From their myspace: ----------------------------------------------------------- **** NO. They cannot get back together. There are very few things I know to be true in my life and one of them is blink. They are different people than they were before. They'll never be as amazing as they were. Tom has Angels & Airwaves, and Mark and Travis have +44. Both are very, very different than blink-182, and they'll never be able to imitate what they were before. **** NO **** NO **** NO I mean, you can be sure that I'll buy the album, and you can be shitsure that I'll probably like it. blink was an incredible band, and they're just tainting the name by doing this. **** NO
They announced this at the Grammy's last night right? x] Anyways, I agree that they'll never be as good as they were but regardless I'm glad they're back together.
It doesn't matter if they aren't "what they were before." People change. Music changes. Get over it, imo, because it will be good regardless. comparing it after 5 god damn years is pointless. Personally I can't wait. It is going to be awesome no matter what. (not directing the hostility toward anyone <3)
I read in a magazine a while back and it said something about a blink reunion maybe coming up. This article also said that there would be no more +44.
who the **** is blink182 jkz there old.... no comebacks EVER work [this does not include britney coz everyone likes her coz she's pretty]
I'm actually going to go out on a limb and be excited for this. If any one in real life will tell you, I have a very limited range of musical enjoyments, but these guys were their through the early school years. When music was what it was before the change over to more rock/screamer.
I think it will be pretty interesting, seeing how their time apart has changed them and developed them. Comebacks can work out great and I think this might be one of those. Either way I won't judge too harshly until I hear what they have to offer first.