Bit of an experiment. Traditionally drawn, then colored and added effects in Photoshop. I think I'll be drawing more Mandalorians as I seem to be able to do that fairly well. Guns...maybe not so much. Don't know if I'm fully done with it yet, so for now it's still a WIP. I don't think it's overly violent, but if it is I'll take it down. Spoiler CnC, no ratings.
The black is very rough around the edges, as if it were done in MSpaint as opposed to Photoshop. The gun isn't particularly iconic of a gun, and for silhouettes, it needs to be. The whiff of smoke looks very odd in a perfect ring. The back of the head looks smoothly done, what with the brains blowing out. I like that part. However it looks out of place with the red lines and the black fragments, which give it a cartoonish look, as opposed to the realistic appearance of the exit wound. I won't comment on the shape of the person, as I have no clue what a Mandalorian is. (At a guess, a person who converses in Mandarin?)
Hmmm it seems a bit too simple effects wise. I mean no splatters at all for blood? Also the outline looks choppy and by the shoulder you can see clearly where you erased. I think with some textures you can make this look gorgeous :3