Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross


    Having seen Zelos pick up Kisa Tora looked down, wishing that someone would pick her up like that right about now. And she even hated being picked up. She sighed inwardily before finding herself in the caeteria with the rest of them. Her eyes scanned the place, causing her to cringe. What a mess... I don't think I have ever seen a room in this bad of a shape before. Well... Not when I had to clean it myself.

    David Cross


    David put his hand on Tora's shoulder as a gesture for her to follow. They then started heading over towards the other side of the cafeteria where it was less of a mess. But then he stopped to look around and mocked a look of disgust. "The lower breeds always make a mess of things. What flilth." He said as if he spoke to no one but said it loud enough for everyone to hear before carrying on.

    ooc - probably should re-edit tora's pic and make it smaller...damn
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Until it's clean. We can't leave a job half finished." Frost answered Wyatt in Balasa's place, raising an eyebrow when he noticed what the Ifrit had stepped in. "Looks like...a brownie?" Frost scratched the back of his head as his attention towards the others. Well, not towards everyone else but towards one person in particular. He stared at Tora silently for several moments, wishing he could go over to her and say something. Frost's eyes narrowed at her brother as he sighed out loud when David spoke. With him around Frost could not get near without causing yet another fight. "Stupid, uptight, arrogant..." Frost muttered quietly under his breath as he trailed off.
  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya just shrugged. It doesn't matter. This school needed some action anyways. It's always a dump and it will stay what it is. She sighed hopelessly when she saw the Cafeteria. Well...this should be fun...
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa yelped in surprise when Zelos picked her up. "Oh, really that's not necessary! I...I can walk and help. I did after all want to get in on this fight." She doubted Zelos would listen to her. He may have been a gentleman, but he was just that kind of man that would never listen to her. She sighed when he mentioned her father. "True...but he's gone now. It's not like I could swap the principal for my own dad...if he were around." Shaking her head to remove the gloom settling, she noticed Tora's look and watched her with surprise. She didn't know this girl, but she knew that look. The reluctant longing for companionship...other than her seemingly unruly brother. "C'mon Zelos, put me down, I can help."
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos frowned at Kisa and hesitated. "Are you sure? You are feeling better?" He asked before putting her down slowly. He turned to Mia. "You do have a point," he said, suddenly smiling. "Why don't you two go help out the Cross girl? We need to work as a team and," he quickly glanced at Tora, following Kisa's expression, "She looks like she needs a friend or two."

    Professor Balasa kept his eyes on the camera for a moment and then lowered them. "Hmmm." Right on the floor was a banana peel. "I hope nothing cliche happens as I walk this way," he chuckled to himself. "Now, students," he started, walking along the wall. "It's important to remember that-" and then he stepped on the banana peel. "Waah!" He yelled as he fell backwards and a small ball of fire flew out of his mouth. "Uf!" He groaned as he landed on his back. "Well...that was embarrassing...oh no." He stood up, rubbing his back, and looked at the camera on the wall. It was now smoking and half melted. "There's no way that'll work now!" He yelled in an exaggerated tone. Just as he finished saying it, the camera fell to the ground. "Ohhh, if only I hadn't accidentally and clumsily slipped on that peel!" He shook his head rapidly. He then turned and started walking towards the door. "Children, I'm going to go see if I can find someone from maintenace to come fix this. I apologize, but I will return soon," he apologized, not realizing he was speaking in monotone. He opened the door. "Remember, no powers! Just because there's nobody watching doesn't mean that I won't know! Although...I can't see...but still, no powers!" He walked out the door before yelling back, "Mr. Arcadia, you're in charge until I return!"

    "The man sure is kind," Zelos said, chuckling at the scene, "But he is a terrible actor."
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost kept silent, folding his arms as he watched the professor's antics. He was completely unamused, not because he was sulking but because-actually, it was because he was sulking. Hm. He waited until the professor was out of sight before turning away to look at the rocks jutting out from the ground. He knew it would be entirely impossible for it to be removed without any use of powers. Frost snapped his fingers causing the pillars to shift and slide back into the ground slowly, leaving nothing but the broken tile behind. "That's something at least..." He spoke lowly to himself, glancing once more in Tora's direction. Now if only her brother could go away that easily... He thought to himself as his eyes wandered over towards David who was still close to Tora. Unless Frost wanted to entirely wreck the cafeteria he knew that going to her then would not be his brightest idea...or his stupidest.
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa nodded at Zelos as he put her down. She knew her face was bright red, but she still managed to laugh with a dying humor at the professor's "well-played" scene. "A clean cafeteria has Kisa written all over it! C'mon, Mya, let's go!" She dashed off toward Tora, though her body wanted to protest she growled quietly to herself, I will not faulter and let Zelos treat me like a delicate flower. Reaching Tora, she flashed a half-hearted smile. Though most of the smile was dark at the thought of spoiling her brother's desire to keep her by his side. Kisa wrapped her thin fingers around Tora's wrist and lightly tugged, "Hey, why don'tcha come work with us and try to mop up some of this mess. We'll work better as a team!"
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya half-heartedly followed Kisa to Tora. From past experiences, making friends wasn't her thing. She preceded being alone rather than getting along, but if Zelos suggested it, well then why shouldn't she? She sighed to herself and stood behind Kisa, not really wantig to be involved if a conversation arose.
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora giggled slightly at the professor's little act, dismissing it as a cough when David shot her a glance. She then was taken by surprise when Kira grabbed her wrist. She tried to smile but was too busy glancing over to her brother worrily, who was thankfully looking away at this moment. "Y-yeah. I can clean this side and you can clean that side. We can be done in no-" She tried to keep her voice low but it was no good. David had noticed them.

    David Cross

    It was amazing he didn't attack them on the spot. Not only did they spoke to his sister but they dared touch her. It was probably because they were females. David walked over and stood defensively next to Tora. "What do you want with my sister, trash?" He asked, not directing the question at any of them speificly.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost overheard the commotion with David and the others. He almost grinned at it when he saw the two girls head over towards David and Tora, expecting something to happen. He sighed and headed around the four slowly, getting behind both Tora and David. While he knew David wasn't going to hurt them he figured that there was a chance one of the girls would say something to further anger him. "Come on David, play nice. If it'd make you feel better, your sister could stay around someone with class, like myself." Well, that hadn't come out exactly like he wanted, but it was true since he was of noble blood. "Seriously...lay off on your attitude, you can take out your anger on me later if you'd want."
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa had started to growl when David spoke, but hearing Frost comment on her having no class tipped her over the edge. She snarled, electricity sparking off the floor and crackling in the air around her. Her own noble blood from her mother boiling over. "What did you just say to me? You wanna rephrase that any day now?" Her hand tightened on Tora's wrist as she yanked Tora behind her with a surprising amount of strength. Lightning and Ice elements never played friendly. Kisa's yellow eyes glowed with her further agitation and she turned her glare to Frost. "Someone with class huh? I don't suppose you could introduce me to them, I'd gladly sit at a table and play nice with THEM!" What electricity touched the floor, burnt it, making long black marks and more to clean up. Kisa couldn't begin to care, though she was pissed, her hands were shaking. She still felt ill and probably should've taken Zelos up on the offer to sit out. Kisa lashed out first, a flat palm filled with sparking electricity slapped David across the face. Her glare stayed wtih Frost. She knew directly hurting him would take more effort than she had at the moment.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost raised an eyebrow when the girl snapped at a comment he meant merely to aggravate David. He shook his head, figuring that hitting a girl did not bode well with him. Luckily, he would not need to as Behemoths, being earth-based, were nearly immune to the electric powers Kisa's kind possessed. It was seemingly unfair for him to try to resort to violence. "I'm sorry, David. She lashed out at you over what I said." He spoke calmly. "I suppose she really doesn't have much class in her...but that was never too important anyways. So..." Frost paused as his tone darkened. "Please loosen that grip on Tora's arm. I don't want to trampling on your pride, so just let go of her and calm down, okay?" Frost almost hoped that if everything turned out alright, David would lay off his back enough for him to speak with Tora again, but that was a fleeting hope.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David didn't like Frost being behind him at all. But only half way turned around as to keep an eye on the girls as well. "If I can take it out on you, then-" He was cut off by Kisa's sudden outbrust. He had not expected to be hit and therefore could not defend himself well. He quickly cooled his cheek to lessen the pain. He then looked at Kisa with a glare that could kill and snarled slightly. He then shot a glance at Frost and cleared his throat, calming down. Unline the earth trash he had no immunity to lighting and saw that this girl was friends with the other and the boy further aways off. He knew when to step down. Perhaps he could get his revenge at a later date when she was alone and he was not... "I'll let you two fight it out then, as this no longer involves me. Let's leave them be, Tora." Resisting the urge to insult them was tough, but needed to avoid further pissing them off.

    Tora Cross

    Tora was taken by surprise when Kisa had pulled her out of the way. She was caught off guard, but almost like a reflex she coated her wrist in ice so as she moved backwards her wrist slipped free. Helplessly, she watched the scene unfold, glad to see that her brother wasn't going to make it worse. This caused her to smile weakly, though she didn't want to just leave it be. "A fight would only make things messier... And we're supposed to be cleaning, so why not...just talk it out? Or settle it later at least..." She fubbled at finding the right words without seeming to be like her brother while also trying not to piss him off.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa snarled again, she was begining to like David more than the Behemoth. "The Parenthapaeus family has more class in their little pinky's than you do in your entire tree! Just because I'm angry, doesn't mean we don't have class." She opened her mouth to call him something foul when she heard a familiar voice behind her. "My lady Kisa? I have something very important to tell you." Her mother's personal butler, who stayed with her mother at all times, even in her comatose state. "What is it Lucien!? I don't have time to deal with your pressures right now!" "Ah, but Lady's about your mother..." It was all she needed to hear for her anger to fade away faster than Zelos could tell her to calm down. Her shaking hands were clearly visible now and her face drained of all color, leaving her a pale, nervous wreck. She turned away from David, despite what her instincts told her about turning her back on the enemy, "Wh-what is it? What's wrong?" "May we speak in private? I would not wish to reveal family secrets to commoners." Kisa hated calling them that but she nodded weakly and shakily moved past everyone. She was almost certain all eyes were on her. Leaving the cafeteria with Lucien, Kisa listened to him describe what the doctors had said.

    "If Madam Parenthapaeus does not show signs of change within the week, they will take her off the machines and she will die. They said she was taking up space. Lady Kisa...I did not have the ability to tell them what I knew your answer would be. They require direct word from you." Kisa stood rooted to the spot just outside the doors. Her vision blurred and her energy left her. Collapsing to her knees, she could only shake her head in denail.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Hm." And yet my family's probably twice as old as any other one at this school...I really can't keep up with all these family names. Frost shrugged slightly, unphased by Kisa's attitude though he did wonder why she left so suddenly. Probably some urgent family matter. He sighed, figuring he might have made enemies with yet another noble family. "I suppose we should get to cleaning otherwise we'd never finish, like Tora said." He said lightly, turning towards the others. Frost looked around, wondering if there was a mop or broom nearby to use. "This'll take longer than I thought." He muttered, kicking at the floor.

    OOC: Short post.
  16. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David began to laugh when the butler called him a commoner than took Kisa out of the room. "I hope her mother is dead." He commented while looking around the room. "One less low life to deal with."

    Tora Cross

    Tora cringed when she heard her brother's comment. She could only hope that no one else heard it or that they would do nothing about it. Even more so she hoped that Kisa's mother was okay. After a moment she turned her gaze to Frost. She could only sigh before going back to cleaning.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos was halfway to the doors, following Kisa to make sure everything was alright, when he heard David's comment. Immediately, he was across the room as his fist made contact with David's face. There was electricity surging throughout his body, which was trembling...not with energy, but anger. "That one less low life is going to be you, you frozen piece of trash," he growled as his skin became slightly tan. Zelos was known among his family for keeping his cool, but David's comment was unforgivable. "You think everyone is below you? You fail to see that you are the one with as much social status as mud," he said, lowering his electrified fist to his side. His growl turned to a smile, obviously fake, as he tilted his head. "When Kisa returns, you will not say anything," he said, as politely as possible. "I always wondered how much electricity it would take to stop a person's heart," he started as he raised his hand again, showing the yellow electricity flowing around it, "But I would hate for today to be the day where I learn."

    Wyatt had been cleaning...well, watching the scene unfold before him as he kicked the same half-eaten apple around the cafeteria. He smiled at Kisa slapping David and was hoping for a fight between Frost and the Cross boy. He was unsure if he would join; he was already in trouble, but he was tired of the school anyway. When Kisa's butler had walked in, Wyatt raised an eyebrow. Draconian hearing was well evolved enough that he heard what the butler told Kisa. The young Ifrit regretted his earlier words to Kisa as he reached for his necklace. It was then that he heard David's comment. Once again, anger got the better of him and was on his way to blast the Shiva, but Zelos got there before him. Whoa, Wyatt had never seen Zelos talk to anyone like that, let alone hit them.
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora quickly rushed to David's side and grabbed his arm a few seconds after he had been hit yet again. She was going to make sure he would not strike back. "I apologize for my brother's words. Please, no more violence." She pleaded, pulling him away with much diffculity. Normally she would not become invovled but things were getting worse and worse with each passing second. And even though she was fully aware that is was his own fault she did not like seeing him get hurt. After all...those memories of them playing together as little kids were still there and very much real and percious to her. "You should make sure your friend is okay..." She said quietly, bowing her head slightly.

    David Cross

    David was taken back by his sister's actions. First by merely shock but then by slight rage. "Tch." He turned away, pulling his arm away from Tora's grip and walking away from the group of people. She never interfers... Why now... He thought bitterly. It must be that Frost kid's fault... I will make him pay for this.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost kept quiet for a moment, waiting until David started to walk away. He found it surprising that David would even leave his sister's side knowing fully well that he was still near her. "This place isn't getting cleaned anytime soon." Frost sighed and stepped closer towards Tora. "I'm..." He paused, trying to find the right words to say. "Sorry about all this. First I get you dragged into this then..." He shook his head slowly and folded his arms. "It's really hard to find the right words for anything, really." Frost added, speaking quietly as he turned his head away. He stood silent for a moment as his mind wandered off to what more he could add to try and change the mood of the situation. "Maybe I could make it up to you later. Would you like that?" He finally said, turning back towards Tora.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    When Frost spoke to her she instantly glanced over to David, who had noticed them but merely went back to cleaning. Had his spirit been broken? But knowing would be only for the day. Her attention was then returned to Frost. "No need to apologize." She said, back to using her normal monotone voice. She then saw some trash on the floor around her and started to pick it up and threw it in a near by trash can, not replying to Frost's question.
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