Boxart Revealed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Monkey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    The KH2: FM+ boxart has been revealed! It features all of the characters. What do you think about it?


    Thanks Mike for the 411!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Monkey, Feb 13, 2007.

    1. libregkd
    2. finalform1

      awesome cover, and riku looks pretty cool, but when are there gonna be new pics of the secret ending besides the dude with the cracked face armor?
    3. Mariam
      I'm not sure, but one of the news posts on KHU or somewhere (I don't remember) said that it's for all ages. I guess the "A" in Japan is like "E for everyone" in America. So, no.
    4. kingdomheartsbabe101
      OMG!!!!!!!!thats an awesome cover!except for the fact that sora and riku are in the looks yaoi!i hate yaois!anyways,its awesome!!!!!I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!the huge dissapointment would be that being a japan release date.I"D GO GOTH!!!!!!!!!!CRAP!!!!!*cross fingers*please be march the release date,please be march the release date*I AM SO F****ING EXCITED!!!!!HOLE CRAP!!I"M SWEARING NOW!!!BETTER STOP ME BEFORE I GO REAL BERSERK!!!!!SOMEONE MADE ME DECAFFC COFFEE!!!!!OH NOES!!!NOW I AM REAL MAD!!!LOL just kidding!i dont even drink coffee.i am real excited,though.i will seriously go depressed if they make me wait longer than march.i will be emo....crud.wheres my decaf?

      remember:i dont drink coffee!!
    5. lullaby13
      i relize that im gonna sound like a complete ****** but i thought that when they said kh3 that it included kh2 fm and re:COM
    6. libregkd
    7. rikugirl13
      Wow. It looks awesome, and that's just for lack of better words.

      At least this one distinctly has Riku on it. >.>;
    8. roxygal123
      awesome! I can't wait!
    9. solidseth24
      a as in all not adult lol