Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Meh Imma do something productive since I seem to be out of this situation :P

    BIC: Mya watched the fight some distance away and bit her lip. Is this how low we could go? Fighting each other for every insult thrown at us? She shook her head and sat on a bench, not even caring of cleaning up anymore. It's the people like him that make the rest suffer.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa sat there on the floor for a minute before Lucien helped her up. "You tell those idiots that my mother will get better. I'm not signing anything." Wiping her eyes with the handkerchif he held out to her, she smoothed her hair and gathered herself back together. "I...I must get back to cleaning." Lucien nodded, giving his young charge a jolt of electricity and Kisa wrote down her response to the doctors, her dear butler would need written proof of her words. Breathing deeply, Kisa pushed her way back into the cafeteria. She could practically feel the tension in there. She remained silent. Frosts comment about no class had reminded her of how little she prided her mother's royal blood. Her mother's illness had passed on to Kisa, but this was a secret she'd take to her grave. If her illness made her trash and lower class, the better. No one would notice if the purple haired trash would disappear. Kisa slumped against the wall, her legs didn't seem to want to hold her upright anymore. Filled with shock and an age old grief, she pulled out and rewinded her father's pocketwatch, humming a lulluby her mother sang to her every night.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "The father isn't punished for the son's sins," Zelos began to tell Tora as the electricity around his body ceased, "Neither should the sister apologize for the brother's words." He turned around, nodding. He should go check on Kisa. He walked across the cafeteria to her. His feet stamped and squished as his steps alternated between the tile, puddles, and food. He reached her and put a hand on her shoulder. "The best tennis player ever thinks you should smile. Your mother is not going to let something like a disease take her," he suddenly pulled Kisa into his arms and put a hand on the back of her head. "It will take much more than that to get rid of that old hag," he joked, smiling. "And it will take more than some brute's words to get under your skin, right?"

    Wyatt was slightly calmer. The fight seemed to have stopped. He watched Zelos walk to Kisa, then watched Tora and Frost talk. Suddenly, he felt lonely. What is this? He thought as he felt his eyes tremble slightly. He wasn't used to this feeling. Lonliness was something he was used to, but now...something else accompanied it. He looked at the only other two people in the room. David and Mya. "Like I'd talk to that piece of crap," he whispered, looking at David. Instead, he walked over to Mya. "Um..." he looked around before sitting down next to her. "This freaking blows," he said aloud, talking to himself more than Mya.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost sighed out and trailed behind Tora as she began to clean. No answer... He knelt down to pick off a chunk of ice stuck the floor and tossed it in the trash before moving in closer. "So..." He started to say, unsure of how to continue. "Would you like to do anything later?" He paused before quickly adding, "With me? ...Unless you're busy." Frost scratched the back of his head, finding that trying to say what he wanted was harder than I thought. I could go through so many fights yet... Frost stepped in front of Tora. "Your brother doesn't have to know about it...or if you wanted to tell him I could...Er..." Frost trailed off. I could what? Try to avoid a fight with him? He sighed once more and shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, I'm not terribly good with words." Frost said as he lowered his voice.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Tora's gaze followed Zelos as she thought about what he had said. But... It's really all my fault anyway. While looking from Zelos to Frost she saw Wyatt with a look of loniness, one she knew all too well. Her mouth opened as she went to say something about them going over to speak to him, but then Frost spoke, cutting her off before she could even start the sentence. She surpressed a laugh as he was trying so hard and she didn't wish to be rude... Even if she thought he was insane. "David normally goes out at night." She said, smiling weakly. "So if you swing by... But it'd only be causal. Then you can see how awful I am when it comes to hanging out with people. Perhaps then you will come to your senses..." She mumbled the last parts while still cleaning around them. They were making nice progress...
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Frost was taken aback by what Tora had just said. He had never expected her to actually invite him over. He opened his mouth, searching for the words to reply with. This is great! ...Just...gotta act cool about it. "Yes!" He suddenly said aloud before clapping a hand to his mouth. Oops. He lowered his hand and took a moment to compose himself. "You're not terrible around me. Even if your brother does intervene with everything up until now." He paused, grinning slightly. "I'll stay casual, so don't worry about that. I'll just have to stay patient until then." Frost crossed his arms, tapping his fingers against his arms as a question itched at the back of his mind. "'s a date then, right?"
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa looked up when Zelos came to her. Her mind blanked for a moment when he pulled her into his arms. Her fingers fisted in his shirt and she buried her face in his shoulder, "It isn't the disease I'm worried about," Liar "It's the doctors. I bought her more time to get better, but without dad around...I don't have enough authority to force them to leave it alone." A small smile cracked on her face when her mind caught up with what he'd said, "Hmph, I wouldn't say she's a complete hag, but leaving me with her role as head of a royal family was pretty haggish." Biting her lip, Kisa brushed back her hair and shoved the watch back into her pocket, "Right. I'll be alright. I may not be able to hurt Frost, but I should know better than to let what the idiot says bother me."
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    Well... Least one good thing came out of today. She thought, looking at a banana peel with a blank look. Poor Kisa... Though she is lucky Zelos is there for her. She shook the thoughts from her, deciding she should focus on what was happening to her. Frost did seem...over joyed. "You're acting like this whole expirence is new to you..." She mumbled, unsure if he heard her or not, tossing the peel in the trash. She became slightly red in the face when he said the word date and was glad she was looking away at that exact moment. "A date as in the term of meeting at a certain time, but nothing more. Consider us...something like friends. Er, but not that close friends. Sorry..."
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya looked next to her startled and saw Wyatt. Oh. Y-yea. It sort of does. She felt a bit awkward sitting and talking to someone she barely knew. She watched Zelos and Kisa leave and sighed. Man they got along so well even though she said he wasn't her "type."
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Well, this whole thing is pretty new to me. I've..." Frost picked up a few broken chunks of tile and broke them into smaller bits with his hands so that they wouldn't take up too much space. "Never had the time or interest for any sort of meeting between friends." He said, throwing the tile into the trash. "Whenever I'm home I either have to attend to business-related things with my father or figh-" He stopped himself, thinking that he might have been saying to much. "Anyways..." Frost looked down, noticing that their section of the cafeteria was nearly clean though parts of tile were either cracked or missing. "This can't be new to you. You're far too pretty to have not gotten at least a dozen other guys to try and ask you out." Frost turned over to glance at Tora. "Or am I really the first person to get this far?"
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    "You know David..." She mumbled and finished with a sigh. "And even when he approves they always turn to be jerks..." She shook her head and checked her cheeks; good, no tears or even any signs of them. She stood back up and wiped off her hands. "But I am not pretty. The only times people have ever liked me was due to my family name. I wonder what is your reason, since I doubt that is the thing you're after..."
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "What am I after?" Frost restated, slightly confused by the way Tora had spoken. "My reason for liking you..." He scratched his chin, wondering why it was so complicated to answer when the reasons were simple. "Well, a family name isn't what I'm after. There are quite a few reasons actually..." Frost leaned in closer towards Tora and lowered his voice. "You've just got to trust me a little more before I can tell you that though." He said as he moved back slowly. "And you are pretty. It's surprising more people haven't said it. " Frost smiled slightly and lowered his arms to his sides, turning away from Tora to look at the rest of the cafeteria.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos was a bit taken aback. He had been talking about Cross, not Frost. However, he was glad that she was more focused on that. He wasn't sure if she had heard Cross or saw him punch the Shiva, but if she didn't know, well, she didn't have to know. "Now that is the Kisa that I know," Zelos smiled. "Worry not about your family troubles. At least for now, you are still in high school." He pulled her close to give her one final hug before pushing her back. "Now...what do you say we clean this cafeteria?"

    "I...well," Wyatt sighed, at a loss of words. "Never mind," he said apathetically. He let out another sigh, a small bit of smoke escaping his mouth between his visible fangs. "Gotta clean..." he said as he reached up to move his red hair away from his eyes. He stood, looked at Mya, nodded, and then walked away.

    Chirp chirp! Principal Johnson smiled as he walked towards his beeping car, keys in hand. The asphalt beneath his legs was cracked, due to the way students arrived. Johnson was one of the few Draconians who preferred driving over flying. School still had an hour left, but he was ready to leave. The whole cafeteria mess was too stressful. As he reached his car, he accidentally dropped his keys. "Damn it," he muttered as he bent over to pick them up. Before he grabbed them, a large shadow quickly passed. He picked up his keys and looked up, but there was nothing in the sky. Giving it no other thought, he opened his door. He looked at the horizon, the large sea behind the school. It was peaceful, but he preferred the city. Suddenly, something poked out of the sea and quickly returned underwater. He narrowed his eyes. "Was that...a tail?" The answer he received was a loud growl.
  14. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya gave him a small have before looking around for something to clean up. She stood up and tossed some broken glass into the trash.

    OOC: Ughhhhh short DX
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross

    "Hm..." Tora wasn't sure what he meant. He already gave a few reasons earlier that day, but she didn't trust him. And now she really didn't trust him... She glanced over towards her brother, almost wishing he had scared Frost off as she did not know how to handle this situation. But then upon hearing Frost's last comment she laughed slightly to herself. "Well, I think we can actually get finished soon."
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa bravely met Zelos' eyes and nodded, "Yeah, let's just get this over with." Zelos had been overly friendly toward her today and she knew it would come back to bite her tomorrow. Being too close to her kind was stressful. Her energy was fleeting, but she managed to snatch a broom from the wall and hurried away from Zelos. Picking up what was too big to sweep into a small pile, she noticed the scorch marks on the floor from her lightning. Clutz she thought and slid to her knees beside them and wiped them up. Kisa's mind replayed her last coherent conversation with her mother.

    "Kisa, dearest. When I'm gone--" "Mom..." "No Kisa. Listen, when I'm gone, all this...the royalty duties will fall to you. Make them listen to you. No one follows someone who's shy and doesn't respect themself. Respect yourself and they'll respect you. Don't rise to their baiting. Read everything and never sign anything if you don't understand. It's easier for you to have Lucien help you and make them explain their motives since you are small, but they will try to overpower you. Especially the other families. May your future husband be..." she would never finish that sentence and Kisa wouldn't know what to look for in a suitor.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya finished picking up the glass shards and then examined her hands only to see them all cut up from handling the broken glass. She cursed silently and headed over to the bathroom. As she starts to fix up her hand, she closes her eyes and replayed everything that happened today. I'm so childish. Complaining about a pick up job. Grow up you wuss. She patted her hands dry and applied bandages to them. Hopefully they won't criticize my work just because my hands hurt...
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Zelos nodded at Kisa as she walked away. "I should start cleaning as well," he told himself. He shrugged with a half-smile and reached to his purple hair. Looks like all conflicts are over. This day might turn around, Zelos thought as he pulled down the goggles he always wore. The entire cafeteria now had a slight green tint. The purple-haired Draconian started to clean, kneeling down. Suddenly, the ground shook slightly. The Quetzal stood up, wondering what it was. "Was that an earthqua-"
    The entire cafeteria shook, causing Zelos to fall. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" He asked, falling on his back. He tried getting up, but the cafeteria was still shaking and he fell back down before rolling several feet.

    "The hell?" Wyatt yelled as he rolled across the floor during the shaking. His nails turned to claws as he tried to grab the floor, but he ended up grabbing someone's desert. I can't keep my balance! He thought as he got on his knees only to fall back. He slid several feet until his back hit the wall. After a few more seconds, the shaking stopped. Wyatt was quiet as he looked around. The cafeteria was more of a mess than it was before. "What was that about?" He asked, struggling to stand. He stopped moving when he heard a series of roars coming from the hallway. His heart skipped a couple of beats as he quickly looked at the door.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Tora...I-" Frost was cut short as the roar drowned out his next word, the ground shaking violently right at that moment. Being a Behemoth, he was used to earthquakes like but the suddenness of it all caught him off guard leaving him to stumble. He nearly fell over but was able to keep from doing so, but just barely. What the hell was that?! He spun to face the doors leading directly to the cafeteria, hearing even more noise coming from it. "This can't be some kind of prank..." Frost readjusted his stance, feeling a familiar sensation course through his veins. Fight...or flight...This can't be good.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Tora Cross
    David Cross

    In seconds David was at Tora's side, holding her up and making sure she was okay. "As if this day wasn't troublesome enough..." He mumbled under his breath, looking around to try and see what had just happened.

    While barley standing Tora looked up at David, smiling weakly. When the ground stopped shaking she stood back up and looked towards everyone to see if everyone was okay. "What the hell was that..."
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