So this is something I've been curious about. When and how do people that were born on February 29 celebrate their birthdays? February 28 or March 1? How does it work? Also, just for a fun fact, our next February 29 is Monday, February 29, 2016.
I think they celebrate it March 1 considering how exactly one year later March 1 stands, where the non-existent February 29 could've been.
I actually have a friend who was born on February 29th, and she switches off usually. Our school announces her birthday on the 28th because she was technically born in the month of February, but her family finds it easier to celebrate at the beginning of March. Every four years she finally gets to celebrate it on the 29th and she considers it a big deal when that happens. It's kind of funny. So I guess, it depends on when the family wants to celebrate it. In the end it is all a choice.
Well, my mother has a Birthday on February 29th, and is making me type this as because she wants everyone to gain the knowledge of leap year birthdays. *Cough* Anyway, the way we do it, is since her birthday only comes every 4 years, we take 4 days to celebrate it, the 27th, 28th and then March 1st and 2nd. Her sweet 16 will be in like, 2032, she's told us to mark it down on the calendar.
It's an either or thing, isn't it? I have a cousin whose birthday is on Feb 29 and he celebrates it on the 28th - this seems like it would make more sense, because even though it's on a leap year, you are still born in February, not March.
I have an uncle who was actually born on February 29th. My family usually jokes around by saying he only grows a year older once every four years, making him a quarter of his actual age XD But he's not much of a birthday guy, so I don't really know what he does *shrugs*