
Discussion in 'Technology' started by Magick, Jul 16, 2009.

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  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    So I made a thread a while back asking about some BlueRay things. I finally decided to get my lazy ass on the internet and look something things about it up, since I have a BlueRay movie I need ripped to my computer. Apparently BlueRay discs are read by a blue violet laser that's 450 nm, while a regular disc is read by a red laser that is 600 nm, or something like that. Does any one know if this means a regular disc drive can't handle BlueRay? If so, are there places I can buy some hardware to install a way to get BlueRay playable on my computer?
  2. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    BluRay discs cannot be read from regular disc drives. You need to get a bluray drive. It's the only way to read that disc. In every tech shop you can buy bluray drives for pc, or buy them online. I can't really tell you where though, I never bought something from the internet, except from a site that has shops only here in Greece.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    As Toshi said, a bluray drive is essentially a different hardware component. You can't use a program to upgrade your drive to accept bluray, etc. You can find bluray drives possibly at Best Buy or Circuit City, or some local computer store. If you want to find them on line, Tiger Direct or have them, amongst other places. There are some from New Egg listed here.

    If they have these local, they will probably be more expensive at Best Buy etc but you may find some deal.
  4. khfreak123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 23, 2007
    is :noitacoL Spelled Backwards!
    Repliku and Toshi said it all. If you are using a laptop or netbook, try looking for an external Blu-Ray drive. They are plug and play and simple to use. Also works if you are to lazy to install the drive into a tower. lol
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