Alright, so here's something I've never understood. Girls can call their girl friends girlfriend without being looked at weird, like they're homosexuals or something, but why can't guys call their boy friends boyfriend? I mean, they could, but unlike with girls calling their girl friends girlfriend, boys are looked at weird, like they're homosexuals or something. If someone could explain this to me, that would be wonderful.
Because it's an unnecessary addition. A friend is a friend, regardless of sex. However, when girls talk about their "girlfrieeeeends," you know it's often a group. When guys talk about their friends, they often talk about their "bros," so we don't need "boyfriend," as we have "bro." It doesn't really matter, though.
It's just how things are essentially. Y'know there's more sensitive girls, and there's less affectionate girls. Much is the same for men. But my guess is really as good as yours.
Why not is what I say and if they call me a homosexual I say he's a friend who is a boy now get your head out of the gutter. Although if people called me their boyfriend be it a boy or girl I wouldn't care. Friends are like that sometimes.
I don't know about the rest of our KHV ladies but I don't call female friends "girlfriend" in a non-sarcastic manner... Actually, upon reflection, I think I call my male friends "girlfriend" (pronounced guuuurlfran) more often than I call my female friends "girlfriend." But I digress. Guys have terms for their friends as well (BROS BROS BROS), and it's the general male stereotype to not be overtly affectionate. If you really wanted to, you could call your male friends boy friends.
It really goes into stereotyping and how people are labeled. When a girl says, this is my girlfriend, usually from my experience in talking with my friends and my ex, it's a label of that close inner circle of friends that girls have. While if a guy says, this is my boyfriend, well shows more as a he is my boyfriend rather than friend. Another thing, if girl wanted to introduce a girl who is in fact the girl that she is in a relationship with, I think they would use partner, cause that is how we as people have labeled certain people now in the world. Like when I talk to my girlfriends, I say " Sup girl, wadup girl" or something along those lines. For guys, the close inner circle of friendship goes with "Bro", well for me it does. I call my closest friends bros, while my other friends are "dude".
I have never called any of my female friends "girlfriend",and do not intend to ever call them that. Some of my male friends do call their male friends "boyfriend",although they just do it to make me laugh. But,as had been said,I guess guys do mostly call thier friends "Bro" and stuff. Meh. I don't know. Too tired right now to think.
Hum, it is just like the way girls can call everyone "dear" but with boys would be a little weird. Maybe that's because women were associate with gentle, kind, beautiful and the like. Men were associate with though, hard work, strong and the kind. It is just the old machismo that still have some influence at the time being.
As much as I would love to say that to my other guy friends I just say "bro". Some would take it seriously if I say "boyfriend" and some would see it as a joke for laughs. I do agree it is a bit odd guys cant say it to each other without embarrassing each other when girls can say it freely.