Cool or what?!^^ I can't wait to get it! I Love Bleach and I for one can't wait to play as Renji! I know some of you dislike the show and will probably dislike the game, but what do the people who like it think? Are you going to get the game, and Which character do you want to play?
Dude I think it looks awesome, and I wanna be Renji, Hitsugaya, and Ichigo . . . and Byakuya too! I pre-odered the game from gamestop and I should have it by friday, so awesome that you use the wii remote as your zanpakuto
Sounds pretty kool based on theme n stuff. I think it'll b pretty kool to "wield" a zanpakto (is that how u spell it?) Anyways, I'm not a Bleach fan but I can tell this is pretty kool...especially for the Wii...
Dude, I so can't wait for the game!I'm getting it from my cousin.[She dosen't like the game and her Wii dosen't work anymore] I'd like to play Byakuya, ichigo and Hitsugaya!
I saw this game being played at the London Expo, unforunately I never got a chance to play it. But from the looks of it, it looks like fun for a while maybe with a few friends, but I can't see much long term appeal. =/ Moves didn't seem overly different, all had a rapid attack, slower attacks, only main huge difference in is characters Bankai's. Ichigo goes mega fast, some characters gain huge reach like Renji, so if you get pushed back, then it's going to be hard to get to him. But Bankai's only last for a short time so make the most of them. XD
My friend got Bleach: Shattered Blade. I went over to her house the other day to play it, and it was awesome! I enjoyed playing as Gin Hitsugaya and Urahara (my favorite characters) . Anyway, my point is that it's a pretty awesome game if your arm doesn't get tired easily XD. Also, you get a pretty good laugh from Hanataro's moves.