blue dressed doll from when she went to go visit Sammy and Angie. Unlike Echo, her complexion was very beautiful, her hair was in little ringlet curls, and she was not at all creepy like herself. With a small sigh, she straighten the silk feather hat on the doll's head and smiled. "We get to see Miki and Mori today, Emily," she said to the doll in a hushed tone. "Four friends in one day, how exciting for us."

    The doll did not reply back and continued to gaze off in the distance as if she was daydreaming of something else, but Echo did not mind. She shuffled her feet and then cleared her throat under her breath, waiting for the door to be opened to her.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Everything was quiet in his abode as he sat in his chair. The day had pretty dull as of the moment so Demetri was just admiring his surroundings. As a man who loved perfection it was no surprise that he wanted to surround himself by the things that he admired. After all perfection was everything anything less was garbage. That was the teaching that was inscribed into his mind.

    Soon the ringing of a phone sounded in his ears. Clearly it was someone who wanted to speak with him, so he made his way out of his chair and headed towards the phone.

    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.

    Ah Mori, Miki's doll. It had been some time since he's last seen them, so he decided to take them up on their offer of tea. When the message had ended, he hung up the phone and made his way towards their place of residence.
  6. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Place: Path to Miki and Mori's cottage --- Music --- Mood: Cheery

    Cammy walked along the path to go see Echo, who was at Miki and Mori's cottage. She whistled a tune to herself and skipped along. The young elf princess wondered what the plan for tonight was, being that Echo seemed to scare most others. Cammy didn't mind though, Echo was plenty nice and Cammy's favorite friend.

    As she skipped, she couldn't help but feel like someone was missing from the little world of sketches. It wasn't anybody she knew though, so she shrugged it off and continued. Cammy noticed some mochrome flowers by the path. "Ooh," she squealed, "Maybe Echo would like some!" Even cheerier than before, Cammy picked them and put them in her basket. "Oh, these are lovely. I wonder what colors they are..."
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 2 • 6:45 PM
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

    Mori answered the door upon its ringing. His mouth turned up into a smile and he swung his limp arm in the direction of the study. Mistress is in there. He pointed a robotic finger. His voice made a clicking noise and his golden mechanical eye watched as the guests entered the cottage. Mistress will be pleased to see you. He stepped away from the open door and made his way into the kitchen to check on the tea. Water was steaming out of the kettle and a loud whistling noise sounded in the cluttered room. He rifled for some fresh tea cups and the pot.

    His boot - legs clomped loudly on the tile floor as he carried the tray into the study. Pukket had returned to his spot on the phone and Mistress was examining that Amazon woman Echo. I could make you shorter if only you would let me. It wouldn't take much. I just need to cut open your legs. Mistress had a scalpel in one hand and a screw driver in the other. Mori made a coughing noise -- more like a hissing click -- and set the tray down on the paper covered table.

    Mistress, please do not scare the guests. he pleaded. She looked up at him and set down the scalpel.

    Fine, fine. But I do need it. Should you ever wish to shave off a few inches, I could always use extra parts for Mori.

    He shook his head and poured the tea into the cups. Mistress took her glass without another word and sipped lightly. He stood in the doorway and watched, awaiting his next command. She seemed to notice him lurking and motioned for him to sit. Mori nodded and took a place on the floor at her feet. He played with a wire on the ground, wrapping it round and round his finger.

    How are things in the land of monochrome?
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Myra was sighing, twirling a small ball on her finger. "Ugh there's nothing to ever do around here. Man I wish I could go shoot something...chicken preferably. Mhmm I could use some damn chicken now. Gods that makes me hungry..."
    She jumped as she heard the phone ring. She hesitantly picked up the phone. No one has called her for time and time. "Hopefully it isn't the animal corps. I probably shot too many chickens in that one area. Man I knew it would come around and get me back."
    Hello. This is Mori. Mistress would like for you to join us for tea.
    After hearing that message, Myra slammed the phone down and ran off towards the cottage. Within a few minutes, she reached the door and knocked at it. "Must me some occasion for asking us for tea after such a period of time, but who cares? Her tea kicks ass!"
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 2 • 7:00 PM
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

    Renée walked in through the front door just as her mother was clearing the kitchen table of the dinner. She gave her daughter a stern look and Renée looked uncertainly back at her. She kicked off her boots and hung her jacket on the coat rack before tentatively approaching the 40 - year - old woman. H - hi momma.

    You're late again. What's your excuse today because I know you didn't have class. Her mother set the dishes on the counter before crossing her arms and giving Renée one of her piercing blue - eyed death stares.

    U - um. ... Well you see ... I had a question about my project, so I wanted to talk to Senpai and he wasn't around. So you see ... She bit her lip.

    Renée Marie. How many times do we have to talk about you going on campus when when you're not in class? You know it's dangerous with all those college students.

    Renée shuffled uncomfortably in place. She dug her toe into the tile and spun her foot around anxiously. At least one more?


    Her head snapped up, locking eyes with her mother's fierce gaze. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again.

    There was a long silence before her mom finally pulled her into her arms and buried Renée's face in her chest. I'm just glad you're okay. You always scare me when you do this.

    I'm sorry momma. I promise it won't happen again. When her mother finally released her from the embrace, she noticed a box sitting on the counter. Um, what's that? she asked curiously.

    Her mother turned her head in the direction she pointed. Oh. I'm not sure. It's addressed to you. Did you order something?

    Renée shook her head before walking over to the box and picking it up. It was light. She grabbed a knife out of the draw and split the tape. Her fingers slipped under the flaps on the lid and reached inside a packing peanut filling. She rifled around inside until her hand wrapped around a smooth wooden surface. Her mother was watching her with an inquisitive expression on her face. She pulled out the sleek wooden box. There were ornate floral patterns etched into the sides. Her lips pressed into a hard line and her forehead crinkled as she opened it up.

    The inside had a rich crimson velvet lining with a startlingly bright paintbrush within. The handle was a dark wood of some sort with black bristles. Renée didn't know the variations of paintbrush bristles, but it looked expensive. She set it down to check the packaging, but there was no return sender on the box. That didn't make sense. She had always been waiting for the day that people would shower her in gifts for her work, but she wasn't a painter in the least bit. This just seemed odd. She picked up the wooden case again and noticed a small note tied around the handle.

    Only the best deserve the best
    Art is life
    It is time to breathe life into art
    Use responsibly

    She held the note between her fingers carefully. Her thumb traced over the lettering. What does it say? her mother asked. Renée flashed her the card, still gazing down. The paintbrush seemed to be calling to her somehow. It was strange. She felt this sudden desire to paint anything and everything. Her mother handed her the card back and rested her hands on her hips. She looked up to see the look the older woman was giving her. Renée, I don't think you should be accepting this.

    Why not? It could be from the Professor or something. She did talk about welcoming packages.

    You've been in class for over a week. Don't you think she would have mentioned something about sending everyone a custom paintbrush?

    Renée shrugged. She closed the case and tucked it under her arm. I'unno, but I'm keeping it. Even if I don't paint, it looks cool and a gift is a gift. She walked past her mother and out of the kitchen in the direction of her bedroom. She sat up for awhile doing homework and staring at the paintbrush. At one point in time, Renée went down to get food to eat, then came back up and went to bed.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 2 • 9:00 PM
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
    Miki was disappointed by the fact that she was yet again, unable to do anything about Echo's height. Someday they would all learn just how great of an inventress she was. No one would question her when she asked to make changes. She tightened the screws on Mori's shoulder before putting away her tools. The Monster gathered up the tea set and set to work on the kitchen while she prepared for the night's slumber. Miki had a large reclining chair in the corner of her study in which she slept in every night. Pukket was already roosting on the phone and she peeled off her jacket, goggles, and tool belt. Her hat was left sitting on the table and she kicked off her boots and gloves.

    Much better. Mori came back, clicking and clomping his way into the study. She nodded at him and he sat down on the floor. He pulled out a cord from his beneath the eye patch and plugged himself into the wall. The Monster charged up every night. He could go days without it, but it was better for everyone if he kept his battery at a full reserve. She moved to the switch on the wall and shut off the light. Miki gave her creation a small nod as he powered down and walked over to her chair. She pulled a blanket off the ground and wrapped herself in it.

    The gallery would be open again tomorrow. There would be another full day of sitting on that stool holding tea. That was their life, forever and always. Mori would never be able to be completed. Why couldn't Master let her finish him? How unfortunate. She sighed and shut her eyes before falling asleep.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Even though he was feeling somewhat better this time around, he still wasn't in the best condition that he could have been in. So again he pretty much spent the entire day in bed. There were a few times where his sister came in to check up on him but other than that, he laid in bed the whole day. When he was really feeling tired, he got up, showered and climbed back into bed and fell asleep.


    Returning to his dwellings, Demetri made his way towards his chambers. While he didn't visit Miki and Mori like he'd planned, he didn't worry about that too much. After all, there probably was another time for him to do so he didn't bother to dwell on it too much. Instead he climbed under the covers of his bed and soon fell asleep.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ~:lace: Miki and Mori's Cottagemotion: Nervously excitedusic: Until I Grasp The Second~

    Echo straightened when the door was answered and saw Mori there, dutiful as ever standing there and waiting for him. He grinned at her and then offered her to come in with an open arm.

    Mistress is in there.

    "Why thank you, Mori," Echo replied in a hushed voice before she curtsied to the other gentleman. Though he was half robot, she did not mind how odd he looked. She liked odd things that tickled her fancy. And his smile was just simply adorable. Echo ducked her head when she stepped through the cottage, holding Emily in front of her to let the doll see what was going on (even though the doll was not alive). The young eerie girl would like to think so though.

    Mistress will be pleased to see you.

    Echo smiled just a bit, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear before she stepped into the room where Miki was. She was greeted with the site of the scalpel in the lady's hand. It did not frigthen her. After all, Echo came from a drawing with bits of blood on one of her puppets and skulls embedded in the wall.

    I could make you shorter if only you would let me. It wouldn't take much. I just need to cut open your legs.

    Shy but kind Echo hunched her shoulders a bit, suddenly feeling like a giant to this lady. This topic always came up on encounters, which made Echo fell self conscious for a bit. But she was among company and friends, and thus it did not bother her for very long.

    Mistress, please do not scare the guests.

    Fine, fine. But I do need it. Should you ever wish to shave off a few inches, I could always use extra parts for Mori.

    A quiet laugh escaped from the dark lady's lips as she sat down in a chair and let Emily sit on her lap. "I would love you to make me shorter," Echo whispered honestly, "but I'm sure once I'm found, my creator will notice the difference... No matter how long I've been under that bed." Echo took a cup of tea and sipped the warm liquid slowly. A thought crossed over her mind and she looked up thoughtfully to the ceiling. "Though I suppose I could just stand on a stool... Hmmm." The young girl smiled a bit, setting the saucer and teacup on her lap in front of Emily. "But alas, I want to be how my creator made me... If he sees it fit to make the changes when he finds me again, I will be happy with it."

    With a shrug of her shoulders, she sat back in the chair. To be found again... Oh her dream and her fear as she thought of earlier. What would happen? The thought of that frightened her. She loved who made her, though she was neglected and left alone. She felt his emotions run through her very being when he let the pencil fall onto paper... And there she was.

    How are things in the land of monochrome?

    Echo made small chitchat about this and that, what new dolls and puppets she acquired, how she keeps them hidden behind the skulls embedded in her drawings, and how things were still silent in her little world. She mentioned how lonely she was though, and really appreciated the invite over for tea and would love to do this more often, if Miki did not mind anyways. Before she knew it, Echo had the feeling it was time to go. Though she was not hung up in a gallery, on display, or in someone's book, Echo liked to pretend she was and needed to be a good drawing before her creator caught her missing. What were the chances of that though? She pushed that deary thought of her head and said her goodbyes before she made her way back into her depressing world. On the way there, she ran into Cammy who greeted her with a smile and offered her flowers. Echo talked with her a bit before she curtsied and said her goodbyes and that they should spend time together another day.

    Before she knew it, she was back in her own world.

    With a deep sigh, she put Emily and the flowers out of sight with the other dolls and grabbed the little girl puppet that held a puppet in her own hand. Standing where she usually would be, Echo moved to pose and then held completely still, her eyes looking out longingly to the outside world.

    "Please find me," she whispered to the darkness before she drifted off to sleep.
  13. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Emile had been sitting on the roof for quite sometime now. Though there was no reason he shouldn't have. The night's weather was perfect to relax and sit in, and the sky was just absolutely beautiful. Not trying to draw it should be considered a crime. He had been painstakingly trying to capture the sheer majesty of the night sky, but unfortunately his skills just weren't good enough yet. It was slightly upsetting to the young man, but this was why he was going to extra classes. Becoming a great artist was always a dream that just never seemed to be within the young boy's reach. But now, he was being helped to reach such a dream with so many wonderful people.

    His mother eventually called him in for dinner, at which point the young individual reluctantly closed his sketchpad and packed things up. Walking downstairs he had realized how hungry he had gotten from just sitting there and drawing the sky for hours. As such he was quite thrilled to be eating dinner now.

    When all was said and done Emile went back to his room and lied in bed. Today had been pretty mellow, but that's just because nowadays every day that wasn't art class, wasn't nearly as exciting as those that were. He was so ecstatic for the joys tomorrow would bring and kept acting each night before hand like it would be the night before the first class. With excitement on the mind the young lad went to sleep.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The day was dull and boring, but Dio could at least say he was glad that it went by fast. Those dullards that followed him around were quite annoying and it was amusing to think that they thought he considered them friends. They were idiots who just basked around him, mesmerized by his greatness and and acting tough just because he knew them. Individually they were all weak and Dio thought of them as mere puppets.

    He sat at home thinking about his works of art and just what he would do to make it come to life. Nothing could truly compare to his finest work of art and he prided his being into that work. It was a shame that he sold it off to that museum where the peasants could see it, but he knew just keeping it to himself was something that it did not deserve. He desired it to gain its praise and for it to be rewarded for its uniqueness.

    Tomorrow he would have to go to that class once more. He could care less really, but then when he thought about it there was always that little classmate he had been keeping an eye on. He was quite curious about her so in the end he was looking forward to working with her. Closing his eyes with a smirk he head off to his bed and fell asleep ready to awake for the next day.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Angst//Day: 3//Day IRL: 1/4 Days]

    The time was four pm on the mark. Art class had just begun and it was time to get back to work on drawing, painting, and sculpting. Everyone could ask for help from the teacher aids or everyone could keep to themselves and do their own things. Aiden was sitting in his usual place, staying out of everyone's way. He didn't say anything to anyone when they came in for class, didn't even pay attention to any grand entrances that happened or any spontaneous burnouts of happiness. He was lost in his own little world. It was just him, a blank piece of paper, his pencil and some charcoal. He didn't even look around to see if his favorite teacher's aid was there. He wanted to be left alone today if that was possible, stay out of everyone's way like usual. Things weren't floating so smoothly at home right now, and he felt like he was starting to lose it gradually. Instead of reaching out though, he reached in. Even though he felt sick to his stomach, his head hurt, and his hands barely shook, he would keep silent. Aiden didn't want to be here in class today, but he didn't want to miss a day. If he missed a day without a note or saying anything, that would make people question him more. He would probably get some words from Dio and the other aids and he didn't want that right now. He was going to suck it up and deal with this like the man he was suppose to be to society.

    He picked up his piece of charcoal and began to etch out an outline of a shadow knelt on the ground and holding their head. He was completely lost in what he was doing, not listening to the chitchat that was happening around him. Maybe after he was done with his individual "art therapy", he would go back to his happy place and work on that castle in the clouds drawing he was working on. There was so much detail in that thing, Aiden didn't want to mess it up with his emotions right now. Not only did he have to be careful with the details in that thing, but he was also planning on adding color to it. Maybe he could ask Rowan or Reilly for their opinions and see if adding color to it was what it needed or was it fine the way it was. Right now though, he was battling his little demon that was running around inside his head.

    He was wasting his time here, someone told him. Someone he was close to. He was wasting his time, his talents, and his life. He wouldn't get anywhere with being an artist. He was going to fail at it no matter what he did. He was a disappointment. Aiden pinched his lips tightly together and leaned over his work, shading his piece with different shades and made one huge intimidating shadow standing over the figure down on the ground and suffering. This was how he felt right now.

    After a while, Aiden pulled the drawing out of view and stuck it in a binder, not letting anyone else see it. He had to work on his work. It was what he was taking this class for. Taking in a deep breath, he pushed his glasses up his nose and gathered up the charcoal. He put it all away and then went to the sink to wash the blackness off his hands.

    Time to bring his mind back to reality.
  16. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Rowan Zachary Halstead
    DATE: January 29th, 2014 [Wednesday] Ø CURRENTLY: In Class Ø CONDITION: Good Ø OOC: Snoogans

    Rowan sat in the art class as it had officially started. The professor sat at her usual spot behind her desk as he was in his seat, randomly doodling whatever came to mind in his thick sketch pad. Occasionally, in order to switch it up every now and then, he would get up and walk around the class, checking if they needed help on whatever it was they were working on. At least, that was the excuse he gave to the professor. Really, all he wanted to do was see what it was that they were doing. A little glimpse into what is floating around in their heads. That was something that was infinitely fascinating to him. It would be neat if he could just turn people into books and see what was going on in those funny little heads of theirs. Maybe even reading their memories, their past experiences. That would be amazing. With something like that, he would be able perfectly portray people in art. Ah, but that would be incredibly invasive of their privacy.

    After making his rounds and not needing to help any of the students in the class, he went back to his seat and started to doodle once again. This time around, he was more interested in monsters and horrors and things of that nature. His interest was sparked by a monster movie he saw on TV the other day. After watching it, he became more and more interested in trying to draw such monsters in his own way. Monsters such as vampires, mummies, werewolves, giant bats, Frankenstein's Creature and the like. All of them had piqued his interest. As such, he had started to do research on them. It was interesting to see how other people portrayed each creature, with each one being so different from the other. However, Rowan noticed that each incarnation had several features that were deemed essential to the character. It was fascinating.

    As he looked down at his sketch pad, he thought of which monster he would like to draw first. There were so many to choose from, so many different creatures that it was difficult to decide on one. Ultimately, he decided to first draw a werewolf, a man with the ability to transform into a humanoid wolf creature under the full moon. The first thing he worked on was the frame of the creature. He needed to decide how much of the wolf would come through in its wolf form. Would it be more humanoid than wolf or would it be more wolf than humanoid? Decisions, decisions, decisions. What he ended up going with was a bipedal wolf, the most common depiction of a werewolf. As he continued to draw the figure, he drew the legs like a wolf's hind legs.

    As soon as he completed the body, he needed to decide on the head. How wolf-like should the head look? Should it be a full on wolf head or should it be more human-like with out the muzzle? In the end, he made it a full on wolf head, with saliva dripping out of the corners of its mouth. It was starting to look very fearsome, exactly as he wanted. At this point, he needed to decide where to place the fur, and how much of it to put. He decided to place the fur all across the head and to the shoulders, going down the back and stopping around the lower back area, and around the forearms and legs. With many quick strokes of his pencil, he slowly continued to add strand after strand of hair to the areas he had decided to place the fur.

    The figure looked very menacing, ready to leap off of the page and onto whatever pray it's hunting. All that was left was to add the shading. First, he needed to decide where the light would be coming from. He placed it in the top right, which meant that all of the shadows would be cast on the bottom left of the werewolf. Quickly, he did some cross-hatch shading in the areas that needed it and placed the pencil down. The drawing was complete, and he was wholly satisfied by the drawing he had made. It looked as fierce and feral as he wanted it to.
  17. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    All morning, Sasha kept drawing, erasing, measuring, and detailing her pictures until they all ended with the same fate. Getting crumpled up and tossed in the trash can behind her. Besides the sounds of people drawing, she was the only other person making the other sounds of scrunching paper and the sound of it hitting the trash can.
    Sighing, she stared at her blank sketchpad, tapping the pencil against her forehead. It seemed like the same cycle every day she entered this room. Why? Of course she knew. She lost the whole effort and careness of creating a new piece. She cared so little about it...yet why...why...does she still care? Time has should she on such thoughts...
    The sound of lead cracking snapped her back into reality. She stared at her paper with her pencil pressed against it a bit too hard. Seemed like she was too distracted. She sighed and rubbed the pencil mark away with her eraser. I'm thinking too much...I need...a break...or something...anything but this... She got up and bowed to the teacher. "I'm sorry, but I need to step out and take a small break. I'm not...feeling all here..." Without another word she quickly stepped out of the classroom and at the entrance, staring at the afternoon sun for some clearance in her mind.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Angst//Day: 3//Day IRL: 2/4 Days]

    "I'm sorry, but I need to step out and take a small break. I'm not...feeling all here..."

    Aiden perked up when he heard those words float in the air and then found their way to his own ears. It was like a mirror of how he was feeling almost. He looked over his shoulder, just in time to see a girl with brown hair walk out of the classroom. Aiden watched for a moment, even when the doors swung shut. That was one of the art students that never made an outburst when coming into class. Nor did she really interact with anyone like Aiden.

    He stood there for a moment, not sure whether to ignore his intuition to go see if she was okay, or just leave her alone and go back to his work. But he kind of knew what it was like to not feel all here... If only a little bit. With a sigh and a nudge of his glasses up his nose once more, he made his way to the double doors where the girl had disappeared to. "I'll be back," he said to the professor with a nod and then made his way out.

    It didn't take too long to find this girl, she was standing at the entrance looking in the direction of the sun. Probably not at the sun, cause that would burn anyone's eyes out. Feeling hesitant, he took little steps towards her till he was standing a few ways from her. "You too, huh?" Aiden finally spoke up. He leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets, looking out to the sky as well. "But are we really all here? Or are we nonexistent. Physics says that we're in a constant state of motion, therefore we're never really here." He smiled a bit, adjusting his glasses nervously. "It's nonsense, but I like to think about odd things like that. I'm Aiden, by the way... The quiet boy in the corner by the window." Then he waited for a reaction. Either she would yell at his face to tell him to bug off, walk away and give him the cold shoulder, respond to him, or do something completely different. He was prepared for whatever, especially the negative that he figured was bound to happen. He was socially awkward outside of Sunny Ranch. He didn't know how to connect with others with words in his peer groups.

    "I'm not feeling all here myself," he said, looking over at her. "Half of me is stuck in a tarpit of sadness within me, while the other half is longing to be up there." Aiden nodded his head to the sky. "I wanna fly, but I don't want to suddenly crash and die once I get that freedom, you know?" He sighed out, looking down. "I'm sorry, I'm talking too much."
  19. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Sasha sighed as she stared out towards the sunset. Ugh what was I thinking? I shouldn't have walked out like that. Probably just made a scene for myself. I should probably...go back in and apologize.
    You too, huh?
    Sasha jumped when someone said that and turned to find that someone seemed to followed her out of the classroom. That one kid...using the charcoal today. She caught glimpses of his artwork. She was good at perception since she could tell what people were drawing just from their hand motions. Anyways, she heard him talk a lot actually about psychological kinds of stuff. About existence and all that stuff.
    I'm sorry, I'm talking too much."
    She giggled at his words. "No no it's not that. It's just I see a lot of myself in the way you talk and act."
    She smiled and turned back at the sun. "We all have our moments in life. People can't handle such pressure and just collapse like a building supported on 4 stands when two of them get knocked down. Then there are those who hold a two sided personality, never knowing who they really are."
    She then turned back at him with a somewhat sad tone to her eyes. "Then there are people like you and me. Always teetering on the sides between reality and fantasy, wanting the best of both worlds. Wishing for stuff...stuff we hold dear...stuff that we lost...and want to get back. Words we cannot get out of our mouths and just swim around in our heads. We're ticking time bombs...waiting to go off at any given moment..."
    She realized she was starting her "speech-that-makes-people-get-restraining-orders-on-her" and shook her head with a small smile. "Ehehe. Silly me. People must be wondering if I'm sane or not...but...thank you. Holding these kinds of stuff in me is hard to do. It really lifts a weight off my shoulders. Oh! I didn't even say my name! Ahem...I'm Sasha Tayes. It's nice to meet you." She gave him a small bow.
  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Angst//Day: 3//Day IRL: 3/4 Days]

    The boy was quiet, listening to what the other had to say. She had so much trapped in her, it was kind of cool that she was letting out to a stranger like him. All the words she was saying was deep and had many different meanings to them. She said that they were both the same, they both had words trapped in their head, they were both ticking time bombs ready to go off. Although to Aiden, this older girl was giving him a lot of words to chew on and think of. Perhaps she was afraid to ever let it out in the open and was scared away by the fact that normal humans without Aiden's and this girl's experiences would walk away, tell them to shut up and shut it in, suck it up and deal with it... All those horrible things that humans shouldn't tell other humans to do. Although Aiden was the sort of lad to keep to himself, something about this other student told him to reach out to her. Call it the small voice within his heart, a gut feeling, something that science couldn't explain because there were no facts, but Aiden Parker Otega was here and ready to listen and open himself up to this other student the best he could. Even though she seemed older than him, a lot older even, he felt like he could sort of get on the same level of maturity as her. At least a little bit.

    "Ehehe. Silly me. People must be wondering if I'm sane or not...but...thank you. Holding these kinds of stuff in me is hard to do. It really lifts a weight off my shoulders. Oh! I didn't even say my name! Ahem...I'm Sasha Tayes. It's nice to meet you." She gave him a small bow.

    So her name was Sasha Tayes. That had a nice ring to it, like a poem of some kind. Listening to Sasha, Aiden did something he rarely did in front of anyone else outside of Sunny Ranch; he smiled. It was a small one, but he actually let himself smile in front of this stranger acquaintance Sasha Tayes. "It's okay, people are wondering if I'm sane too. But are we all sane? I think we're a bit crazy in our own ways, and most people just don't want to admit it to the world. They say the crazy ones are the kind who don't know they're insane to begin with... So that both makes us sane."

    Babbling. He was babbling again.

    Aiden cleared his throat and pushed his glasses nervously up his nose. "Guess I have stuff I'm holding in too." He smiled again, looking at Sasha. "I guess I just wanna let you know that you have a listening ear in this art class whenever you need it. I know, I'm younger than you but to me... All that matters is that everyone is okay, Even a little okay."
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