Watching American Horror Story. You should, first seasons on Netflix. If you like it you'll like second season.
I really enjoy the second season much better than the first (and i love the first), even though they both have certain things in their plots that they probably could have done without. I've been looking forward to tonight's episode (and i'm not much of a complainer of awards, but, dammit, they deserved more nods at the Golden Globes). And I can't get that Swedish song out of my head (or the name game for that matter).
Any thoughts on where Season 3 is going to be based off of? Also these people say the found the hint but I can't seem to find it (its in the gif obviously) did anyone else get it? Please tell me what it is if you do:
I'm not really sure myself. A lot of people say that the clues are in the songs played in the "Name Game" episode. From that, my only guess is that it's on the Salem Witch Trials. The first song they play from it is "I Put a Spell on You" which is a bit obvious that it has to do with witches. And then the song "The Name Game", it made me think about when the Witch Trials were happening, everyone was calling out innocent people as witches, or playing a different kind of name game if you will. Yeah, it's a stretch, but you never know with a series like this.