I know, I know. But I just need to vent about this. So class starts back up for me next week so in figuring out transportation plans my Dad has me print off the schedule. Fine. I go online and print it off. Due to several factors I'm only taking two classes this semester, one around noon and the other in the evening. Since everyone else has jobs I know the noon class is going to end up with me at campus for most of the day and the evening class is a minor issue because everyone is home anyway. While we never sat down to decide all that it is mostly a given based on how we've done it in the past and informal decisions. So today my Dad tells me to reprint my schedule because the times on the noon class got cut off. So while my computer is booting up so I can check times I tell him the class is around noon. I don't know if I accidentally said it in a wrong tone, but he suddenly gets mad at me saying that he can't plan things around guesses and he needs exact numbers. So I point out the whole deal about there being dead time before and after the class anyway, so the times are based off everyone else; plus that I needed to pull up the schedule so I couldn't give him the exact numbers immediately. He just says "You should do less thinking and more doing what I tell you." and walks off. I had to break it off there because I was considering punching him, and I was definitely going to be yelling. That is childish enough to put "Because I said so" to shame, where as I'm 20 and was doing what he said anyway. I don't get how he can be that angry about getting an estimate as a time filler when he usually gets annoyed by my looking things up when I have even less of an idea. The only way to make him happy with these things is to have all of this memorized, and that is not something I do well.
hey man, i know exactly what it's like. im 20, going to college and i'm still at home. my dad does **** like that all the time. if you need someone to talk to, im around...
I am sorry to hear that, depending on others for rides is absolutely rotten. 8( Do you know how to drive? Or is it an issue with car availability?
Most directly it is car availability, but to be honest I don't really like driving. I have a learning disability that decreases processing speed. Couple that with my INTP / engineering nature to want to understand every little thing that goes wrong and a bit of OCD-ish worrying about if I've checked the mirrors or speedometer recently enough, and it gets really stressful.