The life has escaped this section. Just added a little shock before it dies completely. FLOCK AND POST!!! also cnc.
I was expecting something completely different before I actually clicked on your thread. Since usually when something has 51 views no comments it's not as good as it could be. HOWEVER, I was pleasantly surprised with this. I really really really like the grainy effect that you used and how it looks sort of rustic as opposed to contrasting it too much. I think what adds to part of that rustic/aged look is the browns that you altered the color with. If I had to critique anything about this, it would only be that perhaps you could try spacing out the letters/words out more to make them more readable, but other than that well done!
I'm really loving this. I'm so jelly of your skillz. ; ___ ; But, this is really lovely. The colors seem subdued, but still really beautiful. The Ven image is kinda flow-breaking, like you only notice his head at first. I don't particularly like the font, but this thing is amazing overall. I'm so curious about how to do all this. It looks great.