I has returned! >:] lol I've been having a thing for Code Geass lately and I found an awesome render that I just had to try my skillz on XD Here's the result: i also made an avvy as well: CnC anyone? And if you love it, seriously, tell me.
It's bright, neon pink, monochromatic, busy, horrible typography, bland effects, with absolutely no flow. I hate it and I think it sucks.
wow, what's wrong with you?! D< oh and there's no difference. ANYWAYS back with the sig...I think it's a little too bright.
Feel free to express your opinion but do it in a respectful manner. If you carry on doing things like these (borderline troll) then I will have to take action.
Pink...Lelouch's favorite color along with purple and red. Great work. I like the duplication of their faces. The effects are nice as well.
i actually got the colour sample tool thingy and got the colour out of rolo's eyes XD it came out awesome. Thanks for the comment.
Yes there is. I posted destructive criticism, ergo, telling someone what's wrong with what they posted in a rude and hateful manner. This way, he/she should take what's wrong about this particular sig (everything) and try and make it better (ahahah good ****ing luck with that).
Only constructive criticism is allowed on this webiste. As astonishing as it may be, constructive criticism does the same thing as destructive except in the end, they actually like you for the comment. Don't piss people off, you'll get voted off the island.
In anycase, actually back on the topic of why I do destructive crit rather than constructive? Because 90% of the members who post in the threads are like: "OMG DATS SO GOOD" or "10/10 i love code gayass and i'm a gigantic homosexual" That is not very good if you want to improve. It's great encouragement, but it makes the person getting praised CONTINUE to do ****** things with their tags. However, if they can properly suck up someone telling their **** is horrible, then that might make them want to prove that person that, "no I can be better and I will show you." I'd post constructive if you guys weren't giving such horrible ****ing criticism in the first place.
Play nice kiddies <3 As for the graphics; Hun I like the avatar, but I can't say I am a big fan of the sig. The pink is way too much for my taste, it feels flat (I can't think of a better way to describe it sorry). That being said I do like the duplication of their faces and I think its a great base for something that could be really good.
Look sunshine, I have seen far worse graphics than that :/ You don't know bad until you see a kid stick a googled picture of Sora into paint, crop it and stick a border on it and call it a tag. Don't put words in my mouth <3 Being nice for the sake of being nice is as redundant as being a **** for the sake of it, neither accomplishes anything.
No one needs to be a pro at graphics to give good CnC. But they do need to give reason as to what makes them like it so much and vice versa. I beleive those kinds of posts saying "Love it/Hate it" need to be deleted but yeah. Nothing I can really do about it. And I'd say more but I need to go wash my dog or something.
thanks, I've only been making avvies and sigs for the last 2 months, and I'm still learning, not pro at it yet but I hope I can be someday XD