Hey guys! It seems as though an interview has popped up recently and thanks to TheWertle we have a translation of it!
Q: Your debut as director was with KH, What was the process of bringing that out like?
Nomura: With the designs of KH, I had a plot around the time that FF7 was in production, and by the time of FF8, I had full out designs. But at that point the disney characters hadn't completely appeared. Hashimoto came up with the idea of a story with Disney. Since at that time Mr. Disney was in the same building, Hashimoto would sometimes talk with him on the elevator. And I guess they worked something out.
Q: Were you the director at that time?
Nomura: No, I was polishing up the KH designs, and was thinking of what the next line of development would be, and someone else was appointed as the director for this "Disney game". I think until then the things I did were often pretty useless. But the KH team told me "We want you to participate with us Tetsu-san, no one else would make a better director", and so they pushed for that afterwards.
Source: FF13vids
"Birth of Kingdom Hearts" Interview
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 27, 2007.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 27, 2007.
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