Bloody Nightmare

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie felt a small breeze run through her fur as she sprinted through the forest. Even on four legs she vasr. Her black fur blended in with the night. She yipped and darted off to her right.

    Ceril backed away at the sight of valentine's blood. She mumbled some apoligies and turned away. They hadn't even been there ten minutes and she had already made things worse. seth was angry and valentine, her husband, was seriously injured. His body would heal, but it would take some time. He would also need quite a bit of blood to make up for what he lost. She had already given him so much in one day.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick sharply turned after her, letting her lead the way for a moment. His paws beat faster on the ground as he lightly shouldered Annie onto a trail.


    Valentine dropped to his knees, dizzy from shock and Seth snarled until Yuka called Mirabelle and she took him to his room. Yuka set a calming hand on Ceril's shoulder, "Would you help me take Lord Valentine to a spare room so he can rest?" She refused to meet Ceril's gaze, "I...I see something has changed. You....have spent quite a lot of time with Lord Valentine. Haven't you...?"

    Mayor's house

    Lucy clamped a hand down around Rin's mouth, her blue eyes glowing in the dark. "Would you shut up?! I'm trying to help you."
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Mayor's House~~

    Rin growled. She couldn't believe that Lucy had done this to her. In anger, Rin bit down hard on Lucy's fingers. She made sure that she was able to break the skin. "Since when does kidnapping help anybody? Tell me where I am!"
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie picked up a familiar scent and started to run in it's direction. She almost tripped over the gray and gold mass lying on the ground. her sister was lying on the ground, bloody and barely breathing. Annie let out a low protective growl and prodded her sister with her nose. She barked, but the twin didn't respond. Then, she began to whimper and lied down next her, licking serena's wounds. "serena what has happened to you?"

    Ceril turned quickly, grabbing yuka's wrists. If she could cry, there would be tears in her eyes. "yes. Yuka i'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I just wanted to help that girl and then something changed." she shakily bent down to valentine's side and helped him up. The wound looked worse than she had thought.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick skidded to a halt beside Annie, glancing around with a low growl in his throat.

    Half a mile away, Lycan Hunters prodded an innocent, normal wolf after they'd shot it. "I smelt werewolves, sir. I swear. But this isn't a were. It's just a wolf." Damien, the leader of the Lycan Hunters currently bore a long scar on his face from his right eyebrow to the left corner of his jaw. It tore across his mouth, marring what would've been a sensual mouth. "We've got all night. With the moon out, they can't hide in their human skin and pretend to be normal. I'll find those mangey mutts and put them out of their misery."


    Valentine clutched a hand to his chest. The wounds were healing slowly already, but still blood poured out of him like a fountain. "I understand, Ceril. Sometimes you can't help this kind of thing." Yuka said quietly.

    Mayor's house

    Lucy released Rin for a moment and flipped on a lamp, "The Mayor's house. I was adopted by the Mayor of Luin and I live here. I brought you home so we could be away from the vampires."
  6. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Mayor's House~~

    Rin was enraged. "Who the hell says I want to be away from them? Why don't you stop acting so high and mighty and let me make my own decisions!"
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie kept prodding at her sister, trying to get her to wake up. She growled and stood on edge. Her fur stuck up and she caught the scent of humans.

    Ceril gazed at yuka hopefully. "i'm happy to hear you say that. Your opinion really matters to me." she placed a hand on valentine's stomach to try and help stop the bleeding. He was injured because of her.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    The Lycan hunters neared their position and Nick whined. He wanted Serena to get up and leave the area. Handling Lycan Hunters in his wolf form was much more savage but efficient, but he'd be hurt easily trying to protect others.


    Yuka set an arm around his shoulders and directed him inside the church and into Seth's home. Mirabelle had taken Seth to his room to lay down. Yuka set Valentine on the couch and left to fetch some dressings for his wounds.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie growled, baring her teeth. She could tell the humans were getting closer and she was ready to leap. No one would touch her family. Not again. She lunged into the darkness, headed for the lycan hunters.

    blamore manor
    Ceril sat down next to valentine. "thank you. You didn't have to do that for me." her hands were covered in blood as she kept them placed over his stomach. She had to resist the urge to devour all the blood. It would only make her appear like a savage.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick barked his denial and hurled after Annie. A Lycan Hunter caught Annie in a net and was about to bring a silver knife down into her back when Nick launched himself into the man, knocking him over a few steps.

    Balmore Manor

    Yuka reappeared with the dressings and began to cover Valentine's wounds. "Just try not to let him move so much." Valentine smeared blood from his wounds onto Ceril's bottom lip. "Look at my bride, Yuka....she's so hungry."
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie chewed at the net furiously trying to get free. If nick hadn't come after he she could have ended up like serena, or worse. She managed to rip a hole big enough in the net to get out, but she she was still tangled up in the rope.

    balmore manor
    Ceril shook her head vigorously. She wouldn't give into her animalistic instincts. It was even harder when valentine smeared his blood across her lip. All she wanted was to lick it off. "no-no i'm not. I'm not." she stood quickly, still covered in blood, and walked out of the room. Ceril sat down in a pew, taking short choppy breaths. She tried to clear her head, but valentine's blood burned in her nostrils. She stared up at the large cross on the wall and laughed. Humans actually believed crosses could hurt them for some reason. because we have no souls. Our spirit is ripped from us, just as our blood is. she rolled her eyes. They slowly shifted to her hands. i can handle all that human blood they spill, no problem. But...but not his...not she took a deep breath. "husband. Valentine is my husband. Forever. Thank you Father." ceril nodded at the cross.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Lycan Hunter and Nick tussled in the ground. Without his knife, the hunter was left with a pair of silver plated brass knuckles. Beating on Nick's sides, blood started to stain the ground underneath them. But whether it was coming from Nick or the Hunter, the others couldn't be sure.

    Balmore Manor

    Valentine watched her go, feeling abandoned for a moment before feeling for their newly created bond. Yuka bottled a small bottle of his blood and set it aside as she dressed his wounds and stopped the bleeding before he was completely out of blood. Standing, Yuka walked back into the Church and found Ceril. She flinched inwardly as Ceril addressed the cross. "You believe someone watches over you even as you are dammed to live this life? After...a while....I've forgotten what it's like to feel faith in something you cannot see or touch. To Mirabelle...and Cooke...Seth is their Father and Sire." She hesitated as if on the verge of telling Ceril something secret and of great importance. "You saw that girl...the one with black hair. Valentine called her Lirum...the one named Lucille. Lirum's daughter...and Master Seth's offspring. The girl was born without vampire fangs and thus Lirum when Lirum left and gave birth, I did not believe the child was a vampire. But Pureblood blood flows through her veins and any vampire gene in her body will be activated by Valentine's bite. I fear the child will learn her future quite quickly and may try to take her own life."

    Mayor's House

    Lucy slapped Rin hard, "Shut up! I don't care if you think you love them or they love you. Vampires are monsters! I'm not going to escape and leave you there to suffer under their mind games. I bet that guy told you he loved you. Gave you pretty things and did things with you that he said were out of love. Vampires are soulless demons. They can't love, and they can't keep you safe from themselves!"
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie broke free of her rope prison and lunged on top of the struggling mass. She ripped at the throat of the hunter with her teeth. She watched him choke on his blood until she heard serena let out a pained bark. Annie ran back to her sister as fast as she could. Serena was struggling to stand as another hunter was coming at her with a knife. She jumped over her sister and sunk her teeth into the man's arm.

    Ceril sighed. Her eyes were full of sadness as she looked over at yuka. "but she's still so young. The math doesn't add up. Unless...could the pureblood in her slow the aging process like does with the vampires?" it was the only explanation.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick lifted his blue eyes from the dying hunter under him and met the glittering green of Damien, the man with the scar. "Hello Nicholas. Miss me? You owe me your pelt you mangey mutt!" He lunged at Nick and touched the hilt of a blade against his temple. "Move and I'll slit your throat."


    Yuka glanced down at her slippered feet. "'s the only way it makes sense. I don't know the specifics of her biology, but I assume that is what's happening inside her body. I believe the Vampire gene is warring with her human DNA, and with Valentine's bite, it's going to win....and I don't know what will happen to her after that. She'll never be a normal Vampire, nor will she ever be a normal human... Neither vampire nor human...and not even a half-breed."
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie took out the hunter that threatened her sister. She stood there panting and dripping in blood. Nick hadn't returned to them and for once she agreed with her wolf. They were both getting antsy and she let out a howl to get his attention. Annie paced in circles until serena walked up to her shakily. She let out a bark and looked in the direction annie came from. She nodded her black head and hurried back to nick.

    Ceril kept her eyes on the cross. Her hands, still covered in blood, sat folded in her lap. "that sounds like an awful fate. Someone should really talk to her. I did what I could to help...everything was under control. I probably could have gotten her out safely and mostly unharmed, but she started screaming and tried to run. He snapped and lunged for her before I could even move. I really tried..." she spoke not to yuka, but to the cross. It was as if she was trying to assure God that she did the best she could.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick limped back to Annie and Serena before Annie could leave her sister. The silver knife Damien had held to his throat was lodged in his shoulder, limiting his steps. His tongue flopped out of his mouth and limped towards her.


    Yuka remained silent for a while and handed Ceril a cloth to wipe her hands on, "The girl's fate was inevitable, as was Valentine's madness."
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie stopped running when she saw nick's form appear in front of her. There was a knife in his shoulder and her wolf whimpered at him. She wrapped her teeth around the hilt and quickly pulled the blade out of his shoulder. Annie dropped it on the ground as fast as she could and licked at the wound.

    Ceril took the cloth without removing her eyes from the cross. She wiped away at her hands, trying to remove as much blood as possible. Inevitably, she would still have to wash them. "it's ironic really. How you've lost faith and yet you live in a church. I have to believe there's more out there. I was raised catholic ya' know. There has to be a reason we live like this. Maybe it's the punishment God deemed fit for all of us as sinners, or maybe it's more than that. I know it's hard to believe in something you can't use your senses to grasp, but it's just one of those things." she looked away from the cross for a brief moment at yuka. "i really hope you're okay with this. I consider you family and I know you didn't want valentine in your life anymore. I don't mean to impose on you like this."
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick yelped as she pulled out the knife. With the hunters retreating for the night, Nick's muscles unclenched and he started slowly walking in the direction of the next town over with a sheep farmer living with his flock on the outskirts of town. The wolf in him called to hunt and he would oblige for this night only.


    Yuka sat beside her folding her hands on the back of the pew in front of her, "I don't believe you're any trouble. And Valentine seems different with you, despite his madness. When I joined with Seth, I knew the troubles i'd find waiting for me. I've accepted them. This is my life, and I'll serve Master Balmore until the end."
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie barked at nick and nodded her head at his shoulder. Walking around was only going to prolong the healing process. She didn't want to see him get hurt more. Annie gave up when she watched serena join him. They were both stubborm, but it seemed to be a common theme amongst all of them.

    Ceril took yuka's hands and smiled at her. "you're a good person yuka. I will always cherish your friendship." she let go of yuka's hands and glanced back through the door. "i should go check on him. Make sure he's okay. It was rather rude of me to run out like that."
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Ignoring Annie's bark, Nick hurried towards the sounds of the bleating sheep.


    Ceril blinked once, "Yes...I'm not so sure he understands why you left. Valentine was a smart man before his madness set in and now, he's paranoid. Go to him Ceril. But...can I ask? Do you truly love him? He calls you his bride...but do you love him?"
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