Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya looked up at Kisa and smiled. I'm Mya. Thanks. He's good you say? I'll challenge him maybe.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa swung her legs onto the seat of the bench and nodded, "Haha, that would be great to watch." she smiled and pulled a fruit snack packet out of her pocket of her hoodie. "Fruit snack? Oh Zelos is not just good, he's the best. I swear, if he weren't kin like to me, I'd have a crush on him. Also if he wasn't an idiot somedays."
  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya smiled. No thanks. I'm not hungry. Anyways, he looks like a really nice guy. I think you two should be together. It's not like-She stopped herself. She wasn't some couple expert. She never got with anyone in her life. Forget what I said.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa grinned and ate a few, "Oh no, I could never. Zelos is cute and all, but I don't get along for long with my own kind. Sorry, Mya, I guess that applies to you too. You're interesting, but it never lasts." She sighed and played with her many necklaces, "Sooo, yeah I really think you should meet him before saying I should be with him. He's...well, you'll see."
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Without turning around, Wyatt clutched his fists tight and whispered as loudly as he could whisper, "How would you like to be buried six feet under? That'd suit a dumb Behemoth like you, wouldn't it?" He didn't look back to say it, knowing the earthshaker behind him would hear it. Unfortunately, Prof. Balasa had stopped talking and looked up. He hadn't heard the Behemoth's comment, but he did hear Wyatt's.

    "What did you say, Kaiju?" The Behemoth demanded angrily, pushing his chair back and standing up.

    The tennis ball bounced too close to the Zelos' opponent and he failed to return it, sending into the net instead. "Aha~" Zelos smiled with the score now tied up. It was almost time for class to end, and that was perfect; Zelos had won the second set after underestimating his windgliding foe during the first set. The score was now tied, in both the match itself and the number of sets won. The next score would win not just the set, but the entire match. When Zelos' gym teacher, an extremely tall Diabolos, passed him another tennis ball, he couldn't help but grin. "I do hope you're ready. This is it, after all," he told his opponent as he bounced the ball. Each time the ball touched his fingers, an unseen surge of electricity was sent into it. Each time it hit the ground, it dispelled only a small bit of it. It was Zelos' secret technique. By charging the tennis ball before a serve, he would catch his opponent off guard. Once the opponent hit the ball, they would receive the shock through the racket. While it didn't completely paralyze them, it was a nasty shock that always threw their return off. "Ready for my ace?!" Zelos laughed as he threw the ball into the air. Once it began to fall, he jumped and swung his racket as hard as he could, sending one last surge of electricity through it.

  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex was startled by Wyatt's comment. He saw the Behemoth stand up and he knew this was going to get ugly, soon. Alex also noticed that Professor Balasa had stopped what he was doing. ' I guess he heard Wyatt's threat. Not a surprise though, he was pretty loud.' He thought. He saw some students murmuring to each other, some frightened, and some not giving a sh*t about anything.

    Alex stood up and approached the Behemoth slowly. "What am I doing? It's suicide!" He asked himself. He quickly answered his own question. 'I don't want to see a fight break out.' Alex thought. 'Too much drama already.' He managed to quickly slide in between the gap of the two desks, his eyes meeting the Behemoth's. Alex didn't want to be the big hero, but he wanted to help out Wyatt. 'Not like he would need help beating this chump.' He thought. 'And maybe I might gain Wyatt's trust a little...'
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "I suggest having a seat Kaiju." A brown haired male spoke from his seat one to the left and one to the back of the other Behemoth. He didn't look as physically robust as the other of his kind but if he stood up he would stand just over Kaiju. Frost tapped his index finger of his ungloved hand down against his own desk in a motion to tell the other Behemoth to sit down. "I don't want this to get messy." He spoke in an undertone so that Balasa would not hear him. Frost tapped his finger once more causing his talon to click much more audibly against the desk. While he wasn't Wyatt's friend or enemy, he didn't want either to fight especially since he was supposed to keep an eye on his own kind due to his own high status. "Sit." He ordered in a calm voice that demanded obedience. During this Frost entirely ignored the other students efforts to attempt to break the two apart knowing that it would only escalate the problem if the other boy interrupted.
  8. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Aoi walked up to the escalating scuffle. He stood back aways so no one would notice him. People these days... They can't learn. He took a seat and watched the show. This might just be the most interesting part of his day.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    Julianna started to shrink further down into her seat, bright green eyes darting nervously from Wyatt, to Behemoth, to Frost and then averting.


    This continued for just a few moments longer, until finally the bell rang. Upon hearing the sound, Julianna sighed out in relief, pulling herself up and stuffing a couple of books into her bag. Lunch. Finally. Class had ended. Jullianna wasn’t really much of an instigator, and being around fights generally made her nervous. It was more of the tension than anything, and she figured that if she could calm down and loosen up a bit, she’d be much more willing to get involve and actually do something. But she wasn’t sure, of course. She was never sure. ‘Maybe’ was one of her favorite words, and perhaps it was because she was a Garudas, but she was a bit on the indecisive side. She preferred to go with the flow and live in the moment.

    Swinging her book bag over one shoulder, she made her way down the halls, humming absently to herself with a tiny bounce in her step, her strawberry-tinted curls tickling her ears. She might normally cruise the cafeteria at this particular moment, but instead she decided to eat her lunch outside in the fresh air. She had packed herself something nice and simple, the way she liked it. She preferred everything to be simple, really. From situations, to the clothes she wore, to her hair-style and green-themed jewelry. Right down to the flats on her feet, wings fluttering at her ankles.

    She felt content…for now.

  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt growled as he stood up and faced the Behemoth. "Stay out of this," He growled at both Alex and Frost. He eyed down the Behemoth, who eyed him back. Behind him, he could hear Balasa clear his throat, but ignored him. "This will only get messy if you back of-" He was cut off by the bell and Professor Balasa's voice,
    "Class is over. Go to your next class," the teacher's usual reserved voice was stern.
    The class started to pour out, leaving only Wyatt, the Behemoth, and those watching them, but the Behemoth started to walk out, bumping into Wyatt's shouder.
    "I'll see you later, smokestack," he whispered with a grin.
    Wyatt's left hand turned into claws as he reached down for his bag,

    Zelos watched as focused as possible for the split-second the ball was flying towards the net. The ball barely missed the net, only passing it by a hair. Yes! He thought with a grin. The ball glew while sending off visible amounts of electricity, speeding towards the Garuda. It hit the ground and bounced towards the Garuda's waist. Zelos relaxed, shaking from the excitement. There was no way the Garuda could hit the ball at that angle, it was speeding straight at him. He would either have to move out of the way, or hit it awkwardly, which would shock him and send his return off. The Garuda still attempted to backhand it and his hand swung...without the racket. What?! The Garuda's wings on his wrist moved and the racket spun forward, the wind leading it. It hit the ball square on and sent it toward the far left...Zelos was on the far right. "No!" Zelos tried charging forward to get it, but he was too relaxed from his cockiness. He managed to hit the ball, but not as hard as he wanted. He watched the ball fly at the net, hit the top of it, go straight up, fall, and land...right back on his side.

    "Game. Set. Match. Sorry, Arcadia, you lose," Grinned the teacher. He knew how cocky Zelos could be and it had just cost him. "There's the bell. Get changed and head on out, guys. Congrats," he nodded at the Garuda, whose ankle wings grew and he was floating, but the teacher didn't say anything about him violating his rules. The Garuda deserved a little showboating.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa jumped up as Zelos lost and her jaw dropped, Not really the type of image I was hopeing you'd set for this kid Zelos. she thought and ran after him calling behind her shoulder, "Ah, catch you later Mya!" Passing by the Garuda she shot a glare at him and grabbed his hand breifly, sendig electrical shocks through his system. "I'd be careful how happy you get when you win against a Quetzel." she snarled breifly at him and chased after Zelos. Her necklaces jingling as she ran, keeping any electrical impulses to a bare minimum if she wanted to use her ipod later rather than fry it. Zelllllllooooos! Wait up!"
  12. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya watched herrun after Zelos. He could've won, but I suppose that's what happens once the arrogance takes over a person. She shook her head and headed towards her next class, math. One could say she was smart. Truth is, she is highly bright, but have clouded thoughts when thinking. After entering the hallways, she sat down in the back. She never sat in the front where students could make fun of her and send nasty remarks at her without the teacher noticing. She pulled out her small wooden box and opened it, showing a bright purple jemstone in a neckalace. She usually didn't wear it in public because then the girls would gawk at her and probably get mugged for it. It was the only thing that reminded her of her family.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Everyday a fight would break out, most because of someone insulting the proud Ifrits and then them defending their honor. One such incident nearly happened just moments ago in the class of Professor Balasa's but the saying 'saved by the bell' litterally just happened.

    She was in this class, Tora, and had to close her notebooks before getting up. Instead of taking notes or being drawn into the tense scene she stayed in her fantasy world which she loved to write about. Everything else was really mundane and she was sick of it. Her family had the biggest role in this as they were one of the worst, loving only their kind and even then only the best of the Shivas were good enough for them. This caused Tora to have little to no friends every year and never any real friends. Thanks to this she had grown accustomed to sitting classes and tables filled with strangers who knew her name. Most thought she was too stuck up to talk to the likes of them. It bothered her more than she cared to admit. And today it bothered her to the point where she just couldn't sit at the table of strangers who called her a friend for lunch and headed outside after finishing her food, excusing herself by saying she needed to see a teacher, an obvious lie to anyone who would see her now as she was simply walking about.
  14. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Username: Malice
    Name: Splips Swizz
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Leviathan
    Appearance: (At times, he's been known to open an extra set of eyes which are on either side of the joint connecting his upper and lower jaw)
    Draconian Form:
    (He RARELY enters his dragonic form. He's only done it once or twice, but doesn't enjoy the large change in feeling, due to the different forms having different qualities to such extremes. Also, along with the second set of eyes on his upper forhead, the set by his jaw is constantly visible as well)
    Personality: The world is his, and common sense is not. The social barrier does not exist for him, because he does what he wishes, when he wishes. Most people find his differences in actions some form of rebelion, but he personally doesn't have a care in the world, except for this one school. He acts strange in class, but he loves to read just about anything, and besides the library, school is the best place for such things. He rarely speaks to people as well.
    Biography: His parents are currently handling affairs across national borders. He himself has never really known his parents. They gave him books to read, and up until this day, has been taken care of by a neglegent nanny. Barely doing their job and slacking off instead of teaching him, he was left with nothing but books of every and all variety's. He knows what he has read, and besides that, is a social cripple. After his parents discovery of the lack of teaching after seeing their son after five years, the nanny "dissapeared". Now, one week prior to the current day, he was enrolled at the high school.
    Other: Due to his heritage, he took quite a liking to fictional pirate books. When he's not quiet, his actions can sometimes be quite strange...
  15. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex let out a sigh of relief as the bell rang. On the inside, he was nervous that he was going to be in the middle of the fight. He quickly walked to his desk and grabbed his binder, various textbooks, and To Kill a Mockingbird. He headed out of the classroom and glanced back at Professor Balasa. Alex turned back around and headed to his next class. He didn't have his next class with Wyatt. He was somewhat relieved because that means the class would be normal (well, normal for an average high school class that is). He made a left down the forked hallway and headed to his locker. Alex dropped off his books and (thankfully) his locker was right by the gymnassium, which also lead outside. He didn't bother to say hi to the teenager whose locker was next to his locker because he probably would get ignored anyway. Alex opened the gymnassium doors and soon was outside, looking for his gym teacher.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "A simple thank you would've sufficed." Frost muttered towards Wyatt as he walked past the Ifrit, slinging his backpack over his shoulder just before stuffing his hands in his pockets. He had no class at that moment, in fact Frost had very little classes at all due to the high pace he had set himself earlier in the year. As he walked he realized that he had absolutely no idea where he was headed as he had nothing to do at the moment other than wander the school. I should've found something to fill my time with. The Behemoth thought to himself as he soon found himself walking out of the school and onto the grounds. He raised his head to stare up at the clear sky and stopped walking, taking a moment to just relax a little. It's a nice day out.
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora was lost in a day dream as she walked around. She suddenly stopped and took a deep breath, exhaling with a sigh. Her eyes were closed and her already loose googles ended up falling on her nose when she looked down. This shooked her out of her dream world and back into the real one. She quickly looked around to see if anyone was out, and to her dispear someone was. He kind of looked like a Shiva, expect for his brown hair. Perhaps he had dyed it like she dyed hers?

    Curious as to whether this was true or not she apporched the male student casually and looked up at his hair, noticing she was a few inches smaller. "You dress like a Shiva... But your hair..." She tilted her head, remembering how bad she was at this. It was slightly embarassing but she easily stayed monotone and wore a blank mask.
  18. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sighed and closed her box. As class started, the teacher blabed about the last test how all but one student did poorly on the last test. No surprise, Mya had a perfect test as always throwing in some dirty looks at her. It wasn't her fault she didn't spend time looking "easy" for guys like the other girls do. Her mind was placed over everything else.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Hearing someone speak to him Frost quickly lowered his head to look down at the Shiva girl before him. She seemed to be confused as to what he really was. After all, he dressed much like a Shiva due to his mother having been one. He just preferred wearing the clothes of one over that of a Behemoth. "I'm not a Shiva, my mother is though. I'm Adustum Terrus, but just call me Frost. I'm a Behemoth in case you're still wondering." He hunched forward slightly to lean closer.

    "Let me fix that for you." He reached forward with two fingers and lifted Tora's goggles, adjusting them back on the top of her head like how most of the Shiva, and himself, wore them. "So...what's your name?" Frost curiously asked.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Hearing that he was not a Shiva made Tora feel uncomfortable and unsure what to do. She should leave, and she was ready to do so when he fixed her googles. Up until now she had forgotten they had fallen completely. He had been so close to touching her... Her brother had beaten people for far less, plus she's heard of him before. A Behemoth wed a Shiva, and this was the result. The Cross family were ashamed of that Shiva, but personally Tora couldn't care less. Either way, she was suddenly at a loss for words.

    Finally finding her voice she found that she should at least introduce herself, but not after first taking a step back. "Tora Cross." She almost left out her last name in fear he'd hate her upon hearing it, but it would be best if her knew from the beinning, right? She thought about this and she tightened her googles so they would not fall again.

    David Cross

    Professor Balasa taught David's next class and since the man was a lesser being, a firebreather, he skipped that class. How could someone from such a primitive thing teach a Shiva anything? And so the class was obsolete.

    With a group of Shivas was David when he spotted his sister thanks to one of his friends.

    "Hey, isn't that your sister with that Frost kid?"
    David looked over and saw this to be true. How dare that vile thing speak to someone from his family? As he was walking over towards the two, leaving the group behind, he saw the guy fix Tora's googles and took this as the last offense. Though still acting calm and walking at a normal pace, the temperature around him was dropping quickly as a clear sign of his rage. When he reached them he had to walk past Frost, purposely bumping into him as he did so. He then joined Tora at her side and turned to face him. "And why is trash like you talking to a Shiva?" He asked, though knowing how this will end no matter how Frost answered.
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