Trolls just kicked me out of a community due to me spreading its dark secret. In tears right now. I feel so horrible right now.
I for shamely don't know what Trolls is, but I am very sorry to hear that, smash. I hope that you will feel better soon!
If you really must know... The admins on that site fill other sites' members with PMs saying to go to their site, and when people reply, saying it's not that good, the admins respond by saying rude things. The chat on that site is not satisfying either, it's just full of trolls throwing racist and rude comments at the visitors. I am feeling like that site should be shut down because it is so bad.
So you told people that... and the admins kicked you out? Idiocy. Its their fault for not running the site well.
It's okay, you did a good thing. Standing up for what you thought was right and all the cliche things! But, really, stay strong. You did the right thing! I hope you feel better. *hugs* c: