Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost was nearly about to answer Tora when her brother interrupted their brief conversation. He barely budged when the Shiva purposefully bumped into him as Frost was larger but he could feel a cold breeze pass by him when the newcomer came. If he had the attitude of his earlier years Frost would have immediately struck the Shiva in the face but he remained calm. "You should respect those of high status. For all intents and purposes, I'm in a position above any noble." He spoke lowly, his eyes fixed on the Shiva. He had heard very little of the Cross family, he only knew that they were nobles and people his mother barely associated herself with in the past. "Just go back to whatever you were doing. There's nothing wrong with me merely talking to this..." He paused momentarily to glance over at Tora. Frost couldn't help but say something he knew would bother David and flatter the girl at the same time. "Attractive girl. I assume courting her won't be a problem, right?" The moment was just too perfect for making such a comment.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora shifted slightly when her brother joined them. She felt things get colder instantly, but, of course, was uneffected by it. What bothered her was that yet again her brother would drive away someone who could of became a decent friend towards her. Frost did seem like a nice guy after all... He seemed braver than others though, so perhaps there was a chance of some sort? However, her thoughts were instantly scattered the moment Frost mentioned that she was attractive. Never had she been called such, no one dared with David being the type he was, or it was simply because she wasn't such. Tora believed both to be ture. So now she was completely unsure what to do and took another step back. "Let's just go." She muttered, looking down.

    David Cross

    David sneered at Frost's comments. To him it was all simple trash talking. "Your family was ruined thanks to your mother." He was about to listen to Tora and leave, but when he looked over towards her he saw slight blush on her face. And that was it. From the moment David got over to Tora to now he has been creating a thick sheet of ice over his arm and hand. And once he saw his sister become flustered by Frost's comment it was time to put this to use. As his head turned back to face Frost his arm rised and extened into a punch aimed at Frost's face. Maybe once it's messed up he wouldn't try anything else.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost knew he had it coming and was ready for David to strike first. Frost caught the Shiva's fist in his gloved hand (the other was the only one with talons and would tear a glove if he tried one on). It took a great deal of effort not to retaliate due to the insult made to his mother. Frost tightened his hold on David's hand, cracking the ice surrounding it. "You're going to leave." Frost growled lowly, staring hard at the Shiva. "I'd rather Tora stay here since you interrupted us. He added, releasing David's hand, completely ignoring the fact that such talk could only make him angrier. Frost held little tolerance for people who merely looked down on everyone, although he did wonder why Tora seemed so modest in comparison to David.
  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya walked out of her math class, wiping blood from her lip. Apparantly, some girl think she could talk smack about her, especially about her family. Stupid girl. Hope your arm stays broken. She wasn't sure if she broke it. She twisted the girl's arm pretty hard and heard a crack. The teacher won't cite her since she didn't start it. She sighed and sat on her usual bench: far away from the students as possible. She pressed a towel to her lip.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    Feeling the ice starting to break made David grin. It's been a long time before anyone cracked his ice amour. Though granted it wasn't at its fullest strength; he didn't have enough time for that. He could of stalled with more insults, but he underesimated Frost. Something he shouldn't of done to a Behemoth.

    After Frost let go of his fist it fell to David's side. The ice around it reformed and thickened even more so now, mainly around the knuckles. The temperature fell once more and soon they should be able to see their breaths in the air. A fight in the cold was something David looked forward to. He could easily be fine if everything around them froze over, and Frost could live up to the name he loved so much. David's fist tightened as he grew ready to go all out and make sure that this boy never bothered the Cross family again. He then opened his mouth to say something, but Tora cut in.

    Tora Cross

    Tora saw a look on David's face. It was the same one he'd get when things got serious, but first he'd no doubt say something to annoy Frost even further. She didn't want this to carry on and quickly acted, moving forward and grabbing David's left wrist as his right hand was still balled up into a fist. She looked into his glassy clear eyes with her own, pleading ones. "Let's go. You can't afford it this time." David looked down at her for a moment before looking back over at Frost. There was no way she'd stay here with him, and for both their sakes she wouldn't see him again unless it was from afar or in class.

    To her relief David sighed and she could see the ice melt off of his right arm. He said fine before turning to leave. Tora quickly followed after him, looking over her shoulder once before the friends David was with before joined them.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost was all too ready to fight David. He was just about call on his own powers when Tora stopped her brother from continuing. He forced himself to calm down momentarily and stood silent as the two walked away with Tora giving a short look over his way. As soon as they were far enough Frost's anger rose higher than it had been when David insulted his mother. "Social classes...who cares about them!" It had been too long since he had spoken so casually to another person and just before even getting to really know the girl, someone else had to break things apart. Due to his own status it was hard to get around without finding himself in some sort of conflict, especially with his own kind as they felt it to be insulting that he was essentially the highest of nobility within the Behemoth's own culture. It didn't make things any better now that a Shiva was trying to isolate him from their kind. 'Hm...' He folded his arms as an idea came to mind. Frost had no intentions on cutting contact with Tora, after all he just met her. He just knew that he would have to go about it a little more carefully. 'I just need a few things...'
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You're in~ But Leviathans don't have wings. However, they are able to glide for short periods of time with the aid of wings.

    Wyatt had watched the entire encounter between Frost and the Shivas. His anger at Frost from earlier had redirected to the Cross siblings. The whole comment about Frost's mother ruining the family? And Cross calling him trash? Wyatt was leaning against the door leading inside, forcing people to use the other door. However, he did hear several remarks about "firebreathers always being in the way," but this time, it didn't bother him. He knew Shivas could be stuck up, but never to this level. He was no longer angry at Frost for interrupting his own fight earlier and now, he even identified with him. Wyatt looked down at right hand. It was smoking, slightly, and his nails had grown several inches. "Damn it," he thought as he calmed down. Frost's comment about social classes struck a chord with him and Wyatt walked up to him. "Frost, I guess I had you all wrong," he said, not looking him in the eyes. Wyatt was never good at apologizing.

    Zelos smiled at Kisa as he threw on his purple jacket. It was a light purple, same shade as his hair, with shoulders torn, showing a black tattoo on each shoulder. Underneath, he had a skin-tight shirt that was dark purple. "I'll get him next time," the tennis playing Quetzal told his kin, "And 'the Surging Server' will most definitely catch on!" He raised a fist as he said his nickname...the one only he used for himself. After walking inside for a few minutes, he noticed a girl with a bloody lip, sitting on a bench. "Kisa? Is that not the girl that you were talking to during my match?"

  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost turned slightly upon hearing Wyatt's voice. He was almost embarrassed that the Ifrit had overheard him but this changed when he seemingly apologized. At least, that's what it sounded like. "It's alright." Frost spoke lowly turning back to look in the direction in which Tora had left. "Think there's any chance a bit of white hair dye and contacts would work to get close to her again? I'm sure the rest of the Shivas don't care enough to remember how my face looks like." His words were spoken lightly as if telling a joke. Despite acting calm, Frost was still furious over the day's events.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa looked at Mya and her fury mounted. "MYA! Oh my goodness. What happened to you, you poor thing!?" She pulled Zelos with her as she went toward Mya. Her normal laid back personality taking a turn as electricity sizzled under her skin with her anger. "Who's done this to you. I swear I'll break their necks!" Kisa pulled Zelos' face down to hers, "We have to find the one responsible for this. We'll check everyone! THIS DEMANDS RETRIBUTION!" Releasing Zelos' face she glared her yellow eyes down the hall at a few Shiva's.
  10. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Yea imma switch backto blue since everyone else is using purple :P

    BIC: Mya yelped as she started spoutin out words for revenge and stuff. Ack! Don't do that Kisa! It's alright. I already gave that girl something to wander about. The last thing I need is more trouble. She sighed and stood up. Thanks for caring though. It's not that bad.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa calmed her glaring and sighed, "Yeah I guess. Still, would've been nice to teach them a thing or two about being a Quetzal." She pulled her purple hair in front of her face and looked around, "I'm gonna...just disappear before any teacher sees me and makes me actually go to class. You want me to hang out with you Mya? I got a free period."
  12. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi walked up behind Kisa. "You." He had a cold look on his face. "Why do you hang out with Zelos? What's so good about him?"
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa turned and glared her yellow eyes at the guy who was apparently hating on Zelos. "He's a nice guy if you get to know him. Who wants to know anyways? I don't tell my secrets to just anybody." Electricity hummed under her skin as she fisted her hands. She'd fight to defend Zelos if she had to.
  14. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi looked at her fists in pure boredom. She had such a short temper. Most people did these days. "Relax. I just thought I'd tell you not to cry when you come to the stunning realization that that arrogant Quetzal isn't the greatest man on this earth." Aoi walked off to skip school. He could care less for this craphole. Mya annoyed him. In his belief, people shouldn't obsess over a single person for too long. People need to learn how to separate themselves from others. He did. In the most brutal way possible.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa shook off her anger, as quick as it came, she was calm and laid back again, "What a strange boy. I already know Zelos ain't the best guy in the world, no offense Zelos, but arrogance isn't always my thing." Kisa smiled and started to skip toward the janitor's closet, "I'll catch you all later!"
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    The situation already got awkward for Wyatt, who wasn't the type to be friendly. He simply shrugged, put his hands into his pocket, and replied with a snarky, "Who would want to remember your face?" Before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by his growling stomach. It was lunch time after all. Wyatt walked over to the door and opened, then turned around and held it for Frost. "You coming?"

    Zelos stared at the boy who walked away, wondering what the boy's beef with him was. "As they say, haters are going to hate, no?" He joked with Kisa, barely fazed by the boy's comments. "Arrogant? Whatever does she mean by that, Mya?" He asked his new acquaintance as he gestured towards the cafeteria. "Well, since it appears to be just us, how about we lunch together?" The hall started to crowd with the students who were lucky enough to enjoy the first lunch hour as he waited for Mya to answer.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya frowned at the guy that passed by. How strange. She looked back at Zelos. Yea I'd love to have lunch with you. She walked into the cafiteria and sat on an empty bench.
  18. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi calmly walked out of school as if this were a normal thing which all students were allowed to do. He was interrupted by the growling of his stomach. He didn't feel like walking all the way to the nearest fast food resturaunt for some cheap junk. He instead turned back around and headed for lunch. He walked a ways until he saw Wyatt and Frost. The only two people he could really stand in the whole school. He didn't know them much either. This might be a chance to make "friends", as his foster parents called them. He walked up to them and calmly greeted them. "Whatsup?"
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "I think I'll just be using that to my advantage then." Frost grinned as he folded his arms. While Wyatt did seem to be a bit of a hothead he did seem to prove amusing towards himself. With the sounds of the Ifrit's growling stomach it reminded Frost that it was time for lunch. "Guess it is time to eat." He stepped towards the door when he heard another's voice just a short distance away. "Aoi, right? I'm not to good with names." He walked in through the door and wondered how long it would be before another fight was started. It was lunchtime after all and with a school full of short tempered teenagers with was bound to happen sooner or later. Still, despite this thinking Frost felt that the day would be rather uneventful after having run into David Cross.
  20. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    "Yeah, it's Aoi. Mind if I sit with you guys today? I'm too hungry to skip." Aoi stepped through the door and ended up by Frost. "And you're Frost right?" He turned to Wyatt. "And Wyatt?"
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