Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa sat in the dark of the janitors closet, munching on a sandwich she'd bought earlier. "Darkness...that's all I want. Darkness and quiet..." Her thoughts traveled along that path until it started to get depressing, This is why I'm so pathetic at making new friends. All I have is Zelos. He's the only one who's treated me like one of them...probably because I am one of them, but still... She growled, "I hate haters." Wrapping up the rest of her food, she plugged into her ipod and closed her eyes, making darkness into absolute darkness.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Uhh..yeah, that's right," Wyatt said, not expecting a third person to show up. "The more the merrier," he added under his breath as he walked towards a seat. He was still heated from earlier, to heated to eat. Just as he started to sit down, someone walked behind him and he could hear a whispered


    He turned around, only to see the same Behemoth from earlier. The Behemoth kept walking and sat down with a group of friends. Wyatt clenched his fist and sat down, keeping an eye on him from the corner of his eye.

    Zelos smiled at Mya as she sat down, but he kept walking. Minutes later, he returned with a plate for himself. He sat down next to her and held his can of drink. " be official, my name is Zelos Arcadia. Tennis player extraordinaire and the best Quetzal you shall ever meet. And you are...Mya, correct?"

  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya smirked at his "best Quetzal" comment, but shook her head and smiled. Yep that's me. She brushed her hair and pulled out her sandwich. Anyways, what do you and Kisa have in common?
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "And you got my name righ-" Frost stopped midsentence as he watched the other Behemoth insult Wyatt and head over with his own group. He was growing tired of it as the Behemoth's actions made Frost and the rest of his kind look bad. "I'll be back in a sec...Let me just take care of this." He headed away from the other two as he walked in the direction of the table where the Behemoth and his friends sat. "I'm beginning to wonder if you want some sense knocked into you." Frost wasn't deaf, despite the insult being whispered he could still hear it just clearly and he wasn't about to just let someone else degrade whatever reputation his kind had. "Please don't make a scene, I'd rather not be forced to break anyone's bones...the sound of it is too unpleasant. So just go apologize." This was one of his own habits, he felt the need to defend not only the people around him but his own pride. To him, if he could make another Behemoth apologize for something it would be like getting two birds with one stone. There was that...and the fact that when the Behemoth refused, he would be able to get into a fight and call it as self-defense.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora was shoved to the side by David the moment they reentered the school. She watched as he and his friends walked off with a blank expression. She tried to feel nothing towards the whole situation but she felt her hand curl up into a fist and begin to shake. She was so sick of this. Every day was the same thing. No friends, no fun. It was all strangers and acting 'proper.' And tonight a lecture was in store for her no doubt. She shook her head, calming herself down before she started to cry, and walked off. She headed to her next class even though it was still her lunch period and sat down in the hall. She leaned against the wall next to the door, and sighed quietly.

    ooc- There I post DX< I'm sorry for icky post, I don't know what else to say so probably disappearing from the rp until things move along or unless someone talks to my characters.
  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex saw kids head inside, others stayed out, opening their bagged lunches. Then, it hit him like a brick. It was lunchtime, not Physical Education. 'That's why the gym teacher isn't out here...' He thought. Alex turned around and headed back inside, pushing the door forcefully. He looked back to see kids staring at him, others whispering to each other and laughing. The door made a loud slam! sound and Alex grumbled to himself angrily. When he did something that was stupid (or what he thought was stupid), he would get angry with himself. It was one of the only things that got him angry. The teen Garudas accidently turned the wrong corner because he was too upset with himself to see where he was going. His eyes met the ground as he slowly walked. Something caught Alex's eye as he walked. He was distracted but it was large so he turned around. He stared at the blue-haired girl. 'She's probably a Shiva.' Alex thought. She looked upset. His caring nature took over and he approached her calmly. His angry thoughts turned to sympathy for the girl. Alex 'took a knee' (like in soccer) in front of the Shiva. Even though he had never talked to her, he sweetly asked, "What's wrong?" He had a passionate look of sympathy and caring in his eyes. He soon took a seat, sitting Indian Style (has anyone heard of that? XD). He stared at her. Alex had completely forgot about lunch.
  7. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    ooc: for the record, the p in splips is silent (the first). And also for the record, yes, he is quite out there. Don't want people thinking I'm f'ing around with his thoughts and grammar.


    [​IMG]"W-e-i-r-d-o-e-e-o-o-e..." Splips loudly chanted, shaking his hips back and forth to the beat of his spelling whilst walking into the lunch room. The moment he walked through the doors and entered, his eyes widened. "Gaahh..." he said in utter aw, looking at all of the people that had gathered to eat. Yarg. Plenty of fish at port today. he thought in his own head, his own thoughts almost as odd as his mannerisms. What really caught his eye though was the group that had seemed to gather at one specific table. One side of people was made up of a group of large muscular people. The other half of the group total seemed to be the center of attention amongst them. They were the only ones that were really standing, so they caught the simple eye of splips immediatly. "They mus be haven fuunn" he said in a strange accent, as he began to walk toward the group, side stepping behind various people along the way so to appear as if he was being sneaky, hoping to simply observe the situation instead of getting involved.
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora shifted slightly and looked around. There was no sign of her brother or anyone else for that matter, and she did wish to talk to someone... Though there was that off chance someone may walk by. "Nothing's wrong." She muttered, crossing her arms and not making eye contact with the boy. He looked nice and actually cared for a stranger like herself. "You seem like a nice kid. I mean, you even stop to ask me that even though you have no idea who I am. There's not many people like you in this school." Tora sighed and tilted her head. "So I really would like to see you leave now."
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex smiled. "Thank you," he replied. He decided to obey the Shiva's command and slowly walked away towards the lunchroom. He didn't want to upset her even further. Just before he turned the corner, he stopped and said proudly, "By the way, my name's Alex Gales. A Garudas..." Alex sighed, not to take a breath. He didn't want to go but he wanted to respect the girl's wishes. "Later~!" He finally said after a pause and left. He opened the cafeteria doors and looked for an empty table. Alex liked being the first to sit at a table, so he could see who would want to join him instead of him joining them. He spotted a deserted table, conviently by where Wyatt and the others were sitting. Alex quickly walked to the table and went onto the lunch line. He decided to get some penne; he felt like having Italian cuisine today. He sat back down at his table and began to eat.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: AndrewTemari101, Garudas is plural. Garuda is singular xD

    Hey, what are you-," Wyatt said as Frost walked by. Wyatt was planning on enjoying his lunch, even if had to watch the Behemoth from earlier out of the corner of his eye, but it seemed Frost wouldn't let it go. Wyatt figured Frost's own pride as a Behemoth was being attacked indirectly just as his own pride as an Ifrit was being attacked directly. He stood up and followed, stopping directly to the left of Frost's back. He didn't say anything, but he watched the Behemoth, whose name he knew to be Sether, with narrowed eyes and clenched fists.

    "What's this?" Sether asked aloud as he looked up. "Ahhh," he recognized Frost right away. He was an anomaly in the school and even a bigger one in the Behemoth community. "Do you got a problem, too? What was your name, Snow, right?" He laughed and leaned back, crossing his arms. "I should've known that the firebreather couldn't fight his own fight, but instead he got another freak to do it! Ha!" He laughed again and smirked at Frost, "But whatever, birds of a feather, right? I'll apologize, I mean, I really am sorry that he's good for nothing and his only friend is another weirdo."

    Zelos reached down and picked up an apple, only to stare it and put it right back down. "Kisa?" He thought of his friend and for the first time, realized that she was probably his best friend. He couldn't think of anybody else he spent so much time around. He shrugged and stared off into space. He was staring directly at the soon-to-be confrontation of Frost and company, but he was looking past it. "Kisa is my fellow Quetzal, but she is more than that," he said, shrugging. "She's the little sister I never had the pleasure of having. I'm sure we're cousins with some branched off family tree or something, but that doesn't matter. We're kin, and we' they say, 'tight'," He told Mya as he finally picked up his apple and took a bit, its juice flowing throughout his tongue.

  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nodded glumly and sighed. She really never knew about herself much. Her parents died after she was born and a couple of humans willingly took care of here. So far, they treated her like crap. Mya chomped her sandwich. Good to have friends right?
  12. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi walked over. The Behemoth was big. Very big. Still, he felt uncomfortable. "And who's this idiot? " Aoi walked closer. "You're the only freak here gigantor. I honestly can't see why you're not in a special ed. class." Electricity swirled around him for a moment. The next moment, Aoi was in Sether's face. He stepped back a little. "You ever considered a breath mint? Ah screw it. It's too easy insulting. Anyway, just do what you came here to do. Odds are you'll be lying in a pool of blood." Aoi cracked a twisted smile. He walked back to Frost with a triumphant smirk.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa finally emerged from her dark place, feeling nausous. She stumbled into the cafeteria and observed the situation with Wyatt, Frost and the other Behemoth. Combing her fingers through her hair, she walked over to a trash can and threw up her lunch. "Ah gross. There's no way I'm getting sick now." Wiping her mouth she straightened and waved to Zelos and Mya before her knees buckled and she dropped to the floor.
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost growled at the obvious mistake in his name. "I'm sure he can defend himself but the thing is, the Behemoths of this school answer to me. Your actions are making us look bad." He snapped his hand outwards to grab Sether by his neck. His grip wasn't enough to choke him but merely pull him out of his seat. Frost would have grabbed his collar but traditional Behemoth clothing was too tight for him to pull such a thing. He glanced over at Aoi who had just stepped in with a few insults of his own. "As much as the little backup is appreciated, I think I've got everything under control." 'I think.' Frost released his hold on Sether to realize that the Behemoth was of a heavier build than he was. Amongst his own kind Frost was lean instead of overly muscular yet he still had the strength of any others like him. Still, it made it somewhat daunting that the others at the table were larger than him.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos noticed Kisa right away and quickly stood up, catching her just as she fell. "Kisa!" He helped her to her feet, slightly oblivious to the scene behind him. "Are you all right? What's wrong?" He motioned for Mya to walk over and help, just before the sound of a splash from behind caught his attention.

    Frost! " Wyatt yelled his companion's name when he noticed one of Sether's friends thrusting his palm towards Frost. Wyatt recognized the friend as a Leviathan when a current of water shot from his palm and blasted Frost. "That's it," Wyatt growled, his anger finally getting the best of him. His fingernails started to grow as a flame appeared in his hand, before taking the form of a ball. He threw the ball at the Leviathan, only to have it quenched immediately by another blast of water. Before long, Sether's entire table of friends were standing, all ready for a confrontation.

    OOC: Guys, I hate to do this, but after tonight (as in after this post), I won't be back on for a bit. I'm going to try to get on at least once tomorrow to post again and I will try to post during the weekend, but chances are I won't be able to until next week. Starting tomorrow, I'll be on Christmas break and will be without internet service. However, there is internet available to me somewhere else, but I won't be able to use it everyday of the week (just three or four days tops) or for several hours (just a couple a day on the days I can get on). I'm trying to remedy the situation so I will have internet over the break, but so far, it's not looking good. I'll be back between the ninth and eleventh of January. Like I said, I will still be getting on, so don't forget about the RP ; ; it just won't be as much. So...keep posting and be patient, please. Happy holidays~

  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa blushed brightly and bit her lip, "Uh, I'm okay, th-" she cut off as she noticed Wyatt and the Behemoth boy fighting. Things were going to get hairy. Pushing off of Zelos she staggered over to them, "Hey, school rules say no powers! Back off Sether." Her yellow eyes glared eerily at the boys, electricity humming under her skin and sizzling dangerously in her system. She didn't understand why she was sticking up for Wyatt and Frost but she felt the need to do so, for it would be something her mother would do.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: NOOO!! BUENO!!! *BROFIST* D8 The RP won't die so long as you don't forget about it when you come back. 8D


    The first wave of water would have been enough to knock down any other student but Frost barely budged although now he was soaked. Furious, he shoved Sether aside by slamming the back of his hand into the Behemoth's chest. He glanced over at yet another person, a girl whose name he did not know. "Go back to your seat. You don't want to get in trouble, do you?" This advice obviously didn't apply to himself as he was already attacked once so from now on he could act as if fighting was an act of self-defense. "I'm done playing nice. I did give a warning." He leapt onto the table where Sether's group once sat and immediately followed this move with a very direct kick to the Leviathan's face. It wasn't anything fancy but it did manage to not only send him flying backwards a short distance but knock the Leviathan unconscious as well. There is one advantage to being a Behemoth...I doubt anyone could get up from a kick like that! He spread out his arms as if challenging the rest of Sether's friends. "Next?"
  18. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi walked up to Kisa. "Stay out of this. This is their fight. And probably mine since I dissed Sether so much. And now his friends want to fight. And trust me, I don't want some goody goody ruining my entertainment. Now leave." Elictricity swirled around him for only a moment. The next he was back by Frost's side. He turned to Frost. " Looks like we're gonna have to kick some butt today huh?"
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa laughed, not the least intimidated by the boys. "Is that supposed to scare me? Oh, please. Listen whoever you all are, my record isn't as clean as you think, I just don't want to get blood all over the very newly polished floors." Her indifference towards even her own kind was harsh. Electricty sparked on her clothes as she growled, "I'm not going to stand by, or leave while a fight starts that i'm not apart of."
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya frowned. She didn't like the idea of being involved in a fight. The lastthing she wanted to have is to be thrown out of the school for being in a fight. To her, it wasn't really worth it. I think we should just leave them alone. I don't think we should get involved in this.
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