Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa felt herself rising with Zelos. Out of a panic, Kisa's wings ripped through her shirt. Dark purple and twice her height. She wasn't necessarilly afraid, it was a defense as to not fall out of the sky, should Zelos drop her. Watching people who'd jumped into the water being eaten and the odd creatures in front of the school, the one entering it, she snarled, "What are these thing? Who let you in our school!?" Her snarl turned feral as fangs grew from her teeth and talons replaced her chewed on fingernails. "Let me go Zelos!"
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    The ground around Frost began to be covered in ice that led right up to the beast that had attack him. While the ice was still forming a blast of ice went flying past Frost and straight at the beast's head. Whether it hit or not, the moment the blast was gone Tora ran up towards Frost, standing a little ways in front of him. "Of course you'd be the idiot..." She mumbled, referring to her previous thoughts. With the mist still around her and becoming thicker with each breath she had a somewhat protective layer about her, ready to take on an attack. Though, she was pretty sure she was outmatched here.

    David Cross

    David bit down as he watched Tora rush to protect Frost while he was ready to leave him to be a distraction for the beast to chow down on while they got to safety. He still wished to do the same, but there was no way he was willing to leave his sister here. Wings of a pale dark blue popped from his back and became covered with icy flakes while the rest of him finished its transformation as well. He took to the air for a better look around to access the situation. But no matter how he looked at it, it wasn't good. Let there be at least some other people here with enough common sense to help out...
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt growled in his full Draconian form. He was starting to fly into the air, in the opposite direction of the water before something slammed into him. "What the-" Hearing screams and profanities from several other students, Wyatt flew straight back to the ground, screaming in pain. He looked up to see what had hit him and his large, fanged, brown jaw dropped. "No way..."

    Zelos noticed the shadow approaching them and by pure instinct, pulled Kisa and Mya out of the way. If his body wasn't charged by so much electricity right now, he wouldn't have been able to do it in time. Having barely missed what Wyatt and the others didn't dodge, Zelos looked at the new beast in the sky.

    Pure light green eyes, no schlera nor pupils nor irises, stared at Zelos before moving down to stare at the others. This beast was slightly smaller than the boulder-creature, roughly only twice the size of Zelos. It was lizard-like, with different shades of green lining its scales. It had a single horn on the center. What was most interesting were the limbs of the flying creature. In place of arms or legs, it had large wings. Two wings stretched out from the shoulders and two from its hip with a long tail between those two. At the end of the lining of each wings were a set of claws, starting at the wrist. The creature let out a high screech before slamming all of its wings in front of it, sending a large gust of wind at the grounded students and teachers.

    Oh wonderful, now a large green snake with wings instead of limbs...Zelos started to think as he flapped his wings, moving slowly away from the beast. It was suddenly then that he realized what was happening. A large winged monster with skin like a Behemoth's skin that could roll into a boulder. Earthshakers. A purple, two-legged creature, still winged and with yellow eyes that expelled electricity. Stormriders. Long serpentine creatures that seemed to have no wings, were blue, and swam in the water. Waterdwellers. Green creatures with wings instead of limbs, controlling the wind. Windgliders. Each one of four types of monsters they have seen corresponded to a different type of Draconian. Except...they were monsters. Using formal nicknames in his thoughts, Zelos realized what they were dealing with. His bright yellow eyes were wide open and his mouth dropped open in a whisper, "Dragons...actual, living dragons."

    The windglider flapped its wings repeatedly, floating backwards...into a group of more windgliders. There was now at least 15 of them flying around the students.

    OOC: If anybody wants to use a iceclimber (Shiva) dragon, go ahead and add it yourself. Describe it with features similar to Shivas (ice in place of fangs, glassy clear eyes, white scales). Anything else is up to you. Same for waterdwellers since I just said they were long and blue without wings. I'm saving firebreathers for last, but yeah. Shivas and any other dragons can be added. Don't hold back.

  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya looked up to see the new creature judging its appearance and Zelos' whisper, she assumed one thing. A-a dragon?! How is it possible?! They shouldn't be here! She then saw more of different forms and colors appear around the school.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - I think I might take the Shiva dragon, but I won't be posting until later. Too tired atm and wish for Terra to post again. Just claiming it now...
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Hey...I was only trying to buy the others some time." Frost rose to his feet slowly and shook his head slowly to rid himself of the daze from the explosion. I should've had an obvious element advantage here... He looked over at Tora and raised a hand to rub his shoulder as his wings stretched out wide. "Get moving. I'll stick to the ground. I won't stand a chance in the air with my wing like this." He opened his mouth once more, wanting to say something else to Tora but nothing came. They had to get moving as the ice Tora had used only caused the stormrider to slip on the ice and fall forward. It was already rising back to all fours. "Be careful. Stick near your brother." Frost's wings retracted back into his shoulders with a loud and painful sounding crack.

    The ground shook as three other stormriders landed onto the ground not too far away from where Tora, David, and Frost stood. The students Frost had given time to escape were now headed right in their direction. The dragon that Tora had distracted growled lowly, sparks flying violently off its body as it stared down at the two students with rage in its golden eyes. It opened its mouth, ready to fire yet another burst of electricity.

    "Move!" Frost noticed something odd about the stormrider, it didn't immediately attack. It was as if it had some sort of charge time before it could fire off another blast. He pushed on Tora's shoulder lightly and took off in a sprint, swinging an arm upwards as he ran. The grass was uprooted as a great deal of dirt and pebbles launched upwards into the air creating a sort of crude screen to obscure the dragon's sight. There has to be a way to even the odds...
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - silly you. "...where Tora, David, and Frost stood." David isn't standing anywhere. He is in the air. And sorry this took forever to post. I couldn't bring myself to do it for whatever reason.

    Tora Cross

    Tora didn't plan on listening to Frost. He was being silly to be honest. He was injured while she was not and obviously they were outnumbered. If she were to run the chances of him coming out alive dropped extremely. But she had to at least look back and check on her brother and his well being, deciding to do so after Frost ran off. "David!" She cried out.

    David Cross

    David had noticed another temperature drop that was caused not by him nor Tora. Another Shiva? He turned around only to be proven wrong.

    Shimmering in the sunlight were white scales covering a large body with wings of the same pale white color as the rest of its body but the skin of the wings were a dark blue color. Its glassy clear eyes zoned in on the students below as it flew towards them. It then landed on the ground, shaking it from its massive weight. It looked as if it was smiling, showing off ice for fangs, using its icy claws to swipe at David who was the nearest airborne person.

    At the last moment he raised his arms to defend himself, saving him from the direct blow. But the force of the swipe knocked him straight into the ground, creating a slight creator around him as he landed. He was too focused on keeping the claw from crushing him to strike back at first, but then used his freeze breath to strike the dragon in the face, distracting it enough for it to pull back its claw.
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Already shown these forms to Bueno, but just posting them here anyway:

    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992

    Name: Jaden Kaylib
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Ifrit
    Bright red eyes, small fangs. No undershirt and the jacket is sleeveless. Has a red bandanna tied around his left bicep.

    Draconian Form:
    Has wings as well.
    Personality: A carefree guy who likes to take life easy. Generally kind to others and known as a bit of a joker. He does however know when to take things seriously and can become quickly hot headed in such situations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and will always try to stand up for what he believes in. He can also be a bit of a flirt when confronted by pretty girls. He has a catchphrase of saying 'Booya' when he is happy or when something cool happens. It is safe to say that he is led by his emotions and his heart rather than by his head. Doesn't seem to let the fact that he is an Ifrit and is looked down at by everyone get to him... Sometimes..
    Biography: Jaden's grown up like most other Ifrit's, looked down upon and despised. So... his way of dealing with it, is not dealing with it. Unless someone really gets up front to him about it, or if he see's someone else being picked on for being an Ifrit, it is then he cannot stand still.
    His Grandfather recently passed away, leaving Jaden with no one else to care for him. So he'd now been enrolled into Belloc as a new student. A late transfer as it were.
    Other: Bandanna was a possession of his deceased Mother. Passed to him by his Grandfather before he too passed away.

    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992

    Name: Amelia 'Millie' Jupiter
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Species: Quetzal
    Yellow eyes.

    Wears the above clothing. The bright blue parts in the picture are purple though.

    Draconian Form:
    Hair remains purple, Eyes remain Yellow.

    Personality: Refined, responsible and elegant. Amelia is the type of girl who is nice to anyone. But if you tick her off... watch out.
    She always believes that if you're going to do something, you may as well give it everything you have otherwise... you're just wasting time.
    If you take the time to get to know her though, despite the whole refined image, she will open up to you and show a cuter more fun loving side, including a bit of a rebellious streak.
    Biography: Raised by an Aristocratic family who own a fashion line as an adopted daughter, she has been taught that failure makes you as bad as an Ifrit and that success in life is everything.
    Finally enrolled into Belloc, she believes that she finally has a chance to grow up on her own without her families interference and be someone who she wants to be. Although... old habits die hard when you've been raised a certain way your whole life. Has on occasion been away from school having to attend to family business, she is however eager to return every time.
    She is also the Student Council President.
    Other: Rarely shows her true form. When she does, you can be sure that the end is near.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Bushy-Brow's characters are already in~

    "Burn, you mutated polar-bear!" Wyatt yelled as a large torrent of flame hit the iceclimber in front of David. "Fire melts ice!" His blast of fire was aimed at the iceclimber, but Wyatt didn't try to control it enough to make sure David didn't get burnt. He looked up and grabbed his large, brown shoulder with a set of claws. He was still in pain from the windglider's body slam. There's no way these things can be actual dragons, he thought, considering the idea of a prank. As the smoke cleared, the iceclimber stood as if nothing had happened. The ice on its body hadn't even melted to a single drop. "Well, damn," he growled as his wings spread. A sharp pain hit both his wings; the windglider has injured his, and every other student in the air's, wings.

    Zelos tried to keep a calm head as he guided Mya and Kisa around the air, but he was freaking out. "Dragons, actual dragons," he kept muttering. Every time he tried to maneveur somewhere, a gust of wind sent them straight back down. The windgliders in the air were making sure he wasn't escaping. He looked around to see them slamming into other flying students and teachers, or sending a miniature tornadoes at them. "They...are trying to keep us down," he whispered as he quickly pulled Kisa and Mya to the ground. Just like that, every windglider proceeded to ignore him and attack the other students trying to fly. "EVERYONE! STAY ON THE GROUND!!" He yelled it out, but a roar behind him overwhelmed his voice. He turned around to see the earthshaker from earlier, staring him down. Near him, the students who had stayed in the school all poured out screaming. Behind them, the second earthshaker ran out. Windgliders are keeping us on the ground...earthshakers are keeping everyone outside? He turned his head to see the waterdwellers snapping at everyone who dared to approach the water. With the stormgliders and iceclimbers on the ground attacking everyone, Zelos realized that the dragons were trying to round the students and faculty together. "Wait," he realized after he noticed Wyatt attack the iceclimber. "Where are the firebreathers then?"

  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost looked over at Tora, growling when he saw her follow him. "What are you doing!? I tried making a distraction so you could get away!" He shook his head slowly and looked up at the sky. There wasn't any hope of flying away. He wasn't the only one grounded. Too many of those things in the sky...Damn it. He slowed his pace when Tora called out David's name. Frost grabbed Tora's arm and pulled on it to get her running faster, he wasn't sure where they could go but as long as they kept moving they could least for a little longer. "Come on! If we stay still things won't get any better."
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Jaden was caught up in the confusion of the students who were trying to run away.
    "Hey hey! Quit shoving! Move it! I want in on the action!" he yelled out as he tried to force his way through the jumble of students but found himself being pulled back more and more. "Hey, this is completely uncool, you hear me!" he shouted... still being pulled back.
    Finally a break in the crowd gave him some room and he was able to run through, his long coat billowing behind him.
    He jumped on a nearby car and started running and jumping over them to get back into the action. Since no one was in the 'top of a car' vicinity, he was able to get back pretty fast. He saw Wyatt, another Ifrit like him in full Draconian form and he jumped next to him, charging up a few fireballs in his hand and hurling them at a nearby Windglider. "BOOYA!"
    Unfortunately, they didn't really do anything to the huge airborne dragon... "ah man... these things are tough." he stood back to back with the other Ifrit. "Well, my brother in flames.. I guess this fight is gonna be a long one eh?" he said, his voice changing slightly as his body became coated in flames and his skin seemed to peel away, he grew in size until he was just slightly bigger than Wyatt, Molten spikes of flesh and bone expanded outwards, and a long spiney tail emerged, and wings of flame, flesh and bone protruded from his back. His face, a flaming skull with hollow eye sockets of burning, glowing red.
    Okay... it would probably be better to just say... he was 'undead living flame' if that made sense... since well his entire skeletal body was emitting blazing fire all over.
    He roared out in his full Draconian form, still back to back with a fully transformed Wyatt. Under the circumstances, this would look pretty badass.

    Amelia had only been back for one day and yet everything was going to hell... a Cafeteria fight, and now this... The Student Council President definitely had her work cut out for her.
    She set to analysing the situation immediately. They couldn't get away by air or sea thanks to the various Dragons, and the Earth Shakers had the ground covered.
    They're trying to keep us here... outside the school... but why? she pondered.
    Everyone who was fighting back seemed to be fighting a losing battle, their attacks were proving ineffective against the colossal beings before them.
    But... if we don't fight back, then what do we do?..
    Throughout this all, she had to make sure she remained calm. It was easier to think and make executive decisions when calm. If you panic... you make mistakes, and mistakes could prove fatal, especially in a situation like this.
    She saw Zelos land nearby and ran over to him, hearing him call out his question.
    "I don't know, but the longer they take, the easier for us... anymore of these things will just make things worse. Although, they are pretty bad already."
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora pulled her arm free of Frost's grasp and ran over to David, making it to him just in time to create a wall of ice to shield him from the on coming fire. There was no way she would run away with Frost and leave him here. "You okay?" She asked her brother, standing at his side, facing the dragon.

    David Cross

    David was far too focused on the dragon to notice the fire coming at him until it was blocked by Tora's wall of ice. Luckily most of it hit the dragon and it barley melted the ice, which was soon swiped away by the dragon's claw as if it were nothing. "Should of ran..." He muttered as he got to his feet, only to get a chuckle from Tora as a reply.

    Angered by the fire, though unaffected by it, the dragon roared out and while it did so ice came from its mouth and shot everywhere in a random fashion.

    ooc - cannot focus on this but Terra is forcing me to post right now >.>"
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Shut up and burn something," Wyatt growled to Jaden he got on all fours. He folded his wings, but arched his back. "Let me show you what a real dragon does!" Wyatt roared to the Windgliders above him as he let out the most fire possible from his mouth. He then moved his head down and roared to make the torrent of flame burn all of the stormriders and iceclimbers near him. He quickly exhausted himself, causing smoke to replace the fire from his lips. "Take that, you overgrown lizards," he said as he stood up, his body still tense to see the damage done to the Dragons. A series of roars as the smoke cleared told him he only pissed them off.

    "Pardon my disagreement, Madame President," Zelos said with a slight tone of sarcasm, "But something tells me the firebreathers are the ones we are waiting for," he growled as he let go of Kisa's and Mya's wrists and guided them towards a large crowd of students. He felt his wings shiver as he thought of it. It was then that he heard it:

  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    With pleasure! Jaden roared out too, mimicking Wyatt's actions until he too had exhausted his flames. His skeletal body's flame had also turned into smoke but was quickly igniting again... Jaden was always quick to recover.
    However... the responding roars told him that all they had done is anger the dragons. "Wow... someone needs to chill..." then he paused... "...Wait... did I just say that?" he pondered.
    "OH SCREW IT! BOOOOOOYYAA!" he yelled out as he tossed more flames into the sky before being interrupted by a sudden cry for help.

    "Watch your tone Zelos... We're on the same side here." Amelia said to him calmly, following him as he guided Kisa and Mya.
    "Either way, you're right I guess, whatever happens, happens... we just need to find a way to dea-"
    She was cut off by a sudden cry for help. Her head whipped round to the direction of the source of the cry, her tied back hair following the trail of her movement.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    A massive jagged rock erupted out of the ground and rammed into the enraged Iceclimber near Tora and David, striking it in the neck. "Bet you don't feel so high and mighty now." Frost called out towards David as he stopped beside the two, having chased after Tora as soon as she took off. He turned towards the dragon and clapped his hands together, causing to slabs of rock to rise and collapse onto the Iceclimber's back. Doubt that'll pin it... He opened his mouth to speak when someone's shouting cut him off. Who's that?
  16. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    David Cross

    David sneered at Frost. "Like you're doing anything to help." He said coldly as the dragon was covered in the rock. As Frost had expected it didn't keep the dragon pinned down as it soon shook off the rock. And the moment it had done so the scream was heard, causing Tora and David to look towards the source.

    ooc - didn't know what to say...
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Who the hell is-" Before Wyatt could finish, something momentous slammed into him, sending him rolling through the ground. With each bounce, he yelled in pain and finally groaned as he stopped. "Motherfu-" he looked up, on all fours, and saw the iceclimber that had tackled him. Instead of being scared, he was angry, and he charged it. "Try that again, you cold piece of trash!" As he ran at it, it obliged and charged at him. Over twice his size, the iceclimber won and sent Wyatt back to the ground. It let out a chilling (/pun) roar and then opened its mouth at him. Before Wyatt could stand, he felt his body being held down as it froze. "No!" He roared and tried to spread his wings, fire escaping his mouth and hands to counter the ice from the iceclimber. At first, he was able to hold it back, but he was quickly frozen solid.
    Moments after the iceclimber stopped icing Wyatt, he let all of the heat escape his body from his mouth, melting the ice around his torso. "You piece of-" he growled and swiped at the ice, freeing himself. As soon as he was free, he fell to his knees, panting. "Not now," he growled as his body started to shrink. He was too weak to go on.

    Zelos saw what was happening to Wyatt, but didn't budge to help him. The 'Draconized' Quetzal was trying to keep his own kin safe and knew it was futile to fight back at this point. Besides, Wyatt didn't seem to be able to resist anymore. He let out his own growl, his body sparking as he did, and looked around. All of the living students and faculty were all in one huge crowd now, their backs against the sea. Behind them, skyscraper-tall waterdwellers stuck their heads out of the water, among the floating corpses, watching the Belloc High School students and faculty. Above them, windgliders flew at unbelievable speeds, making escape from air impossible. Around them, iceclimbers and stormriders circled them, icy blue and golden eyes watching their prey with no pupils. Around the school, the earthshakers' numbers had increased as well and they were stationed at every school entrance with a small number slamming against and destroying all of the vehicles. "Have to admit, these beasts are effective," Zelos growled, still in Draconian form as he heard the same person scream again. He finally looked up. On the lowest tower of the school, a figure was hanging from the edge, his hands holding on to a ledge. "Is that?" Bulging tan muscles and broken dark brown wings hung before a small explosion on the ledge sent him spiraling down, landing on top of a car. "No!" Zelos took a step forward, but hesitated when the nearest stormrider hissed. A Draconian should survive that fall, especially in Draconian form, so he moved back into the crowd.
  18. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Sorry for me long absence D8

    BIC: Mya wittnessed the whole scene. They were being overwhelmed. But why? What did we do to deserve this? She flew down to Wyatt and helped him to his feet. Don't push yourself. You're only going to make things more complicated.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa shifted completely and followed Mya. She was her protection at least from what she could fight. Kisa would protect Mya as she helped Wyatt.

    ooc: didn't know what to post really.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Woah! Get up man." Jaden said as he went to help Wyatt up, but then a big ball of ice came from nowhere and blasted him in the back sending him flying and skidding on the floor before his body reverted back to it's normal self...
    "That... didn't feel too good..."

    "So... what now?" Amelia asked as she glared at the beasts before her.
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