Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    ooc: If he's gonna be absent, then I hope you don't mind my character jumping in to keep this fight going. Was hoping to stay out of it, but might as well make things interesting


    [​IMG] "YARG! Me me! I want next!" Splips yelled, running through the crowd. Pirate books all had one thing in common, and that was that fights were always fun. The adventures of a pirate were filled with action, drama, and fun. To him, this fight was an invitation to experiencing that kind of fun.
    He ran, pushing past Sether's group, making him easily mistakable as one of his goons. "Helloooo" he said in a cheery voice, hopping up onto the table. At the time it hadn't even occured to him to use his powers. They weren't a natural thing for him due to his lack of teaching, though he still knew how to use them, and so only relied on his strength, which was quite lacking. He punched Frost's chest the moment he got close, his hand almost squashing against the firm Behemoths body, much more powerful then his own wimpy fasique.
  2. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi grabbed on of Sether's gang by the head. Electrical impulses soared through his arm and he threw the huge Behemoth into a wall. The wall cracked under the weight of the goon. "Who's next?" His body crackled with electricity as he stood there with the happiest smile he could possibly make.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Bump!


    Frost hadn't expected someone to attack him so soon, especially not a Leviathan. He barely budged however despite a slight pain edging into his stomach from the blow. He was surprised that it hurt at all as the only ones who were physically as strong as he was were his own kind.

    "Got'cha." Frost snapped his hand down to grab the Leviathan's wrist. My turn. Frost threw a punch at the boy's chest before releasing his hold on Splips's wrist.

    OOC: Short post. <<
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt found himself slightly excited as he jumped over the table. His fangs were bigger, his nails were claws, and his breath was smoking. Years of being bullied had resulted in several fights. Wyatt was no stranger to them. Hell, he considered them his favorite friends. "Hey, Sether!" He yelled as a fireball formed in his palm. The target of his revenge was getting up, having fallen and slid several feet from Frost's shove. "Have a smoke!" Wyatt threw the fireball after swinging his leg, resembling a baseball pitcher. It made contact with Sether's shoulder, but the flame was quickly smothered by Sether's large hand, which was covered in dirt.

    "You asked for it, Firebreather!" Sether yelled as the dirt started to fall from his hand and formed a rock. He picked up the rock and threw it at Wyatt.

    Wyatt ducked, avoiding the rock, and launched himself at Sether. Unfortunately, his slender body was no match for a Behemoth's. Sether grabbed him and threw him back. Wyatt saw the cafeteria spin as he flew towards Aoi.

    Zelos placed one hand on Mya's shoulder and the other on Kisa's as he pulled Kisa towards him and away from the fight. His own hands had surges of electricity floating around, countering Kisa's own. "Mya and I are in complete agreement, it seems," he told Kisa. "Let the savages sort t
    out heir own mess and the janitors can sort the remains. This has nothing to do with u-" he was stopped by the impact of a rock, hitting his head. Whether the rock was aimed at him was irrelevant, but it hit him nonetheless. It wasn't much, but enough to send a stream of blood trickling down from his forehead. He squeezed Kisa's shoulder as his own electricity started to increase. "Well, then...really?" He said annoyed as he turned to join the fight.

  5. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya grabbed Zelos' arm. Don't do this Zelos. The situation will ony get worse. What's the point of this if it all leads up to you being kicked out? I don't want that. She tugged on his arm harder.
  6. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    ooc: lol. If only this could happen at my school. This is getten fun..


    [​IMG] Splips staggered for a moment in pain from the blow. Never before had he been in a fight, let alone the fact that he had taken his first hit from a behemoth. He fell to his knees, tears trailing down his face in a completely non-manly way, making him seem almost like a cry baby just from how red his eyes became. But these were tears of shock, not acual crying. Though he had never experienced something this intense, it made his blood boil, and it made him want to fight more.
    "NUH NUH I HAVE YOU SIR!" he yelled, his manner of speaking switching again from that of a pirate like dialogue to that of what may perhaps be a chibi. On the sides of his head, two eyes blinked open. His own claws and fangs began to portrude from his mouth and fingertips. With no hesitation, he lunged forward while still on his knees, biting Frost's leg, the teeth barely piercing the skin, whilst tears still flowed from his eyes at a now more unnatural rate, dripping onto the table as water. Sadly, he still had no idea just who it was he had been fighting or why the fight had even started, simply focused on the fantasies of his own mind.
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David had gone into the lunch room with his friends just in time to catch the fight getting interesting. He stayed far enough not to get noticed but close enough to be able to jump in at any time. He laughed when Frost had been hit and was then bitten. As he watched the events unfold his arms were being coated with a thick sheet of ice.

    "Things are getting crazy... Let's go join in." He went straight for Frost as he should be focused on the one bitting his leg... Which was just odd, but gave David the perfect chance for a sneak attack. Once he was close enough he grabbed Frost by the shoulder and spun him around in order to aim his punch at his face.

    ooc - said he didn't mind... lolz....bitting his leg
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007


    Biting. That wasn't something Frost had expected. Nonetheless it hurt and even drew some blood from the Behemoth despite how little Splips had dug into him. "Hey! Get off of me!" He shouted as he drew back his fist to strike the Leviathan in the face. Before he got the chance however, he felt a sharp tug on his shoulder followed by the connection of someone's fist into his face. That was it. He had enough of the random attacks. After regaining his composure, despite having Splips still clinging to his leg, Frost's fist coated itself in a layer of rock before he threw the punch right back at the Shiva who had attacked him. It was only then did he realize who it was. David!? By this time he knew that this was Tora's brother but instead of feeling that he should hold back his own strength, he decided on making the Shiva even angrier.

    "Think your sister minds kissing on the first date?" He taunted as his other hand flew down to grab Splips's hair and yank on it in an attempt to pry the male off his own leg. "Or maybe that'd be on the second!"
  9. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.

    "Kiss meh now you big lug!" Splips screamed. The tears that leaked through his eyes quickly slithered into his mouth, a sudden change in attack method now that he was charged and losing a sense of all reality around him. He puckered up and closed his face in towards the large behemoths, and from his mouth, spewed a mixture of water, tears, and spit from his mouth as if it were being fired from a hose in a quick attempt to push Frost away. Behemoth's, ifrit's and shiva's, oh my he thought to himself, the thrill of the fight reminding him of some of his past books. Though the fight centered to where he was now, the air was begining to fill with the adrenaline of battle, tensions high, and blood thirst higher in the lunch room.
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    Frost's punch made contact, but since David had leaned back near the last moment it did the least amount of damage possible. Still, Frost was strong, had a coating on his fist, and it had stung. After being hit a clear, thin layer of ice covered his face to block any other hits he may get. The shield wasn't the best one, but it was better than nothing. "Like she'd ever kiss scum like you."

    He was going to act... But he really didn't know what to do with this kid. He would go around and try to knock him out simply so he wouldn't have to deal with him, but to do so he would have to walk around Frost and expose his back to the Behemoth.
  11. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi saw Wyatt heading straight for him. Thinking instinctively he rushed towards him and caught him. He quickly set him down. "Hey, you okay? He's possibly the strongest Behemoth I've ever seen." Aoi stepped forward. He brought out his iPod and pulled back his hood. He plugged in his large SkullCandy earphones around his neck and put them over his ears. He selected the fastest thrash metal he had and cranked the volume up as loud as he could and set the bass to its limits. It was so loud possibly the whole cafeteria could hear it. His eyes turned pure yellow and claws grew from his hands. Fangs protruded from his mouth. A sinister smile slipped into his face. Electriciy crackled around him as he walked toward Sether. "I don't like people being thrown at me." His voice was different. It was a second, much deeper voice was echoing him. He rushed Sether with incredible speed. He thrust his fist deep into his adversary. He began to laugh.
    He jumped all the way back to the end of the cafeteria. His feet caused craters at least one foot in diameter. He began charging electricity and ran at Sether head on.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Things would have been worse if it had been a third person who had attacked him but Frost knew the two he was dealing with and kept Splips within the edge of his vision. He had been in too many fights before to be unable to dodge such a predictable, albiet odd, move by the Leviathan. Frost ducked out of the water's path and jumped off the table he was at before widening his stance to prepare to fight David head-on(OOC: Apply directly to the forehead!). It was the Shiva he was interested in, not anyone else...not anymore at least. "She seems to be a bit more open-minded than a stuck up punk like you. You say I'm scum yet who are you imitating? Us Behemoths are the ones who cover our bodies in rock yet you just made a mask out of ice." Frost's eyes flashed over towards the Leviathan, although he would prefer to fight David alone he knew he couldn't get his wish under the current circumstances. Whatever. Bring it on.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David had completely forgotten about Splips by now as his focus was on Frost. Maybe he should learn some anger control, but that was a matter for another time. "You cover yourself in dirt and therefore are nothing more than dirt." He countered in an icy voice. The tempature around him severly dropped to the point where they could see their breath. "You seriously need to get over her, she wouldn't be interested in getting involved no matter what you do." And that was the end of the conversation as far as David was concered. His first, fully coated with ice, had been launched at Frost even before he finished speaking. This time it was a upper-cut that would make contact with Frost's gut if it did not miss. And already the floor under their feet began to freeze over.

    ooc - graaaah it dragged me back, but seriously need to head to bed nao.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa took one glance at Zelos' blood and snarled, she looked around for the Behemoth who threw the rock. Electricity surged around her, "Can I hurt someone now?" Zelos still had a fairly good grip on her shoulder, keeping her back from the fighting. Her fangs grew and her nails sharpened as her growls deepened. She spotted Sether and placed blame on him, since he was a Behemoth not being beat on. Pointing rather rudely, she snarled, "Hey, you! You wanna try that again! If your aim sucks so bad, maybe your mother shouldn't have been sniffing glue when you were concieved!"
  15. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    [​IMG] "Fun, fun, foe big in smawl. So much fun in fwee foe awl." Splipls chanted, as he began to spin around in circles on the table, firing the water from his mouth like a house, sending it in the direction of anyone who could see as he spun, including those who were fighting. It came to the point where in his delluded mind, the goal was to hit as many people as he could, and so far everyone using some kind of power was his main target.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    While it did get colder, it wasn't enough to cause Frost to shiver as he was already wearing warm clothing a Shiva would wear. Even his boots had enough traction to prevent him from slipping on the newly formed ice. Frost caught David's fist with his gloved hand but before he could retaliate, he swung his free hand upwards in Splips's direction causing a rock barrier to sprout between them to keep him from getting hit. "What the hell is that kid doing?" He muttered lowly.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Geez, you guys like combat

    Wyatt grunted his thanks at Aoi, but was surprised at the boy's actions. "Music, really?" Was this really the time to listen to an iPod? Or maybe Wyatt was jealous that he didn't have his own iPod to follow suit. Wyatt gritted his fangs as they grew. He could feel his forehead tingling as two horns started to poke out. In his hand, another fireball started forming. Right before Aoi took off towards Sether, the anger-driven Ifrit pitched his arm back and threw another fireball. The fireball hit Sether square in the face. Whether or not it burned, Wyatt couldn't see. All he saw was that Sether was distracted enough to not move out of the way. If Aoi made contact, Sether would be out cold. Wyatt could hear a racket behind him, the entire cafeteria was breaking into battle. It was a riot forming. No doubt I'll get blamed for this, he thought as his skin started darkening. If he was going to get expelled, he might as well go all-out.

    Zelos growled, something that surprised him. He looked down at his purple sleeves to notice they were bulging. His hands were turning Draconian. With his other hand, he wiped the blood of his face, only to have more trickle down. Zelos was dead set on getting some retribution and was about to let Kisa loose, ignoring Mya's pleas. But when he looked up and saw the beginning of a riot, he changed his mind. "On second thought," he began as he pulled Kisa back and grabbed Mya's hand, pulling her with his other hand, "Perhaps we should find some cover. All Hell seems to be breaking loose, and I, for one, do not want to see who plays the role of Lucifer himself." Zelos pulled them towards the door, ducking under fireballs, rocks, snowballs, and blasts of water. The cafeteria started to look as if it was hit by every natural disaster known to man. "Let's go, we're almost to the hallway, ladies."

  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa snarled, trying to jerk out of Zelos' grip. Her clawed hands flumbled into her pocket for her father's pocketwatch. She pulled it out and flipped it open, as if checking the time. Closing her eyes Kisa shut out her own rage and the riot breaking out around her. Centering herself on the memory of her mother lying in bed, sleeping forever. Kisa let herself be pulled out into the hallway by Zelos and let the memory flood her head, Mom...
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - why yes we do :'D

    David Cross

    David was protected from the water by the rock since he was lined up with Frost. He had quickly pulled back his fist from Frost's grip while he was distracted by the water and took a few steps back. He held out his palm and from it ice shot out at Frost.
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sighed in relief as they were pulled away from the fight. She looked up at Zelos and examined his face. Look at you. You're a mess. She pulled out some napkins and pressed them to Zelos' wounds and rubbed away the blood on his face.
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