Bleach: Halcyon Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Jul 20, 2009.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ichigo flipped back, landing a few meters away in the air(OOC: It's always awesome how they simply fight on air like it's the ground). He spat blood out to the side and let out a low growl. I have gotten rusty. Then again, he's not so weak. His eyes widened a little as several beams of light went up around Kazuki, obscuring him from view right at the same time someone shouted, "Flash!". He looked down, seeing a Soul Reaper hold up his zanpakuto which was now shining bright. That power...I've seen it before.

    Ashir had been the one to cause the distraction, hoping Kazuki would take the chance to get away from the jade shards and attack Yenzo. I might as well try to keep someone from bleeding more than he has to.
  2. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    now.... Shizuki thought to himself as he put a hand on the handle of his zanpakuto. he slowly drew it. the gleaming metal showed Shizuki's reflection. he glanced at Ichigo. "him first..." Shizuki mumbled as he pointed his zanpakuto at Ichigo.
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria sighed, lowering her head and taking a step forward. The others were taking care of one Arrancar, so she might as well do something. She looked back up at Shizuki, noticing what he was doing. She flashed stepped, appearing a few feet in front of him. "Why don't you fight me instead? Then again I don't care about your answer." Aria raised her zanpakuto in front of her, both hands around the hilt. "I'm your opponent now."
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Using the oportunity given to him by Ashir, Kazuki escaped the jade shards. Getting out of the way and behind cover he began to plot to wait for the best moment to attack and with which kido spells. He wasn't willing to use his zanpaktou yet as his kido would be able to open up the Arrancars weak points first. Even if this one was a new Espada it still meant he had weak points.
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "oh goody!" he faked a huge, playful grin. "sounds like fun!" he switched his aim to Aria. "would you like to go first? or should i?" Shizuki's grin widened. he hated acting like this. his grin faded. before Aria could answer his question, he ran at her. "too late! looks like i go first!"
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Yenzo looked at Ichigo he let out an chuckle he loved the site of the man spitting out blood. "oh i hope i did not break anything little b@sterd then again" the arrancar said with an smile on his face. A few moments later he slide his palm acros his dagger drawing out blood. Then he pointed his arm at ichigo with his palm open "i like trash to disappear from my site" Yenzo said coldy as he charged an cero in his palm when the blood fuzed with the cero it turned blue. "now witness the gran ray cero nameless fallen shinigami" the arrancar said with an smile on his face as the blue cero started to shine brightly and spark. Then Yenzo heard some one say something as he turned his head he saw the other soul reaper. The arrancar put his other hand in the gran ray cero then he split the blast into two highly powerd cero but unfortianatly weaker then the originally intended blast. With Yenzo's left hand pointing at Ichigo while his right pointing at the other person with the blue ceros sparking very intensly. The arrancar had an smile on his face as he fired both of the highly powerd blue ceros at the intended targets.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ichigo didn't have much time to react...although he did have enough time to hollowfy(OOC: I have no idea how that would be spelt). "Getsuga Tensho!" Although the power of his attack was not strong enough to cut through the cero, the two blasts cancelled each other out. I have to end this before anyone gets hurt.

    Ashir's eyes widened as the cero came at him. Without his zanpakuto in bankai form, he stood no chance of blocking it and even much less without even releasing his zanpakuto. He flash stepped to the side, just barely avoiding the cero. Damn! I have to be more careful! His eyes shifted over towards Ichigo as he tried thinking of a plan. It didn't take him long to notice another Soul Reaper fighting a different Arrancar. Ah. Those two can handle this guy. He turned his attention away from Ichigo and Kazuki and cut at Shizuki. Several blades of light flew out from his zanpakuto and headed towards him, although without even saying the name of the attack, its power would be reduced significantly.
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    The blast missing Ashir it hit the ground an rumble could be heard then an blue explosion appeard making pieces of dirt and building fly leaving an huge hole where th cero hite the ground. When smoke from the two colliding blastes vanished Yenzo looked at Ichigo seeing the hallow mask. After an few moment of being wide eyed and slightly afraid staring at the black eyes with the gold pupels he got back to his posture. "So Shinigami what is your name" the arrancar said holding onto his dagger ready to attack when the man answerd.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria tightened her grip on her zanpakuto, preparing herself for any attack. She had the urge to use kidou but she knew it wouldn't work on an Arrancar, especially one with high spiritual pressure. She narrowed her eyes, charging towards Shizuki. Maybe if I were to release my zanpakuto. As soon as she was close enough, she swung her zanpakuto at Shizuki. I should wait unless I really need to.
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Shizuki's grin returned as he dodged Aria's zanpakuto by sliding in the middle of his run. he slid behind Aria. Shizuki swung at the back of her neck. he hated grinning. even if it was fake...
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Kazuki remained hidden waiting for his chance to attack. He had his head around the corner of the building he was hiding behind just enough to see the Arrancar. Preparing himself for another kido spell he decided to use its full power through the chant.

    OOC: Short post .-.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ichigo began spinning Zangetsu by its chain, changing his battle stance as he did so. "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, substitute Soul Reaper." He simply answered, beginning to think of several ways to strike Yenzo. Those shards remind me of Byakuya's bankai. Maybe if he's distracted he'll be defenseless without his original zanpakuto. He stood still, waiting for Yenzo to strike at him.

    Ashir had just barely managed to flash step near Aria in time to stop Shizuki's zanpakuto from making contact by blocking it with his own weapon. "Come on. A simple thing like moving behind your opponent is too obvious." He teased, staring hard at the Arrancar. Do we even have enough power to actually kill this guy?
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Yenzo looked at Ichigo then he looked at Shizuki seeing the arracar was being attacked by two people. "if you lose your worthless and in my leadership all worthless things should die" the arrancar thought coldly. After an while Yenzo turned his gaze back to the substitute soul reaper. "Ichigo im Yenzo Mekuna remember it cause" the Primer Espoda raised his dagger pointing at the man. With an smirk he used sunido appearing behind Ichigo as the arrancar got close to Ichigo's ear "im the Primer Espada im number 1 believe me there will be more of my tools coming to this pathetic town" Yenzo said coldly as he did an slash aiming for Ichigo's side.
  14. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria turned to the side as she was about to flash step away from the blade but stayed when Ashir appeared. She stood behind him, her eyes on the Arrancar. If he's going to help then maybe I can use kidou to an advantage.
  15. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Shizuki's grin widened. he didn't move. he didn't make a sound. he glanced over at Yenzo to see if he needed any help. he chuckled, knowing Yenzo could take care of himself. he waited for Aria to make her move. he had full confidence he could win... but there was always that little bit of doubt. his grin widened even more as he saw Yenzo slash at Ichigo.
  16. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Can I be the new Captain of Squad 5 sent to the world of the living?
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: N-n-n-necrobump! Make sure you check the last post dates before posting next time.

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