I got the brackets and rubber bands on last month and today I got the wire and metal bands for my molars on. My teeth hurt a lot and I've taken two IB tablets. Is there anything else I can do or take to lessen the pain ? Also, what are some good food products I could buy or make that won't ruin my braces or hurt to eat ? I have gelatin, applesauce, and mashed potatoes. Thank you in advance.
You can get this..wax thing, that you rub on your braces, it lessens the pain. Besides that and taking tablets, there's no much else you can do, I'm afraid. I survived on soup, literally, for the first..four days. Soup and rice balls is what I recommend. You'll grow used to them soon enough, just give it time. I hope the pain eases off quickly for you.
Well, marijuana is an effective pain killer but ... yeah ... As for food, anything you can think of that doesn' t involve chewing will do. I' d choose Gazpacho over soup since it' s summer. If you run out of ideas or can' t help craving meat then you can just throw whatever it is you want into a mixer.
Try just simply massaging your gums, pressing something warm against them.. Eat ice cream, melt some chocolate and eat that too. When I had braces, chocolate made me feel better, haha.
Baby Orajel, or regular Orajel. My brother swore by the stuff. It's an anesthetic paste you can rubs on your gums, and it makes them numb for a while. Seconding the chocolate thing, but heck, chocolate made me feel better after pretty much anything. Chocolate a miracle cure* *not really
Yeah, what she said, you should've gotten it when you first got your braces. Word of advice, if you plan on doing it, take them off BEFORE eating or drinking or sleeping.
Don't know if I'm late, but what I do whenever my braces hurt is constantly rinse my mouth with warm salt water. It usually does the trick for me.