With text Without text Yeah, I tried something new but I don't know what else to do with it. So some cnc would be nice. c:
I like it with the text in it. I think it would be better with more shine in it. (It could be a bit more clearer and brighter.)
I'm having mixed feelings about it. I mean, its got nice effects and smudging, but at the sme time, I hate the gray on the right side. Maybe do some nice effets with it and if it was already gray when you got it, then I'd say theres not alot you can do with it.
I like the one with text because it lets whoever looks at this tag know what your intentions with it are. You transitioned well from the sides of black/white to the side of color. Try adding a lighting effect over on the right side so that it doesn't look too bland there. Overall, really nice tag. :3
I really like those a lot! Without text (IMO) is a lot better. If you toned down the opacity and set it a bit to the left, it could work, but without text is looking best to me.