Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi powered down and walked over to Frost. "Well I didn't know you were such a ladies man." He turned down the volume of his headphones and took them off and wrapped set them around his neck. "Well, we caused enough damage. I'm gonna split so I'll see you in some class somewhere."
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa blinked, confused by Zelos' words. "Yeah, okay." she agreed to go with him back tot he cafeteria or something else. Her mind fluttered around his words, Stand out? But...standing out means I'd have to do something glamorous one day, like take over mom's royalty position. She lightly touched her arm, Zelos had always shown her affection that way. "Ah, Zelos, what's up with that firebreather boy? He seemed to get awfully angry over a technical name."
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost folded his arms and cursed under his breath as he watched Tora leave then Aoi who had made an unwelcome comment. "Girls are confusing." He muttered under his breath as he turned over to look at the cafeteria doors. "I wonder how we'll all be repremanded." Frost spoke to himself.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    After knocking Sether out, Wyatt turned around. He planned to go after Sether's friend, but a large Diabolos was now in front of him. "...Damn," Wyatt muttered as he laid eyes on the school's vice-principal. When the principal opened his mouth, Wyatt interrupted and said, "I know, I know. To the office." His skin turned a peachy color again and all Draconian trace disappeared from his appearance, save for his fangs. Smoke continued to escape his mouth, but it started to fade away rather quickly.

    Zelos led the girls into the cafeteria. The purple-haired Draconian stopped and stared at the chaos unfolding in front of him. Even the teachers were having trouble containing the violent food fight. Noticing the Ifrit his kin was talking about, Zelos shrugged, "You know how firebreathers are. Although, they do get quite the unfair shake...
    " Before Zelos could say anything else, a large hand grabbed him by the back of his neck. Another hand grabbed Kisa's.

    "YOU TWO ARE COMING WITH ME!" Yelled the principal of Belloc High School as he grabbed the first students who stumbled upon his path. "YOU, TOO!" He commanded Mya. His hands were covered in rock-hard...rock. Behind him, a large number of teachers rushed in, all wielding their Draconian powers, and started to subdue all the students.

    "Where are you going?" The Leviathan physics professor asked as she caught Tora trying to escape. "To the office. NOW." And that was it, she pointed down the hall, silently telling the young Cross to head to the office. "Your brother should be there waiting for you, Ms. Cross. Now GO."

    "You and you! What are you doing?" The voice was high as someone flew in front of Frost and Aoi. Long blonde hair fluttered through the air, but the wings on her ankle fluttered even more. The windgliding teacher tried to sound stern, but her unnaturally high voice and petite body took away any intimidation she could have had. Still, she was a teacher and had authority. "Follow me, if you don't want to be expelled!" She yelled as her fangs grew. She started to lead Frost and Aoi to the principal's office.

    OOC: Anybody I missed (I just looked at the last page for names), same thing happened. Everybody's going to the principal's office.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora jumped at the sound of the teacher's voice and she spun on her heels. "Wha-why?" What had she done wrong? But instead of waiting for an answer, complaining, or asking any further questions she walked towards the office, head hanging low. What happened? Was she confused for the mess that occured in the cafeteria? Probably... Damn males and their fighting...

    Upon reaching the office she saw the teacher's words to be true and her brother was there. They exchanged silent glances before looking away from each other. She looked down at the ground, awaiting for whatever punishment to befall her.
  6. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya jumped slightly at the Principal's words. Sure she wasn't involved in the fight, but it was probably better to follow their orders rather quarrel at their assumptions. She followed Kisa and Zelos.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Fine, fine." Frost muttered under his breath as he followed the teacher. He was surprised to see both Tora and her brother already there. He kept from speaking towards Tora, figuring she was still upset and with her brother around it wasn't such a good idea anyways. "Wonder what the punishment is."
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    Upon hearing another pair of footsteps David looked up and towards the door. He saw Frost and insantly glared at him, but looking away before a teacher could see him doing such. But then he noticed his sister looking at the floor with a slightly shocked expression and looked back towards Frost for a moment. What did he do... He thought angerily before moving slightly closer to Tora as a way to hint to Frost to back off.

    ooc - I felt like posting as him....
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa growled under her breath. She was surprised when the principal had come behind them. "Hey, c'mon, I wasn't even fighting! It's not our fault!" She struggled vainly and reluctantly followed Zelos and Mya. Her choices were pretty limited at this point. "Dammit...stupid firebreather." She hated how she spoke but her anger overruled her brain for the moment. She was sure if they coud've called her parents they'd be furious. But with her father dead and mother in a coma, her rage had grown to be her best friend.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    A large growl came from behind Kisa as Wyatt walked by, hearing her words. He shot her a look filled with all the hatred he could muster and, after all of the prejudice he's been through and his innate anger, it was quite a bit of hatred. His eyes could have shot out more fire than his mouth if it that was possible. He sped up and looked away, walking past her towards the office. "Of course it's all my fault," he growled to himself, his fists shaking. He reached the Principal's office. The door was just closing, as if someone had just walked in moments before. He stopped it and walked in, seeing who was in there. He recognized the Cross siblings and Frost. He would have smirked at the sight of Frost and the Crosses if he wasn't so angry. There was no doubt that Frost being in there had something to do with the Cross girl. Wyatt couldn't see Aoi and figured he either escaped the teachers or was on his way. Wyatt kept his eyes on Frost as he walked to an empty seat, simply for the sake of avoiding eye contact with anyone else. The principal's office was a large reception-like area with the principal's real office being behind a closed door. Wyatt waited for the principal, or as he knew him, the judge, jury, and, in his case, the prosecutor.

    Zelos was appalled at the principal's barbarity. Grabbing his students by the neck? Surely, the situation wasn't so dire that all matter of social conduct was gone. Zelos struggled and managed to free himself, before looking at the principal and nodding, "As you say, sir." The honorific was said with mild disgust. How dare the principal grab his neck and yell at him and his kin, assuming they had a role to play in the cafeteria battle when they had in fact been trying to avoid it. He knew he would have probably assumed the same thing if he was in the principal's shoes, but his emotions still got the better of him. "Let us go, ladies," he told Kisa and Mya as he walked towards the office. "We shall sort everything out in the office, under a calmer atmosphere, I should hope," He said as they were passed by an angry Wyatt. Hearing both Kisa's words and Wyatt's growl, Zelos shook his head. "Well...his element suits his anger," he observed as they followed Wyatt into the office.

    A figure covered in shadow looked at the ceiling, his ears barely trembling. "What's with that racket?" He inquired as he walked away from a desk. Worried about the racket being related to his work in the dark room, he walked out the door as unseen beings started to growl.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa jerked as Wyatt growled at her and passed them by. His hate filled eyes burned into her and she wanted to apologize. Her words were not apart of her normal behavior and her mother would be appalled at her words. "Zelos....I don't understand why he's so angry all the time. If he stopped glaring at people maybe they'd stop calling him a firebreather and make it a racial term used against him."
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost folded his arms and lowered his head slightly, letting his hair obscure the sight of his eyes. He fixed his gaze on Tora and her brother from behind his hair, keeping sight of them out of the corner of his vision. Frost listened in as others arrived and thought over what would happen once the principal spoke to them. The fight was mostly his fault yet he knew that the chances of someone like him getting expelled were slim in the worst case scenario. "Hopefully we don't have to wait much longer. I'd rather not prolong this further." He muttered as he slowly lifted his head to look at the others. Will it be some sort of group punishment...?
  13. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi walked over to Frost and lightly punched him on the shoulder. "If you want her that bad go get her. Besides you got a girl now. It's better than punishment." Aoi took a seat and plugged in his MP3. He turned up his music and blocked out every possible thing that was in the room.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos frowned as they waited for their punishment. "You have it backwards, dear Kisa. He glares at people because they use 'firebreather' as a racial slur," Zelos said as he looked around at everyone else in the office, avoiding making eye contact with Wyatt. "He is a firebreather, and because of that, he is considered scum. Considered scum simply because he is what he is," the Quetzal was planning on continuing his lecture, but the door slammed open as a large man in a brown suit walked in. His eyes were brown and cracked, as was his skin. Principal Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson lived up to both his Behemoth nature and nickname.

    Principal Johnson looked around at the mass of students in front of him. These were the ones who had the biggest part in the cafeteria chaos from what he gathered, but his eyes settled one of them: the redheaded Ifrit. "Kaiju? I should have known you were behind this!" He yelled angrily as he stomped towards Wyatt, pulling out Aoi's headphones when he passed him. "It's definitely expulsion for you!" He told the Ifrit, ignoring the others behind him. "I've had it with your attitude! I'm tired of you being sent in here for fighting! You think you can cause such a commotion in my school? Think again!" His skin cracked even more as he spoke and his muscles started to bulge, his emotions getting the best of him.

  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David grinned and supressed a laugh. The firebreather wasn't the one to start the fight, but it was his fault, in David's opinion. Plus even if it wasn't he'll take most of the blame here, leaving David in the clear. Even if the principal was dirt, David was starting to like him for this.

    ooc - Lolz, The Rock. Sorry for the short post, not much to say. Really wanted to comment on the rock thing too >.> <.< *kills occ from me here*
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Something inside Kisa lurched at the word expulsion for Wyatt. Sliding her slim form between Wyatt and the Principal, she spread her arms and glared at him, "Now wait just a minute, sir! It wasn't his fault! Please, why don't you just listen to our side, and then decide on a punishment. Listen to Wyatt's side of the story, please sir." Kisa had no idea what she was doing. Her brain screamed at her but she couldn't move now, not after what she'd said. Was she really defending a boy who'd just growled at her? She must've been going insane, it was the only reasoning for her behavior today.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost cleared his throat loudly so the principal would be able to hear him. He stepped over towards the large man and took a moment before actually speaking. "Actually, I was the one who started the fight. One of our own kind stepped out of line and I put him in his place as is my duty." Frost calmly spoke doing his best to hold a tone of authority despite the fact that the only kind he had was within the Behemoths...which even the principal was a part of. "You could always punish me and let the others go. I wouldn't mind." He added, speaking as if there was no chance he could be expelled.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt stood up, angrier than ever before. "Fine! Kick me out! Not like I want to be a part of this racist school anyway, you bag of dirt!" He knew the insult probably sound comical, but it was the best he could think of in his moment of rage. He looked around and laid his eyes on Kisa. "Don't change your story now, stormrider, I already know you blame me, too!" His fists were shaking incredibly hard and he could feel his skin heating up.

    Principal Johnson snapped. "Watch your tone, boy!" He yelled at Wyatt. His skin was so cracked at this point that it didn't even resemble skin anymore, just cracked earth. "As for the rest of you, I am your principal and my decision stands!" Before he could say anything else, a knock on his office door broke the tension.
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora could see just how happy her brother was just by watching this, even though no one else could. The memories of playing with him out in the gardens seemed more fake with each passing moment and she closed her eyes. The yelling and the rage...all of it made her cringe. Really, she was sick of this. Especially of seeing people getting punished for things they didn't do. What if she tried to take the punishment as well... With the Cross and Frost's families' names on the line the Irifit could walk away unharmed. But just as she opened her eyes and started to say something there was a knock at the door, cutting her off before she even started a sentence. She looked towards the door, wondering who could it be.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I see how it is... Frost's eyes narrowed as he stepped away slowly from the pincipal who seemingly ignored his statement completely despite it being the truth that the whole mess had been his fault to begin with. "Hmph." He glanced over towards Tora just to see her on the verge of saying something when the a knock came at the door. Frost clenched his hands tightly, wanting to say something to her but soon turned towards the door figuring that his words would be best if saved until a later time. Now who'd interrupt the principal in the middle of a rant? He thought to himself.
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