Any other khv members with braces ? just got my train tracks and spacers a few weeks ago. They really compliment my acne and awkwardness around people -.- haha nah, I love my smile now(: surprisingly, the braces boost my confidence.
Apparently, my sister says I have an ugly Betty look going on. - Been wearing glasses since I was 6. - Got braces - Cut my hair a bit and got bangs I dunno whether to take it as a complement or a insult.
Haha it's the same with me, only I have my hair short now (I had it like ugly Betty's before) and I didn't wear glasses til I was 10...anyways, Ugly Betty is a sexy beast. Be proud.
I suppose. My friend finds me attractive... which is odd. Staying away from that. But I only got bangs because I'm going to be cosplaying. Otherwise I would have stayed with just my long hair.