Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya decided to head back until the ground shook violently. Huh?! What's going on?! An earthquake?! She then slipped on the floor and smacked her head against the window of the bathroom. Oww! As the shaking ceased, Mya got up, holding her head. Ugh that's was horrible. Ow my head. Wonder what happened to the others... She quickly headed back.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa was thrown near Wyatt. She shivered when she heard something roar. "That doesn't sound good. Zel-" she stopped when she noticed it wasn't Zelos she was near. Standing, Kisa brushed the crumbs of the food off her pants and narrowed her eyes, "Where's Mya?"
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos blurred past Kisa once he heard her question. The tennis player didn't hesitate to fly towards the door, his body a dark olive color with the tattoos on his shoulders having grown. He kicked the cafeteria door wide open with a purple arm in the hair, a large amount of electricity around his claws, ready to engage another Draconian in battle. However, all he saw was Mya, not the source of the roars. Zelos was half transformed as he put his hand down. His skin was olive, the back of his shirt was ripped as two solid purple wings were folded behind him. The arm sleeves he always wore were stretched as his forearms were now larger and purple with claws in the place of fingers. A birthmark on each shoulder, commonly mistaken to be tattoos, had grown in size and reached under his shirt into his torso. He seemed to shrink a bit when he noticed Mya. "Mya! Are you alright?" He said, rushing to her. He was afraid the school had been attacked by terrorists or something. After all, wasn't that what lockdown drills were for?

    Ignoring Kisa, Wyatt quickly got up and walked towards Frost. "What...what was that?" He said, looking over to Zelos. Seeing Mya in the hallway, he wondered for a moment. "Did it come from out-outside?" He asked, visibly shaken. The earthquake wasn't what scared him, but the roars were heart-wrenching. Wyatt felt extremely uneasy.
  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nodded. I'm alright. Just a bruise and maybe some broken skin. Anyways, what was that? Did you hear a roar or something? I'm pretty sure this earthquake wasn't natural. And you don't look so well either.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa let her eyes follow toward Zelos. Suppressing her childish crush, she hurried after him and started down the hall toward the exit doors leading outside. If Wyatt's right, and it did come from outside...something may be attacking the school or...or...I don't know! I can't sit by and let my friends be hurt like this. If it was a natural disaster, there wouldn't have been a roar like that. Anxiety was turning her skin purple, her nails lengthened and hardened to a point where she could cut rock and glass and not break one, all as a self-defense measure.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost opened his mouth, about to tell the others to stay put while he checked things out himself when Kisa took off. That's not good. In his own mind it made perfect sense for him to go out first, he lived nearly his entire life fighting and even if things went wrong he had the advantage of being extremely durable without even considering his powers. "Come on Wyatt, leaving that girl go out by herself doesn't bode well with me." He turned over towards David and Tora. "You two just stay here. ...I'm sure you know how to take care of your sister, David." Frost spoke lowly, wishing he could say more at the moment. He then took off into the hallway, hoping Wyatt would follow after him.
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross
    David Cross

    David wasn't too happy about Frost telling him what to do, but he had already planned on staying with Tora no matter what. It was her who went out in the hall despite what Frost had said. Not like he was complaining though.

    Tora had went out only a few seconds after Frost had went out, not caring for his order. After all, if he wanted everyone to be together and since they were already out in the hall... Well, might as well. "Is everyone okay?" She asked upon reaching the others.

    ooc - computer has a virus...
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Is your computer fine now, Naomi?

    "What? Why me?" Wyatt asked Frost, but he followed regardless. Whether or not it was dangerous, his curiosity was peaked. He ran after Frost, his skin becoming slightly tanner. He could feel two bumps on his forehead; his horns had protruded a bit. They ran around a corner and Wyatt almost stopped at the sight. Everyone in the school was pouring out, ignoring lockdown and danger regulations. Even the teachers were doing the same. Though some were staying inside, he could even see a few heading towards the cafeteria to gather, the majority was running outside. Wyatt was behind Frost when they finally made it outside. "Ahhh~" he shielded his eyes from the bright sun before the sun disappeared for a quick second as a shadow flew over them. "What?" He looked up instantly, but the sun was back in place. There was nothing in the sky besides clouds.

    "Over there! There's something in the lake!" called out a Garuda girl who was floating in the air. Her hand was pointing towards the sea.

    Wyatt followed the entire crowd of hundreds of students and teachers who all ran towards the coast. Several students shifted slightly to have access to their wings. It was hard to see the coast with all of the other people. Wyatt stayed as human, aside from his tiny bumps on his head, and simply jumped on top of a car. He raised a hand to his eyes and looked at the deep blue water. "I see it..." he whispered. A couple hundred yards into the sea was a long...thing. It was simply floating. He could make out its dark blue color in the middle of light blue water. "And another one..." he looked to the side and saw another floating 'thing.' As he scanned the water, he noticed even more. There was at least 10, each the length of a football field, some overlapping the others. Wyatt's pupils dilated as his vision increased and his skin became darker. He noticed a design on the texture of the closest thing. "Are those...scales?" Suddenly, all of the floating things snapped alive and submerged into the water in an instant, the only sign of their existence were the large ripples.

    "Uhh...damn it," Zelos whispered. He had hoped to go outside himself, but he would have preferred if Kisa stayed. However, he would not leave her alone with the Cross boy. It wasn't long before other people started walking into the cafeteria. Zelos noticed his tennis coach directing everyone into the cafeteria, yelling them to stay away from the doors. "Mya, Kisa, let's go towards the back wall," he said as his body finally turned back to its human appearance. As he turned around to walk, he noticed all of the teachers who had came into the cafeteria had Draconian features showing, despite not being in full Draconian form. They know something bad is happening...they look prepared.

  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost was taller than most of his classmates--the only exceptions being a great deal of the Behemoths--and could see over the heads of the others. It was faint, but he could see something strange moving across the water of the lake. Frost took a few steps closer, trying to get a better look, but as soon as he moved it was already gone leaving only ripples behind. "That was...anticlimactic." He muttered, glad he had not bothered transforming at that moment. He folded his arms, wondering what could have been in the water. "Whatever I saw, that thing was huge." He turned over to look at Wyatt who seemed to be just as confused as he was, with good reason too as Frost could not think of anyone who would know what was going on. He breathed in deeply and lowered his arms to his sides, trying to guess at what was in the water. Let's see...a sea monster? Several sea monsters? Or was I just seeing things?
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sunlight had hit Kisa's eyes and she flinched. While her vision adjusted she watched the long things in the water. Out of fear, her skin darkened again to a darker shade of purple. Kisa noticed Zelos beside her and for once snarled at him. "I don't think so. I want to know what the hell that thing was." She felt disappointment when they disappeared. "What was that? Some sort of Lochness Monster?" Though the idea was rather silly to her, she couldn't put a label to what she'd seen.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya followed and saw the figures although she had an annoying headache fromthe earlier incident. What the hell was that? Some sort of monster?
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora watched as the things in sea vanished from view. What were they? The mystery had her on edge, thus turning her skin a light shade of blue and the ice which were her fingernails were slightly longer and sharper. She then looked over to David, who was also somewhat changed, and gulped from the rising fear. "We should go back inside..." She mumbled before turning around, heading back to the cafeteria.
  13. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Bump for bumpiness :3
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Wyatt smirked at Kisa's statement before jumping off of the car. "All of them were," Wyatt told Frost, making note that there had been plenty of "things" in the water. "I...think we should go back inside," He said it, but it came out as a whisper. All of the students outside had started chattering excitedly and loudly. The teachers were trying to order the students back inside, yelling over the chatters to be heard. However, this just made the students talk even louder than that. Wyatt felt a shiver go down his spine and looked down. His skin was a dark brown. He hadn't even noticed that he had begun shifting into his Draconian form. He reached up to his forehead and felt two large protrusions. His horns were coming out. Whatever was going on was really unnerving him; if he didn't calm down soon, the protrusions on his head will soon be full blown horns.

    Zelos shook his head. His initial thought of a terrorist attack was still in his head. "Back inside, we need to go," he said quickly and turned around before stopping in his tracks. "What in the world?" There was a large brown boulder blocking the row of doors into the school. That was not there a few minutes ago. How did it get there? And without anybody noticing? Zelos could hear more people noticing it. He studied the boulder closely, but didn't move from his spot. He was at the front of the crowd (facing the school, not the sea), but was still several yards away from it. The boulder was twice his size, if not more, and slightly egg shaped. It was light brown and had large cracks all over it. Behemoth? The single word popped in his mind. The texture of the boulder was just like a Behemoth's skin, except it was rockier and less fleshy. Next to the boulder there was a large fracture in the pavement. It took Zelos a moment to realize the fracture was large enough for the boulder to fit through. But the fracture had appeared silently as well. "What is goi-" Before he could finish talking, the boulder started to shake.

    The boulder had started to tremble as large chunks of dirt were flung off of it. The boulder then rolled over onto its side as the cracks not only grew but changed location, separating the boulder into segments. The boulder was now perfectly symmetrical, each crack on one half had a corresponding crack on the other half of the boulder. Out of nowhere, two segments stretched to the side as if the boulder was alive. The segments curved and hit the ground as huge claws appeared at the end. The claws were black and spiraled, resembling drills. The boulder rolled forward. In the process, it unfolded, like an armadillo. The boulder now had two more legs on the back. It stood up on all fours: a boulder with legs and claws. Suddenly, the front end unrolled, revealing a lining of small horns with a large black one in the middle. Eyes, fully black, scanned the students. The face of the creature resembled a deformed armadillo save for the horns and the large white fangs extending from the mouth. The creature was quiet, despite its awesome stature and unnerving transformation. The fangs moved as the mouth started to open. The sides of the creature then blew open, unfolding into large wings with a loud cracking sound. The wings had tips on the ends resembling the drill-like horn and claws of the beast. Where the wings once were was black flesh. The creature was covered in dirt-like scales, but it had black flesh. The creature took one step forward towards the student and let out the same roar the students had heard earlier. Only now, it was in person.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa turned slowly at the sound of the roar. Fear turned her blood cold. Wide, yellow eyes took in the creature, "Well....hello beastie." she didn't speak with the tone one used when mocking, it was simply what she considered calling the creature. Swallowing past the lump of fear in her throat she pushed past the students to stand beside Zelos. "Um, battle plan anybody?"
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Really important post up ahead. Click the spoiler. Also, Bueno wanted me to do this so...I HAVE PERMISSION.


  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Already was her skin blue and her breath visible before her. It swirled upwards before fading away as she looked back and forth between the two beasts ready to devour them. It is truly a wonderful day. Tora thought with bitter sarcasm as her breath became icy mist that formed a barley visible layer around her, swirling about in the air. Then the ice which were her finger nails grew out longer and were now sharp enough to cut through skin. Though she was pretty sure that would be useless against these giants. One glance over allowed her to see David turning into his Draconian Form as well, also deciding not to attack first. Seeing how I do not wish to make the first move... Let's see what happens. Will they move first or will some idiot attack them? She finally thought, slowly backing away with the fleeting crowd.

    ooc - *does not feel like posting as David*
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Holy Sh-!" Wyatt quickly followed Frost's orders and turned around. Wyatt wasn't sure exactly when, but he was now half a foot taller, his skin was a dark brown, and his hair had grown down to his back. He was going Draconian. "Let's go!" He yelled and started running alongside the seashore as the boulder-monster roared behind him. Cries, screams, chatter, and roars deafened him. Everyone was heading the same way and some were heading into the water and the air to escape...The water! Wyatt quickly turned, only to get trampled. "Da-damn it! Get off!" He yelled the last word just as his wings erupted from his back, ripping his shirt into pieces. His horns grew to their full length, causing people to jump over him. Claws and fangs replaced his teeth and nails. "GET AWAY FROM THE WATER!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he jumped back up, but a heart-wrenching scream drowned his warning out.

    "Kisa!" Zelos' voice was accompanied by an echo: his Draconian voice. While not completely Draconian yet, Zelos was shifting into that form. His arms were purple and his skin a deep bronze, but everything else was the same. Unlike other Draconians, Zelos stayed the same height in both forms. He was one of the more humanoid Draconians. But it wasn't the time to worry about his differences. His purple arms reached out and grabbed Kisa by the arm. Purple wings sprouted out from his shoulders (his shirts are all modified to leave his shoulders bare as his wings are attached only at the top of his shoulder blades). "Fly! Mya, you as well!" He yelled and pulled her into the air. It was only then that he heard a roar and the same scream that drowned out Wyatt. Turning his face to water, he saw many students and teachers alike flying over the water to avoid the beasts. Some Leviathans were swimming away...but now there were sea monsters in the water. The floating objects from earlier?! He noticed that the monsters were snake like with seemingly no limbs. Blue in color and sky-scraper in height, they swam with their necks vertically sticking out of the water. All except the closest one; it was devouring anyone who neared it.

    The boulder-creature started to walk from side to side, growling as loud as it could. It was blocking the main entrance of the school. Within a few moments of its pacing, another boulder rolled out of the hole in the ground. Wasting no time, it transformed into another boulder-creature. The first boulder-creature kept pacing while the second stomped down the door and walked into the school.
  19. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sprouted wings quickly and took off into the air. My god! What's happening?! Isthos some sort of an attack on us?! She surveyed the scene with horror.

    OOC: Not in the mood to post long...
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost pulled off his goggles and the glove on his left hand quickly, talons extending from both hands soon afterward as he glanced over his shoulder to watch the other students take his advice too literally. They wouldn't get too far by just running. They probably couldn't think straight enough to transform and fly off. Damn it... Frost growled lowly and threw off his jacket as he looked at the dragon, at least half a dozen times his own size yet still a bit smaller than the other beasts that had shown up. It bent its legs as if to pounce. "No you don't." Frost slammed his fist into the ground causing several giant rock spike to erupt out of the ground and lock in formation around the dragon's neck. His shirt tore as spikes began to protrude from his back.

    A shrill roar echoed from the dragon's mouth as it whipped its head about from its bindings, sparks flying off its body as the rocks began to show signs of cracking. It snapped its head upwards and broke free, turning its head towards the one that dared to keep it from its prey. Its golden eyes glowed with rage as it opened its large jaws and released a short burst of electricity from its mouth.

    The ground exploded as Frost was sent flying backwards a few yards, landing on the ground with a hard thud. He shook slightly from where he lay, groaning in pain as he looked over at the wing he had used to defend himself just an instant before he was hit. His right wing was charred and had two small holes cut right through it. What the hell is that thing...? He pushed himself up to his feet slowly, dizzy from the blast. I don't think I can fly like this...
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