AN: This story takes place in an alternate universe and begins after CoM at the start of KHII after Roxas’ Story. However, there are a few differences that make this Story AU. This is already up on my FFnet account but I'd thought I'd upload it here to see what you all think. Please comment. xD Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. I use some exact quotes/scenes from the game and CoM Manga books, other’s are slight variations. Any lines you recognize are used for literary purposes and no copyright infringement is intended. (Why do I bother with this? XD) Summary: When Sora refuses to forget Namine he is left with broken memories he insists on remembering himself. Yet while he sleeps his world is slowly disolving around him. Can his other half save his home while his best friend continues to search for a way to wake him up? His childhood friend continue to forget him as Kairi slowly crumbles under the weight of her own forgotten memories. They are all running out of time as The Organization continues to find ways to hurt them all. Trailer: _________xXx___________ Chapter One: Shoreline Memories. “Memory: a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things.” - Pierce Harris Sora ran down the sunset covered beach with Riku close behind. The older boy held out a spider crab in front of him, reaching for the back of the eight year old’s shirt. Why had he ever told the older boy he was afraid of anything with more than four legs? Riku had found it amusing and then proceeded to tease him with every large, many legged thing he could find. Including the spider crab he was chasing Sora with now. “Come on Sora. I think he wants a kiss…” “Quit it Riku!” Sora almost whined, desperately trying to outrun the older and faster boy. Riku only laughed, and held out the awful wiggling thing closer. When he got too close the spiky haired youth let out a childish yelp as raced back through the shallows. The cool water splashed up in Sora’s face, as he turned to stick out his tongue in the silver haired boy’s direction. What he hadn’t expected was for Riku to follow him. Sora let out another cry of distress, and backed way from the other boy who was still brandishing his weapon of a many legged creature. “Riku! Knock it off!” Both boys turned to look back at the shore, where a young girl their age stood, hands on her hips. She didn’t look angry, just amused and exasperated all at once. The two boys had been scuffling and chasing each other around all afternoon, just being boys and it seemed the girl had had enough of being left out. Short red hair hung in her bright eyes as she waved them to the shore. Riku waved back, trying to hide the crab behind his back. Sora started to wave back as well before- (Wherever you go…) A voice boomed out over the island, like thunder rolling in the distance, even though it was smooth and sweet, a child’s voice. It rang with purpose and a promise. He recognized it, a familiar lilt that tugged at his memories. (I’ll always be with you.) Turning to look for the voice, Sora tripped over an unseen rock and splashed headfirst into the shallows. His hearing was somewhat impaired as he splashed about trying to get right side up. Riku’s muted laughter rung in his ears, along with the red headed girl’s worried calls. His head hurt, and he felt like he was floating in air for the slightest of moments. White flooded his eyes. Did he hit his head? (Don’t worry. You’ll forget about me… ) A second voice echoed in his head, rattling his mind and his soul to the core. He was certain knew that voice! Who was it? Naminé? Suddenly, his lungs burned, fiery pain filling his entire chest. Why wasn’t he breathing? He inhaled deeply, only to find he was still underwater. Oh yeah, that was why. Great, now he was drowning in the shallows. Riku would never let him live it down. Suddenly someone yanked him upright and a laughing voice sounded in his ears over the constant coughing and clearing of his lungs. He shook out his hair as the voice sounded again, “Come on Sora, pull yourself together…” “Sora!” The red head splashed her way into the shallows to where her two friends were. She squished his face in her hands, “Sora! Are you ok?” Riku laughed, “Sora was just trying to be a fish that’s all!” The girl let got of his face leaving Sora to blush profusely. “Was not.” He muttered darkly, rubbing his slightly sore cheek. She smiled at Sora and turned on the older silver haired boy, “You were chasing him with the stupid crab, Riku.” “Oh come on, Ka-“ Suddenly, the whole world shifted. Sora felt rocked backward, and all sound stopped. Things spun and fell back into place. Sora tried to yawn and clear his ears. He must still have sea water in them. When he turned back to the others the red head was poking a still laughing Riku in the side, “You’re such a big meanie sometimes, Riku.” She sighed as he just grinned at her. She cocked her head at Sora, “You’re alright aren’t you?” Sora grinned and rubbed at the back of his head with one hand, “Course I am, Naminé.” He replied without thinking. “Naminé?” the red head looked taken back. “Sora, you doink, I’m not Naminé. I’m Ka-“ It happened again. The earth rocked and shook, nearly knocking Sora over. Sound ceased for those few milliseconds, but when it was all over the red headed girl was still standing there shaking her head. “He must have hit his head.” Riku responded lightly, already wading out of the shallows. “If he did, it’s your fault.” The girl reprimanded. Riku only laughed again. He paused letting her huff past him and up the beach. Sora shook his head still getting his soundings again. He looked up at the wide open sky, down the beach to the tiny island where their tree stood. He was still on his island, so what was happening? In his normal optimistic manner, he decided he was just tired. He sighed and waded his way up to Riku. Riku turned slightly, and gave a small smile, “Sorry.” Sora was taken back. He never knew Riku to apologize so quickly before. Besides they were just messing around. He got over it quickly and grinned putting both hands behind his head, “Sure. S’okay! I got a hard head remember?” Riku smirked and suddenly locked the younger boy’s head under his arm. Sora let out a yelp of distress and tried desperately to pull away the older boy’s obviously stronger grip. Riku ignored him, and easily gave him a rather harsh noogie, “Yep, head as hard as a rock.” Riku laughed, finally letting go of Sora. Sora stumbled back a few feet rubbing at his hair. “Hey! I might have a concussion!” He complained, but he was laughing. “You won’t be messed up any more than you already are.” Riku retorted lightly. Sora stuck out his tongue, making Riku laugh again. “Don’t be such a kid, Sora.” ‘I miss this…’ Sora thought suddenly. He was taken aback by his own thoughts. Missed? He was here practically every day. What could he possibly miss? Still the feeling of nostalgia gripped its claws into his heart and wouldn’t let go. Riku was still grinning at him, but suddenly turned to look after the red headed girl who was making her way up to the secret place. Sora looked after her as well, and made to call out her name… but stopped. Her name. What was her name? He really had to be tired to be pulling a blank at a time like this. He turned to Riku to ask a question that would probably get him the largest teasing of his life, but Sora didn’t care. He was really starting to get worried. Something must have happened when he hit his head… if he hit his head. However, the look on his best friend’s face stopped him. Riku looked sad, forlorn almost, even though a small smile lit his face. (Take care of her…) Riku’s voice echoed throughout the island, rumbling inside Sora’s heart with purpose and finality. He stared his friend, thoroughly befuddled. Riku’s voice had been so saddened. It didn’t fit their normal carefree day at the beach. Why did his best friend sound as if he was saying goodbye… “What did you say?” Riku suddenly looked confused, “I said we’d better catch up to her.” He grinned again, nudging Sora, “She’ll prolly end up telling Naminé that I almost let you drown. Then they’ll both have my head.” “Naminé…” Sora half-questioned. She was here too? So he had heard her voice. He wasn’t going crazy… “Um, yeah… remember Naminé?” He rapped his knuckles on Sora’s forehead, “You ok? You know where we are, right? You know who I am?” (We got to find the King and Riku!) This time it was his own voice the echoed throughout his very soul. Sora looked overly confused, he reached up to place a hand on his forehead only to find it very heavy. He couldn’t move. He wasn’t sure his feet were touching the sand anymore, although he could most defiantly feel the warm grains rising up beneath his toes. Mist swirled around the shore line, though it could have just been the surf. Riku started too look worried. “Sora? Come on. We’ll get you back to Naminé and Ka-“ Sound hitched again. Sora shook his head to clear it. “-at the Tree house. The girls will have a drink…” Riku started up the beach again. Sora tried to move his feet. It didn’t work. “Riku…” Sora’s voice was far away. He was still floating, and he could no longer feel his feet on the ground, emerged in neither the sand nor waves. Riku turned, looking confused again. He said something, but the sound of rushing waves took over. This was not brief, but instead enveloped everything. (I don’t belong anywhere in your heart.) Sora started to panic. His breath hitched and all of Destiny Island spun underneath him, and the waves suddenly rose to impossible heights. Riku reached out to grab him, but his best friend’s hand passed through Sora’s own. Frightened Sora struggled to reach toward Riku’s hand. It was too far away, and Sora was swept away. The sun was blotted out by an unforeseen pitch black. Destiny Island disappeared. Riku faded into darkness. Sora hovered in the air, alone. He forced his eyes half open, and there she stood. She half-turned, staring over her shoulder- (You’ll forget me.) Sora’s hand clenched. He tried to shake his head, but couldn’t… “But we have our Promise.” She gave a sad smile and shook her head. Suddenly everything went black. “…we have our promise.” Then Sora began to fall.
PLEASE NOTE: Anything in Italics and Parentheses are "memories" or rather lines taken from the Orginal works of Kingdom Hearts. XD Thanks again! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: Fragmented Memories "I am not quite sure whether I am dreaming or remembering, whether I have lived my life or dreamed it. Just as dreams do, memory makes me profoundly aware of the unreality, the evanescence of the world, a fleeting image in the moving water." -Eugene Ionesco Sora fell, and continued to fall, faster and faster into darkness with the wind rushing through his ears. He didn’t fight it, but let his head fall back, giving into the piercing wind. It bit at his cheeks and hands, making them twinge with pain, but he remained limp, letting gravity to what it would with him. Just when he thought he could fall forever, he simply stopped. He opened his eyes. Everything was white except the purple and green designs of the floor the only thing giving him some sort of distance between him and an invisible white wall. That couldn’t be right. This wasn’t his island. Mist covered his sight. He blinked sleepily and shut his eyes again. This time he fell slowly, almost as if he was flying through the air. Everything was soft as a cloud, and Sora actually felt a smile spread across his face. A peaceful happy smile, that reached his very heart. It tugged at something there, something like a stray string on a sweater, annoying and intriguing all at once. (I can’t believe it…) His voice echoed around him, but he wasn’t sure if it was his thoughts or merely past words coming back to him. He didn’t remember these words but it no longer scared him. They were supposed to come back this way… The clouds broke around him giving way to actual wind, soft and sweet like the sea. Sora could practically smell the sweet paupu fruit that grew in Destiny Island (I actually flew… I wonder what Ka-) His mind hitched again, and Sora began to get annoyed. He knew her name. Almost better than he knew his own, written on his very heart. However the letters didn’t make any sense. Like ancient Greek or child’s writing, the letters jumbled about in the air and didn’t let him understand. Who was she? “Sora! Answer me!†He knew that voice, and this one he could even put a face to. What did Riku want now? He was trying to remember her name. Riku’s voice sounded again, even though this time the words were jumbled. He should probably wake up. Perhaps being awake could help him remember her name. Sora tried opening his eyes again. Everything blurred for a moment, before he blinked once or twice, and reached a hand up to rub at his eyes. The buckles on his gloves clanked against his nose but he finally cleared his vision. He wasn’t flying anymore. He was back on his island. He smiled almost sleepily. “What a crazy dream…†he muttered softly. They were by the waterfall now, the fresh clean water sprayed in Sora’s face waking him up even more. Riku was there and the red headed girl. Both looked far too worried for their own good. The girl kept looking between her two friends, and Sora noticed tears in her eyes. He felt bad. First he couldn’t remember her name, and now she was crying. He tried to speak, wet his lips and tried again, reaching up his hand. “Don’t cry, Naminé.†He said without with thinking. His hand fell as soon as he realized what he said. She wasn’t Naminé... The girl looked stricken, and turned to Riku who was shaking his head. “Sorry…†was all Sora could force out. He felt so awful. How could he forget her name? Sora was far more awake now. His head hurt, but that was it. Yet all children got bumps and bruises. In fact his mother would ask him if he was sick if he didn’t come home with some kind of scrape. He looked at Riku as if his older friend would finally tell him what was going on. Why were things so messed up? Why couldn’t he remember- Sora hit himself lightly on the forhead with the heels of his hands. It was right on the tip of his tounge. "Sora?" He voice caught his attention, and Sora tried to see past the sun to her face. "You know who I am? Right?" Sora opened his mouth to explain, only to find nothing there. He looked away ashamed, and lightly shook his head. Her gasp sent a sharp jab through his heart, and Riku sighed, a little more shakily than normal. Sora peeked back, trying to sit up. His head felt lightly. “Go get Naminé…†Riku finally commanded the girl. She looked torn between staying with Sora and listening to the older boy’s directions. She opened her mouth to say something but Riku cut her off throwing his arm out in the direction of the tree house. “Now!“ She looked at Sora once more, before she took off running toward the tree house. Riku tentatively helped Sora sit up and handed him an earthen ware cup. Sora noted the chipped edge and knew it was one of the cups that his mom had given the three of them to use on his island. (What happened to my Home? My Island?) “Drink.†Sora obeyed, choosing to ignore his own frightening words floating through his head. As the cool clean water ran down his throat, Sora could feel the pain in his head lessen. Riku was still staring at him nervously, as if Sora would collapse any minute. “Sora, What’s wrong? You’re scaring Ka-“ Again that millisecond of silence, blocking out that name... It was important and Sora want- no, needed to remember. He was getting really annoyed now. In a completely uncharacteristic and sudden move, he threw down the cup and it shattered. The pieces flew into the air, and Riku threw up an arm to block his face. Sora forced himself to stand. Storm clouds seeped onto the island, but Sora didn’t take too much notice. The wind blew across the island, as Sora stood there, upset and angry for reasons he didn’t understand. ("I hate her. It's not fair she's the one who made me remeber.") He opened his mouth to speak, but something caught his eye- a mixture of red and white. He turned to see the redheaded girl standing at the top of the path, practically crying, her hand clenched around one of her long necklaces. Sora looked past her, at the tiny blond behind her. An abrupt wind played the edges of their pink and white dresses. She held a large sketch book to her chest, and she looked as if she was about to cry as well. The soft melodious sound of metal being pushed onto metal by the wind reached his ears, and it sounded like chains in the wind. Sora took a step forward- “Naminé?†She shook her head and motioned to the red head in front of her. Sora felt his heart tug. Something was wrong. His hands clenched. Something like anger or frustration boiled up inside him, and he shut his eyes tight. (I’m not supposed to be in this picture.) “No!†Sora practically shouted, his voice rising like it always did when he got excited or upset. The words were out of his mouth before he registered them. “I’ll find you after I wake up.†(“You’ll forget me.â€) “No. I’m not going to forget!†He now yelled, as thunder rolled over head. With it a multitude of voices thundered across the island as well. They were memories- ones from a trip, a journey across time and space, now forgotten. It was if the blonde girl was hurling them at him forcing him to remember. Sora threw his hands up to block out the continuous noise. White covered his vision instead. He was floating again. Like before, but it was no longer peaceful. It was like trying to swim upward without knowing which way was up. His eyes only half opened. His limbs were as heavy as lead, even though he himself felt light as air. It was as if… he was trying to wake up, but someone wouldn’t let him. In the midst of this painful confusion, Naminé’s voice whispered in his ear. “I’m sorry, Sora…†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don’t get any reviews, this won’t be continued here because I'm guessing that no one likes it. :( That and I'm kinda of a comment Whore. XD
Wow, this really changes thing. Your description is really good though Sora seemed a bit out of character then. Please, more!
Muh-nuh... :deflates: yeah, Sora is such a hard character for me to write. I tried to get the same kind of anger out of him that he had in CoM toward Larxene. Passionate and reekless... but it didn't come out this way. XP Ah well... Sora will be Sora. I should prolly keep toward the happy-go-lucky side of him. xD I'm glad you're looking forward to more. :nod: