Well I just watched the first episode, I suppose a thread would be suitable for us to discuss our likes and dislikes as the series goes on. But please keep things in spoilers. There are 8 episodes in total so it shouldn't be too long for everyone to catch up as the weeks go by. This is what I thought about the first episode: Spoiler: Black Rock Shooter 1 I thought it was a rather fast paced, and it was like Takanashi and Kuroi never met. I didn't like how their symbols of friendship were different, but it was cute. I'm glad they had the Takanashi and Kuroi story in there, I think that's essential for BRS. Kagari is freaky as sh!t, and her dolls... But I like BRS's new outfit. She sure can take a lot of damage. I also loved how the theme song is "Black Rock Shooter" sung by Hatsune Miku. Makes it official.
Spoiler: Episode 1 Alright well... I'm guessing it doesn't exactly left off where the OVA did. Their friendship is reset, Mato is already friends with Yu and seems to want to become friends with Yomi. Kagari is mean as hell (puts her as bitch of the season on my list). As usual, BRS has the best eyes ever but I don't like Dead Master's redesign at all. I don't really have any comments on the CGI yet, though I don't really see why it's necessary. I'm really hoping they explain things a lot better in BRS universe, as far as character relationships go. They really need to let the fight scenes flow out longer though, the constant shifting back and forth is rather annoying. I also wonder if Arata (or whatever her name was) is BGS's human part. I'm keeping my expectations rather low at this point, mostly watching it for huke art. At least this time we know there's more to come. Also ep 2 preview: http://www.noitamina-brs.jp/
Spoiler: Black Rock Shooter lol enter the spoilertrix. The shifting between their lives and the battle was annoying, but then again, that's how the OVA was. I also noticed their hairstyles are slightly different. I liked the original one Mato had. I was thinking about that too. Although I don't think Arata Kohata is BGS. I was actually thinking the counselor is. She has a respectable size bust compared to the other characters, and BGS as well. I dunno, just a possible connection.
I decided to postpone posting judgement myself until ep 2 because I wanted to see how that first part concluded since episode 1 was more of a setup episode rather than having anything conclusive (I know it's just started but I felt at least ep 2 had some sort of finality to the intro and that just helped me personally analyse the show since I now know where I'm at and can feel comfortable with the themes and ideas). A while back, RvR helped me out by linking me to the OVA etc a while back, but I'll confess that for the while I still haven't watched it as I decided I'd wait for the anime series and go from there. So I'm completely new to the BRS series other than things I've heard. But anyway... my views so far: I'm in two minds about it right now. I like the anime and I like the idea behind it, but I feel the shifts between the two worlds (if that's how they'd be described) are a bit overdone. I personally feel it would benefit if they extended the fight scenes to last longer. However, I do like the emotional development and character development that the normal world has to offer, so that's why I'm in two minds. The rapid shifting is slightly annoying, but it's not to say that I don't like both worlds. I don't know how else they could do it anyway. :/ Either way, I think that with more episodes, the series will continue to grow stronger and so I definitely intend to stick with it. I usually do with all anime I watch anyway unless they are excessively bad - and this isn't bad. It's actually very good. I'm just not sure how good yet. But obviously, it being the beginning of the series, I'll find out more in time so yeah.
Spoiler: BRS episode 5 IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS *pant* IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS IBRS I was not expecting IBRS to actually become part of the story, this series is suddenly 100000% better. Anyways this episode was like... holy hell. The counselor just chokes her as a joke? God she is a cruel bitch. The whole thing with Yuu was pretty sad, and some things are starting to make a bit more sense now. Can't wait for IBRS vs BGS in the next ep.
Spoiler: BRS 5 This was a really intense episode. Yomi going insane was really creepy, actually more creepy than Kagari at the beginning of the anime. The whole thing is getting more interesting, it's just a lot of despondency. I'd like to see more fighting without any interruptions. Hopefully that will happen with IBRS. I was really surprised that IBRS was put into the anime. I hope they provide lots action when IBRS fights BGS.
I'm suddenly aware of how far I am behind on this. I haven't even been able to see episode three yet. Will catch up tomorrow, for sure, and then continue to keep up-to-date, since by the sounds of things, the series is really getting more intense.
Spoiler: Episode 6 As I thought, the series got a whole lot better especially since they are aware of what is going on now. IBRS is a complete badass. "Injured arm? I'll just rip the f*cker off. Oh and BGS I'll take your arm too lol." Now its seems as if Yuu is more of the main character now, especially with Yomi out of the picture (who was finally cured of her gayness lol). With two episodes left there are a lot of theories on how this is going to end, and honestly I can see a lot of possibilities. The STR vs IBRS fight in the next episode preview looks like it's going to be the major part of the episode, which I'm certainly looking forward to. Overall I'm still enjoying the series though. Also I just wanted to speculate something real quick. At the end of the OVA, it showed Yuu being very hesitant of Yomi and Mato's friendship. I'm wondering if it was because she knew this was going to happen, or had a chance to. I'm not sure if she knew about IBRS, but obviously she knew about that world before any of the other characters did.
Spoiler: Episode 6 and response I like where the series is going. At first it was cool, but it just felt off. But as we got closer to the DM battle, things got a lot better. I like how they know of the other world as well, kind of like the ending of the OVA where BRS comes to Mato at their "Usual Spot." I was really glad to see the perspective change on Saya. I thought she was just a psycho counselor b!tch who likes planting suicide thoughts in little girls and choking the sh!t out of them. Apparently she's like the guardian of that realm or some sort, but we still don't know why other than to protect Yuu, possibly. And on that note, why was Yuu like "High school" friends or whatever with Saya? Saya is easily in her mid 20s, and she looked like she was in High School when she had the long hair. (I personally liked her with long hair, it was cuter and made more sense with BGS.) But then Yuu grew up with Mato, who is younger than Saya... I'm guessing some weird plot twist here. Hopefully it's a good one. Excited to see how this will end, yet I'm sad too. I love the BRS franchise. Hopefully things will make more sense in the last two episodes. Hmm that is plausible, but I'm a little uncertain of that. I mean, the beginning of the anime made it clear that the OVA isn't a prequel of any sorts. Mato and Yomi become friends (again) and their token of friendship isn't the phone straps, but bracelets. But even if Yuu did know, in the anime she didn't predict BRS holding Mato inside of her and making IBRS. But that is an interesting idea nonetheless.
Spoiler: Ep 5 and 6 My guess is that ties in with episode 5 with the whole "why can't they see Yuu" thing that Mato noticed, Yuu might not actually exist in the human world. Or maybe can only be seen by some people. But I guess that doesn't explain why the firefighters and stuff could see her in the past, so I don't really know. Hopefully they explain that more in the next episode.
Spoiler: Spoiling BRS Yeah, and Mato remembered going over to Yuu's house to play. But what was odd was that she had a normal family or so it seemed, compared to her being neglected in Saya's version. And when Mato went to Yuu's house, it wasn't there, like it burned down in Saya's flashback. Yuu has the Reading Steiner. She's jumping world lines, that's how this is happening.
I wonder if the Blu-Ray release to the anime will have English subs like the OVA Blu-Ray did. If it does, I will import it! :D Btw, if you live in North America (U.S. and Canada) you don't need a Japanese Blu-Ray because we are in the same region code as them! <(^o^)> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc#Region_codes
Almost all BD releases come with english subs. You can preorder it here: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/de...rds=black+rock$pagemax=100$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1 It comes with: All for the affordable price of about $342. I want it really badly but the price is really steep... so I'm still deciding. -Edit- Nevermind, there's a version without the wallscroll that is $300. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/de...rds=black+rock$pagemax=100$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1 I might just get that one then.
They do?! Thats awesome! :D I don't care much for limited editions, they cost too much x_x I heard, they will release singles (normal editions) but that wont be till much later after the limited editions last time I've checked.
So... the anime is at an end and I have to say this was an interesting end to a great series. It gave me a feeling of closure so I was satisfied, but at the same time, I feel disappointed that it's over. Only 8 episodes long... it was pretty short considering, but all the same. It was a very nice series. I'd have liked more, but I can't complain. Some things were confusing at the time, but once you get your head around it, it does make a good amount of sense to a good degree. Whether they make a second season or not (it doesn't look likely, but meh) I'd watch it with interest.
Spoiler: Episode 8 / Entire series So it's over. I'll start off by saying the ending wasn't nearly as bad as the OVA's, it was actually somewhat emotional. Overall it was a good short series. I'm curious on how the sales will go, if it's anything like the OVA I'm sure there will be more in the future. I really want a different studio to do more BRS if it does happen though, I'm kinda sick of Ordet ruining the character designs. As for episode 8... well I wasn't too disappointed. The scene with Mato★Rock Shooter (yes I just made that up) and IBRS was pretty intense, where she wanted to know what pain felt like. Also the STR and Yuu parts in the entire episode were just full of ;_;. Also rainbow powaz. RAIIIINBOW Powaz. Back to the series as a whole though, I really don't see how they could make a continuation of this series with that kind of ending. I would really like to see the BRS game made into an anime, but I can only hope about that. The problem is so many people have an opinion on a "right way" to do BRS, but a lot of people don't care for Ordet as well. I decided not to buy the series, mostly because I don't want to spend $300 for mostly the IBRS figure and the soundtrack. I do hope it sells, though. tl;dr: Series was definitely worth the watch.
Spoiler I feel like the last episode helped me understand what the entire concept of BRS is in the first place, which is good because I was really beginning to lose my patience knowing that they'd have to make at least that much clear with only 8 episodes. I also didn't like the character redesigns as I found them to be unnecessary and somewhat childish compared to the originals which doesn't make much sense considering how much more violent the anime is. I give it a 4/5 because I think it's a great series to watch and kill off an afternoon with, but it could've been better even with the limited episodes.
Last episode reaction and my little review below Spoiler Oh my God! The last episode was amazing! I can't wait to buy the Blu-Ray! I do hope this series get licensed too! :D I didn't mind the redesigns that much even though I prefer the original art more. The OVA wasn't enough to understand who or what BRS really is until you watch the anime but I do suggest to watch the OVA first. The last episode doesn't really give any hints of a sequel and I hope there isn't because they ended it very well and it is at a good place to end it unless they make it as good as the first season or surpass the first season then I'll accept it. Music, soundtrack, art style, story, and characters are all well done. The soundtrack is flawless, it captures the emotion the scenes bring. The opening song is "Black Rock Shooter" by Supercell feat. Miku Hatsune and the ending song is "Bokura no Ashiato" ("Our Footsteps") also by Supercell feat. Koeda. I'll give the anime a perfect 5/5 I am looking forward to the the video game "Black Rock Shooter: The Game" to be released by NIS America in North America and Europe, hope it comes out soon :)
I started watching this anime, knowing nothing about it, so I can't compare it to the OVA or anything else, but as a stand alone Anime, it is enjoyable, and a few times when I though I had some of the characters figured out (Mainly thinking Saya was the bad guy/woman) the show had to throw in a curve ball and change my mind. As for the 'Other selves' I think this is a reeeeeeally good concept, and the more I think about it the more it makes me think, what if deep down we do have someone to shear our pain with, but don't forget out pain when that person dies? Makes you think doesn't it? I like things that do that.
All of my emotions, aaaaaah. ;____; Spoiler After the first three episodes or so I was already bawling (I JUST finished the last episode and am kind of sniffling still, so forgive me if this is just a whirl of emotions). Highly emotional series for me, I don't know what's wrong. I am so glad I decided to watch this though. After the OVA I was a little skeptical, but everything tied itself together rather nicely. Dead Master's design was the only one what was a bit bleh for me. I didn't like the glasses, nor did I like the weird veil thing, but whatever. It wasn't enough to detract from anything. The battles were amazing and engaging. I had a bit of trouble following a couple of them, but it was no big deal. Everything was GORGEOUSSS. It was such a beautiful anime. Beautiful animation, and the CGI wasn't obnoxious. It was just so perfect and emotional. I'm just so happy. I love that everything tied itself together, and that I actually understand what's going on now with the whole concept--which is genius a-and ;-; Maybe I'll have something more constructive to say when I'm not crying. I can't WAIT for the OST. Oh my god. *Sobs*