Spoiler: ♪ Here's Some Weapons MACK, BOWYER, and YARIDOVICH have challenged KH-V to a duel. Who among you will accept? (Limit 3 entrants, please choose a character) (May or may not be first come first served, preference given to new players, understudies also accepted)
oh no i'm too late. :c i guess i'll be an understudy for princess peach then...? i don't really know what that entails but...
KIRITO~ has stepped forth. His character of choice is GENO. KOROSU has stepped forth. Her character of choice is PRINCESS TOADSTOOL. PSYCHEDELIC has stepped forth. His character of choice is MALLOW. CELTY STURLUSON has stepped forth. He has reserved BOWSER. BEAU has stepped forth. He is prepared to aid KOROSU. KH-V has answered the call! KIRITO~, KOROSU, and PSYCHEDELIC accept the challenge! CELTY STURLUSON and BEAU watch from the sidelines, for now. (Note that MARIO is still available for reserve, and all characters except PRINCESS TOADSTOOL are available for an understudy reserve. An understudy will carry on the fight in the event of the main player's absence.) THE BATTLE BEGINS Spoiler: ♪ Fight Against an Armed Boss KH-V VS. THE SMITHY GANG "Say, fellas... It seems to me that we shouldn't all rush out there at once. We'd be tripping over each other just trying to land a hit! A battle like this takes a scoch more strategy than that, don't you think?" "Nya nya! A good point you have... and pointy besides! But... who will go first?" "Why don't you boys go out there and soften 'em up for me-Err, show them what you're made of, that is!" "Saw that comin' a spear's throw away." "What, you have a better plan? It makes the most sense for me to go last. I'm the strongest, and I'm the only one who can clone himself." "Nya, know that, how do you? Never tried, I have! Clone myself, perhaps I can, nya!" "...Do you understand a word he's saying?" "Never. C'mon candy cane! We're gonna whup 'em so bad, the pansy back there won't even get a shot at 'em!" "Nya nya NYA!" YARIDOVICH watches from the sidelines for now. ~ The challenger moves first. ~ BOWYER uses Button Stomp! A set of ABXY Plates falls from above. MACK uses Shyster Stomp! Two Shysters fall from above. They are defending MACK. ~ It is now your turn. ~ Spoiler: Help & Hints Each active player may issue one command: either Attack (A), Defend (B), Item (X), or Skill (Y). Commands will be processed once every player has submitted their command for the turn. Your characters have their full skill lists from Super Mario RPG. Be aware that some skills may behave unexpectedly! Your available items are: Mild Mushroom (8), Elixir (3), Honey Syrup (5), Maple Syrup (1), Kerokero Cola (1), Rock Candy (2). Anyone may offer advice to the players, but only the players decide what to do for the turn. If you have reserved a character but are not an active player, pay attention to the thread regardless, as you may be needed later! (Between you and me, you definitely will be needed in this fight.) If you surrender or are K.O.'d, you cannot return to the battle. If there are less than 3 party members in the fight and reserves on the sidelines, they may be called in to fight. If at any point no one is left standing to fight the challenger, the battle is over, and KH-V has lost.
Psst! For future reference, Thunderbolt would be a Skill (Y). Attack (A) is just a generic thwack. I get what you were after, just letting you know. Also, make sure those of you using single-target attacks specify a target from now on! Kinda my bad for not mentioning it earlier, so I'll just optimize your attacks this turn, but next time I'll have to pick targets at random. GENO attacks BOWYER! The attack connects. PRINCESS TOADSTOOL uses Mute on BOWYER! ...The attack misses! MALLOW uses Thunderbolt! BOWYER and the Shysters are hit. The Shysters are K.O.'d! ~ Challenger's turn. ~ BOWYER uses Static E! The party is hit! MACK uses Flame Wall! The party is hit! ~ It is now your turn. ~ Spoiler: Ally Status Mildly injured. Mildly injured. Mildly injured. Spoiler: Enemy Status Full health. Mildly injured. No ABXY Plates depressed. Spoiler: Help & Hints MACK's Shyster minions will attack on their own and protect MACK from damage until they are K.O.'d. Fortunately, they're not very tough.