Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nervously grabbed Zelos' arm. She kept telling herself that everyhing was alright, but she doubted it seeming that they had no proof that they weren't in the fight and the bandage on Zelos' face could point them towards false accusions. The knock on the door made her jump slightly.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa flinched at Wyatt's words. 'Stormrider' something she hadn't been called in a long time. Despite it being who she was, she hadn't heard it in a while. Her anger boiled and nearly snapped as a knock on the door came. She let herself be absorbed into her own thoughts, staring at Wyatt, What's wrong with me? I don't stand up for people that growl at me, let alone someone like him. What will Zelos think of me? the thought mortified her. "I..." closing her mouth she tried not to notice Wyatt anymore.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt's own rant was nowhere near finished, but the knocking and Principal Johnson had interrupted him. He would have blasted Kisa if he could. She flinched at being called a stormrider? Despite that she was one? Stormrider was just another name for Quetzal. Firebreather no longer meant Ifrit in society, it meant "low class," "obsolete," and worse of all, "trash." His eyes had moved from Kisa to Zelos, who had remained quiet this whole time but kept his eyes on Wyatt as well.

    Principal Johnson turned to the door and yelled, "What?!" The door opened slowly and revealed a man dressed in all white, save for his red tie. A set of reading glasses laid on his nose, surrounded by a small number of wrinkles; tired red eyes lay beneath them. Aged hair turned white rested on his head, slightly matted as if the man had been doing some physical labor. A pair of fangs were easily visible. "Balasa? What do you want?! I'm in the middle of something!"

    Professor Balasa, the only Ifrit teacher in the school, closed the door behind him as he timidly walked in. "Pardon me, Dwayne, but, but I had heard about the...fiasco in the cafeteria. Oh? Are these the ones behind it?" His red eyes scanned the room of students, eventually stopping on Wyatt. "Oh, Mr. Kaiju, not again."

    Principal Johnson interrupted, "That's Principal Johnson to you! We're professionals at a work place, Balasa, act like you know some formalities!"
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa's urge to hide herself away from the familiar term her father had used on her almost overrided her will to stand there strong. 'Stormrider'....something only her father called her. Kisa lowered her head to the ground, she refused to awknowledge anyone anymore. Father....I'm so sorry about mother. I couldn't protect her...forgive me. This would be the last time she stood up for someone who reminded her of her father. Wyatt...would have to get along without her. She was sure Zelos would despise her for standing up for the firebreather.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora warily looked from the teacher to the principal, thinking how the tension between them should be visible. With another Ifrit here...maybe... Being indifferent to everythin was becoming harder and harder each day. "He didn't start the fight..." She muttered lowly, cringing when her brother shot her a glare. She decieded to stay silent for the moment, wondering if anyone had heard her. If so she'd carry on to protect him. If not...well, that proved that no one cared what she had to say then, huh?
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Once again, I'd like to point out that I started it." Frost spoke out loud despite the fact that he knew the principal and teacher would pay him little to no attention. He sighed lowly and shook his head, cursing under his breath. Whatever...I guess we'll all have to be punished. That isn't exactly how I wanted... He glanced at Tora for a moment, having heard her speak softly. He hadn't caught what she said. She wasn't even around when it all happened. Frost lowered his head to stare at the ground silently as he continued to think over the recent events, finding himself frustated that he had gotten the others in trouble. Even if they did jump in...I started it.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Principal Johnson looked around. With his tan skin now turning red from rage, he set his sights on Balasa. He had every intention of expelling Wyatt. The cafeteria fight would have been the perfect excuse, but now that other people are claiming he didn't do it or that Frost himself did it. "Damn it, Balasa!"

    "Huh, Y-yes?" Balasa was trying to mouth to Wyatt to stay quiet when Johnson called him out. "What is it, Dw-er, Principal Johnson?"

    "You're in charge!" Johnson yelled before pointing to Wyatt. "I want this..these misfits..."


    "Don't interrupt me!" Johnson snapped. "I want them to clean the cafeteria! Every inch of it! Every scrap of ice, rock, ketchup, bread, I want it gone! Every crack and sign of damage, fixed! And they can't use any Draconian powers!" Johnston thought it was smart. That would take weeks, if not months. These students would be punished for the rest of the year alone. "As long as it takes! And you, Balasa, have to supervise!"
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya widened her eyes at the principal's decision to punishment. The whole cafiteria? With no powers? B-but sir! This isn't fair! Half of us weren't even involved in the fight. Even so, no powers? This is a ridiculous decision! It would take weeks! Maybe even months! You might as well expel us right now! Her eyes sparked slightly with rage.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa sighed with relief, if she wasn't expelled she could continue to carry out mother's last wish. Her knees gave out and she slipped to the floor, "The punishment is acceptable. After all with our fighting, we caused a lot of damage to the place we call home." She wouldn't be able to move for a few mintues so she hoped desperately that someone would stall for a while until she could stand again. Her thoughts drifted to Zelos, I wonder what you think of me now....standing up for Wyatt like I still something to you Zel?
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost resisted the urge to laugh at the punishment. It was completely fitting of the situation but it was something that seemed so trivial to him. I've been through far worse. He glanced over at the door, past Balasa. "So we can get to work now, right?" He plainly said, fixing his eyes on the door as he waited for their principal to dismiss the group to get to cleaning the cafeteria.
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora cringed when mya protested. Just when everyone was safe from getting kicked out someone had and go say something. It was just cleaning. Or was she too good for such? Granted Tora hardly ever cleaned anything given the housemaids... But still, they were free. And this was the best thing they could of gotten, even if Tora hadn't stepped a foot into the place while the fight was going on. "I'm ready to get cleaning right now, sir." She said politely, already slightly shifting towards the door though not taking an obvious step.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Balasa's eyes widened with surprise. The punishment was lenient, thank Drac, but he was too supervise? "Actually, sir...I apologize, but...I have prior engagements. Surely someone else can supervise the children?"

    "No! I said you're in charge. My word's final!" Principal Johnson told the timid teacher. "Everyone has to pull their part at Belloc, Balasa, don't you forget that." He turned around and met Wyatt's eyes. "Get to work. Now." Whether it was directed only at Wyatt or towards the other students was difficult to discern.

    Balasa dropped his eyes and nodded, "Yes, Principal Johnson. I agree completely."

    "Fine by me," Wyatt growled as he looked up. He wasn't sure if he would have preferred to have been expelled again, but he was tired of these people. "I'll get to work now, sir," he told Principal Johnson as he stood up and walked by.

    "Don't get short with me, boy," Johnson said. "If I see you in my office again, you're out."

    Zelos knelt down and put an arm around Kisa, frowning. "Come on, Kisa, let's go," he told his kin as he helped her up. "We should all thank Principal Johnson for being so lenient on us," Zelos looked at Johnson when he said it and met his eyes with a slight smile. It appeared polite, a slight smile instead of his normal grin was Zelos' 'disgusted' face. The entire scene in front of him, the racism was just so evident. "Thank you, Principal Johnson. We won't disappoint you. Now let's go, Kisa."

  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa was glad as Zelos helped her up and leaned on him. "Thank's Zelos. Right, lets get to work." She hid her exhaustion with a forced smile to them, avoiding Wyatt's eyes and ignoring his cocky attitude. Kisa brushed her hair back from her face and decided against it, pulling it back in front to cover her eyes. Could this day get any worse? She figured she was getting sick, the throwing up, the dizziness, what next? Falling over in the middle of a class in school?
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I haven't really posted in any RPs in forever now that I think about it.


    "Hm." Frost glanced over in Tora's direction before turning towards the office's door. While he was in the mood to make another comment he figured that it would have gone by without anyone hearing him. He pushed through the door and clasped his hands behind his back as he began to head towards the cafeteria, staying silent as he slowly walked. Faster we get there, the faster we can get on with our lives.
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora followed her brother out, allowing him to get ahead of her by walking slowly. She glanced towards Frost for a moment before looking down and beinning to figdet with a strand of her hair. Today needs to end now... She thought upon hearing her brother mumble something about how Frost - or the 'flilth' - always got in the way when he past Frost.
  16. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Ignored :<

    BIC: Mya sighed. No use arguing since they won't change their minds. She followed Zelos and Kisa out the room. So I suppose we should start cleaning up?
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: He's a dick of a principal >>

    Balasa sighed and opened the door. "Well, let's go, children," he motioned before the gym teacher walked in. Rather large for a Diabolos, Balasa simply nodded and said, "Hello, Mr. Woodstock." As he walked into the hallway, Balasa heard Principal Johnson address the Diabolos:
    "These kids are trying my patience, Jim."

    "Those so-called formalities only apply to us firebreathers," Wyatt growled at Balasa when he heard the principal. Balasa motioned for him to watch his voice and closed the door behind them, leaving them in the hallway. "You're just going to sit back and take that? Don't tell me you didn't hear him call Woodstock by his first name after lecturing you about being professional!" Wyatt's fists were clenched and his voice was slightly shaky. "Or how he picked you out of everyone to watch us? Or how he blamed me for the fight despite other people actually admitting! Face it, Professor Balasa," Wyatt could feel his eyes watering, even if only a bit, "We're nothing but trash to everyone else."

    Professor Balasa shook his head slowly and put a hand on Wyatt's shoulder. "You don't understand how these people think, Mr. Kaiju, you can't be angry at them constantly. Anger solves nothing," He told his student. "Trust me, our time will come and they'll see their mistakes, but lashing out won't solve-"

    "I don't need someone who submits to everyone's racism to lecture me," Wyatt snapped, grabbing Balasa's arm. "Grow some balls, old man. At least I don't sit quietly while they treat me like scum." Wyatt pushed his professor's arm off of his shoulder and turned around. He started to walk towards the cafeteria, his fists still shaking.

    Balasa stood there for a moment, taken aback at Wyatt's reaction. As he stared at Wyatt's back, he saw the young Ifrit raise his hand and wipe his face. "That anger is going to be useful, but his attitude might be a problem," Balasa said as he clicked his tongue and started to follow Wyatt.
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa weakly mumbled about her mother, "Mom always said the same....that everyone was trash....but father always set her straight again. He told her to grow up and made us promise not to tell anyone they were trash. I don't believe what Wyatt's saying, Zelos. There are those who don't think all Ifrits are trash. My father was one of them." Her dizziness started to return and she leaned on Zelos, where had she put those pills? Her bag. Her bag was in the cafeteria, hopefully not wrecked.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost pushed open the cafeteria doors, having been the first one to arrive there. He raised an eyebrow, realizing how much damage had been done to it. There was even a rock pillar jutting out near a table that he had previously brought forth. Other than that, the damage was more of a mess that needed to be cleaned up than things that were broken. "I suppose someone should get a mop, broom, and a bucket." He muttered, leaning against the door to hold it open for the others.
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos put an arm around Kisa's shoulder as they walked. "Unfortunately, the ones like your father tend to stay quiet while the ones like Principal Johnson are loud," he said quietly as they walked. Realizing that Kisa seemed somewhat sick, he took his arm back. "You look like you need a hand," he said, grinning. He bent down, placed one arm behind her knees, and then stood up, picking her up. "I shall carry you to the cafeteria. You can just sit while the rest of clean," he told her as they entered the cafeteria behind Frost. "Oh my," he muttered upon seeing the wreckage of the cafeteria. "This might take a while..." he turned over to Mya and cocked an eyebrow. "I cannot apologize enough, Mya, for dragging you into this. If I had listened to you, you would not have to waste your afternoon to clean."

    Wyatt walked past Frost, his fists in his pocket. This is bullshit, he thought as he stared at the pillar of earth. Squish. "No way..." Wyatt looked down. He was stepping in something wet, mushy, and brown. Whatever food that used to be, Wyatt couldn't figure out. "How long do we have to be here today?" Wyatt asked, annoyed, as he turned around. Professor Balasa was staring intently at the cafeteria's only camera.
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