Bloody Nightmare

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    north woods
    Wide-eyed, annie stared up nick. Her hair was full of dirt and she got grass stains all over her clothes. She tried to shove nick off of her. "what the hell? Get off!" serena ran passed them and rolled her eyes. figures. she was the first to arrive back at the cabin and waited for her sister and nick, beside vickie.

    Ceril wiped the blood away from valentine's chin with her thumb. She sucked the bits of blood off of her finger smiling. "what's there to worry about?" she caught another whiff of the deer and grimaced. It really needed to be removed.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    North Woods

    Nick rolled off her and buried his face in his palm. "Not again..." He scowled at his wolf's happy tail wagging, Why can't you control yourself?! She's not ours! And never will be. We're here for the Vampire, remember? It seemed to pout and sulk and Nick refused to look at Annie and suffer her confusion and anger.


    Valentine's blue eyes had lightened to an almost teal color and they now burned with unshed tears, "I'll ruin any chance at any sort of contact I ever get. I'll ruin it with you...I know I will."

    Balmore Manor - Seth's room

    Yuka set down the clothes she'd picked out and Seth gave her a grateful smile, "Thank you, Yuka... What would I do if Rin stayed here all the time...I'd go insane...I'd bite her..." Yuka could clearly see the distraught expression tearing at her master, "You will learn to control it. Just like you did before with Miss Lirum."
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    north woods
    Annie sat up and rested her elbow on her knees. she gave nick a shove in the shoulder to get his attention. She was serious, but there was an air of lightness about her."what's going on?"

    "where are they?" serena set her hand on top of the stopwatch. "you might as well shut it off vickie. I think they're going to be a little bit." she watched her little sister hit the stop button and look up at her confused. She dismissed it and ushered her back inside. Serena was in need of a shower and didn't feel like waiting around for them to come back.

    Ceril stared at valentine in confusion. Her crimson eyes had faded back to their natural reddish-brown and they boar into him, studying his expression. "what are you talking about? You'll ruin it with me?" she couldn't even conceive the thought that a pureblood might like her, so she was rather baffled at his words.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    North woods

    Nick turned half to her and glanced at her from under his lashes, "I'm sorry...I'm not sure why I did that. I wolf thought it was time to play..." Shaking his head, he growled at his wolf in his head, Stupid beast...making us look like a couple of fools.


    Valentine stood and paced the small room, "I mean...I'll do something and you'll regret having spoken to me...letting me bite you...everything. I always do... I...I don't have any friends back home...or anywhere. They say I'm pushy...a flake...and that I jump from mood to mood. I don't see what they're talking about. That's I think...Vampires are supposed to be good at controlling their emotions...but not me. They control me. What...what can I do? I'm not...confident like my brother...strong like my Father...or smart like my Mother..."
  5. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Balmore Manor Bathroom~~

    Rin showed for ten minutes, tediously making sure all the sweat and dirt was off her body. She reached for her towel, quickly drying herself off. She looked at the reflection of the girl in front of her. Her face was very sullen, but she also couldn't hide a smile. She couldn't figure out why she was smiling, and she didn't really care. "C-can I have my clothes please," Rin tried to say in an even voice to the people on the other side of the door.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Serena stepped into the shower and turned on the faucet. The hot water felt good on her skin as she washed all the grime away. i wonder if they're going to work out whatever it is they have going on.

    north woods
    Annie sighed and stood up, dusting the dirt off her clothes. "it's fine, but you made me lose to my sister. That will cost you dearly." she held her hand out for him. "you seem to be a lot more animal than man. I kind of envy that. I don't really have much self control when I change. I usually get chained up so that I don't reak havoc."

    Ceril watched as valentine paced in circles. There wasn't really room for him to pace, but he seemed to be managing. She stood and crossed the room, walking over to him. Ceril gently took his arm, trying to help him refocus. "it's true. You appear to have violent mood swings. One minute you seem to be a viscous monster and the's like you're a small child who gets lost in the store and is just trying to find you're mother. It seems like once you relax, there's a third version of you. The real one. The one i'm getting to know right now. In a matter of fifteen hours i've already seen all three. can I be honest with you?" she stepped closer to him. "you're not so bad once you calm down. You're actually quite pleasant company. Just saying." ceril shrugged and moved to let the deer out of the treehouse. She opened the trap door and tossed the deer over her shoulder.
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    North Woods

    Nick stood, still refusing to look at her directly. He knew she'd see the guilt in his eyes. "That's not healthy for your wolf you needs time to roam and run. But...I'm not one to tell you how to live your life..." Sighing, Nicholas pulled off the shirt he was wearing. It was uncomfortable with the sun now rising. "You girls live here without a pack...without an's dangerous. Whenever your next heat cycle starts...I'd be wary of other males coming here. Of course...I can't stop you...I's your choice...who...uh...shares your bed." Awkwardly, Nick shuffled his feet in the grass.


    Valentine stared at her. He was positive if he had a beating heart, it would be pounding pretty fast by now. She said he was pleasant company...someone found him pleasant. But how had that happened? Would Seth be able to see that too? "You...think I'm not so bad?" His fingers twitched and he closed his teal eyes, "That's a first... I didn't expect a Turned Vampire to be so bluntly honest with me...and actually think I'm not so bad..."

    Balmore manor - Seth's room

    Seth stood and handed Rin the uniform through the crack in the door. He wanted to fling it open and get a good look at her, but Yuka would think him a rude man. She cleared her throat, "Master....that girl...has awoken. She's in the dining room having breakfast. Is it safe for her to go to school?" Seth considered the girl's age and placed her in the same age group as Rin. "'ll take a few hours for the results to come out...but I don't see any signs of the change yet. She'll be alright for the day."
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Balmore Manor Seth's Room~~

    Rin involuntaraly jumped back when she noticed that it was Seth who handed her the uniform. She quickly grabbed it and slammed the door in front of her. Considering what has happened with them, she found it redundant to have such a reaction. She begrudgingly put the uniform on, unwilling to look at herself in the mirror. She figured to try to seduce Seth one last time for an excuse to not go to school by hiking her skirt a few inches higher than a modest woman would.

    "I'm done," Rin said, slowly opening the door.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie raised an eyebrow and started laughing. She had to clutch her stomach to try and get ahold of herself. "my...heat cycle? You're kidding right? News flash nick: I am still human. I don't go into heat. Mzybe you should spend a little less time as a wolf and a little more time as a man. You're more attractive that way. I can assure you, however, I have no intentions of having random sex just to reproduce. Only if i'm interested in a guy, plus I am no where near ready to be a mother." she trailed her fingers along his bare shoulder. "but like you said, it's my choice." annie tapped his nose and started walking back to the cabin.

    Ceril tossed the deer out the opening in the floor and then shut it tightly. She locked ths trap door before standing to face valentine again. "honesty is the best policy right? There wouldn't be problems in the world if everyone was honest. Lying only causes problems. And if I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have brought you here. I don't take kindly to others, but there's something about you that gets under my skin. Valentine, you're the first person i've ever brought home with me. It may be dinky and unimpressive, but it's my home. I've lived here for years and have never had the desire to get close enough to anyone to want to bring them back here. Yuka is pretty much my only friend and I still only see her at the parties." she slumped down onto the bed. Ceril didn't understand why the pureblood found it so hard to believe. Everyone liked purebloods, but that was because of their power. Her feelings toward valentine had nothing to do with power or wealth, it was the same as her feelings toward seth. Ceril had no desire to use the purebloods like everyone else.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    North Woods

    Nick frowned after her. Was he really spending too much time as a wolf? Or had she not noticed the scent she put off. Maybe it was just him. Being around a female was overwelming him. Shaking his head, he followed after her. The wolf in his mind pranced around happy that she'd touched him. Was it just him or was his wolf becoming like a pup these days...


    Valentine watched Ceril carefully, noting how she moved and her scent around the little treehouse. "I don't have much experience with other they Pureblood Vampire or otherwise. Maybe it's the way I smell...something seems to tick them off at me..."

    Balmore Manor - Seth's room

    Seth appreciated her look but Yuka tsked and reajusted her skirt so it was the proper length. "That's better...a proper young lady should never go out looking like that. Especially one that now belongs to the Balmore house." Seth shrugged and pulled open the door, surprised, he stepped back. In front of him, Lucy stood....her black hair drawn up in a ponytail and the same uniform on her. A bandage had been wrapped around her neck.
  11. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Balmore Manor Seth's Room~~

    Rin groaned at Yuka. "I wasn't going to go out like that. I was just..." Rin didn't know how to complete her sentence. Her cheeks turned red as she noticed Lucy in her room. Still slightly afraid of her, she clung tightly onto Seth. "A-are you okay?"
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Serena stepped out of the bathroom just as she saw annie and nick coming back. She walked into her bedroom to change. Annie had walked the rest of the way back to the cabin in silence. She was thinking about what nick said and couldn't get over it. was that his indirect way of asking me to sleep with him? it's not like he isn't attractive, because he is, but he's leaving tomorrow. It's not like I'd ever see him again once he leaves. Sex is sex. It has nothing to do with feelingings. But the only reason he even came here was for those...vampires... she was frowning as she looked back over at nick. "did you want to go see the vampires before tonight or after?"

    Ceril let out a small chuckle. "i don't think it's the way you smell. I think it's your attitude. The way you initially present yourself to people. It seems like when you walk into a room you put on this dark and scsry face like 'fear ne.'" ceril scruntched up her face and was pretending to be a monster. She realized how ridiculous she must look and abruptly stopped.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick snapped his head up, "Oh, before...definately before. I'm going on the thought that this vampire will be a lot less to handle when the sun is up." He nibbled on his lip as he thought over his plans again. He didn't want it to come to the worst case senerio.


    Valentine chuckled, reaching out and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, "If that's the case...I'm glad at least you'll come with me.."

    Balmore manor - Seth's room

    Seth held out his hand for Lucy's and she hesitated, stepping backwards, "Sorry...I...I overheard you saying someone was going to school...I didn't realize...she was still human. Figure she won't be for very long. Vampires...I read that journal. I'm guessing you're Seth since you're the only man here. The past few days aren't written in so I'm at a loss of who she is." she jerked her head at Rin and Seth frowned, "You've been through my things...I thought you were asleep." She gave him a tight lipped response, "Just a make you leave. I found the door locked...and figured I should just confront you on all the evil things that are written in this book!" She tossed the black, leather bound book at his feet and Seth's natural brown eyes turned a dark crimson.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie grabbed the doorknob and turned toward nick. "all right. How 'bout after we change then?" she pulled the door open to head inside.

    Ceril looked up at valentine. if she still had a beating heart, his gesture might have caused her to blush. "it's not like I have anything better to do." her smile was gently and caring. She hadn't smile this much in years. Maybe it was time for her to spend more time with the other vampires.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick nodded, relief spread through him. As soon as he spoke to Seth he could go home, away from the strange girls that made him nervous. He'd never been nervous around the females in his pack back home...why now? His wolf whined in his head at the thought of going home and he frowned. Why was it so opposed to going home now? Home was where comfort was... There is comfort here...with Annie... his wolf whined at him in his head and he shook the idea away. No...Annie wasn't interested in taking a mate...she only wanted protection for her youngest sister.


    Valentine cautiously moved towards her, "I...may I hug you?"
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie went into her room to change. She shook the dirt out of her hair and grabbed a brush off of her dresser. She let out her black hair and couldn't believe how matted it was. Annie attempted to brush through her long hair but only became frudtrated. She pulled it back up and stepped into the closet. She grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt. It had a picture of animated organs on it and said teamwork. The more annie thought about nick leaving, the more it bothered her. She walked back out to the entryway barefoot. "i'm ready. Are you?"
    Serena came walking out of the livingroom over to her sister. "you're leaving?" annie looked a little dismayed as she glanced over to her sister. "yeah. I'm taking him to the vampires."

    Ceril found it as an odd request, but stood up anyway. "ah...sure. I guess." she opened her arms up and stepped in close, awkwardly wrapping them around him. It felt strange at first, but she couldn't help but bury her face in his chest and breathe in his scent.
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick pulled over his head a cotton t-shirt and another pair of long shorts. Depression hit him as he splashed cold water on his face to rid himself of the smell of sweat.


    Valentine closed his eyes and suddenly pulled her down to the ground, covering her mouth with his hand. "Shh...listen. You hear that?" The pounding of feet suddenly got louder and stopped just below the treehouse. A man's voice could be heard. "You smell that? A Vampire is close...we'll take out two birds with one stone. Switch to UV bullets...we'll get that blood sucker." Valentine tensed but the pounding of feet resumed and headed away from the treehouse. He frowned.

    The steady beat of soldiers headed towards Mark. He'd been wandering for far too long. Fifteen heavily muscled men, armed to the teeth stopped in front of him and cocked a gun at his chest. "Say goodmorning Vampire!" He opened his mouth to tell them he wasn't full blooded and not a threat when bullets beat into his body sending hot flares of pain through him. Darkness closed around his vision as he dropped to the ground. His life's blood spilling out of him, staining the dirt red.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Annie went outside and sat on the stoop waiting for nick. She rested her chin on her fist and sat there brooding. it's not like I have time for a relationship. Or want one. Plus he's probably got a girlfriend or something at home. Manhatten would be a lot cooler to live. How do you function as a wolf in a crowded city of eight million. she sat there wondering what it would be like to live in a big city.

    Ceril was startled by valentine suddenly pulling her to the floor. She listened silently as another vampire was just murdered a few yards from her home. If those men had looked up, it might have been her. Luin was becoming an unsafe place for everyone.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Nick shouldered his way out of Serena's room and out the front door. Walking past Annie, Nick sniffed at the air, testing it.


    Valentine listened as the footsteps faded and let go of Ceril, "Lycan Hunters...they must be looking for werewolves...perhaps those two girls I saw yesterday? someone else here? Someone more threatening." The smell of Dhamphir blood filled his head and he licked his lips.
  20. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Balmore Manor Seth's Room~~

    Rin flinched when she heard the thump of the notebook at Seth's feet. She reached to pick it up, but was careful not to open it. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that her curiosity was piked about what was in the book, but she knew that it would be practically impossible to even open it in front of Seth. Instead, she simply passed it onto him.

    "Should I leave now," Rin asked.
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