Birth By Sleep: Roxas & Ven (Speculation)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Five news scans from KINGDOM HEARTS: Birth By Sleep were released and the questions are still being asked. Nomura confirmed that Roxas and Ven are very different, but what if something more happened? Is it possible that Ven and Roxas are the same character? Our member "TheVader74" (who recently worked with me on my KHV fandubs as Xemnas), came up with an amazing theory. The discussion started in our upcoming KH games, when I made a thread earlier, asking other members their take on the situation. As TheVader74 explained his theory, I later added to it. The whole theory is amazing and I think you guys will be interested in the topic. Below you can find the theories that TheVader74 and I made. Make sure you also view the whole thread to read other member theories by clicking the link.

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    Posted by Mike
    Alright, as I'm updating the main page with those new scans early last week, I've been annoyed about how much Ven looks like Roxas. So, I'm not the only one who thinks that. It's obvious that all of us think that. I mean, Ven has the same exact height, same eyes, same detailed hair color and almost the same clothes as Roxas. Nomura confirmed and said that these two characters are very different, but I don't know. I almost feel that he's just saying that.

    I feel that it all connects. Roxas getting his name from Xemnas was one reason why I was getting this idea in my head. I mean what was his name first? I thought about that and then I wasn't sure. Roxas was born when Sora became a heartless. So it wouldn't make sence. Do we know for sure who the "friend" was? I thought it's Ven, but I wasn't sure because some other members said it was Aqua. It's obvious that we won't see Aqua, Terra and Ven again, right? These characters must have changed during that time period between Birth By Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: I.

    As for Terra, he seems to appear like either Xigbar or Xemnas. Terra seems to be the one that is going after Master Xehanort the most. Seems a little odd? What about Aqua? Apparently she is a honor student and is very caring and trustworthy from the other two. While I translated that, the word "witch" came into play.

    So, what do you think? Anything we can do to put the clues together and add it all up (laughs)? I just thought I would make an interesting thread. I'm interested in hearing what you guys think.

    Posted by Vader74
    Someday, this will all seem so obvious, we'll laugh at it.

    Ok Let me think things through. Sora loses his heart, and thus, becomes a Heartless. While this happens, his Body and Soul are transported through the Dark Corridors, and end up in Twilight Town as Roxas. Sora in Hollow Bastion is returned to his human form by Kairi, who returns his heart to him, and thus we get Sora back. However, at this stage, Sora is basically just a heart. No body or soul. He remains in this status until KH2, where he is reunited with Roxas, thus becoming a complete being again.

    Where can Ven come into the equation that would affect the appearance of Roxas and fit in this timeframe. I have a theory.

    We see Ven on Destiny Islands, asking (presumably) Aqua, to "Erase [him]". In this case, he is erased, and is left as just a soul (I'm drawing this theory from TWEWY. Play it and you'll understand what I mean), which would get drawn into the Dark Corridors. This is where it would remain for 10 years. Then Sora's Body and Soul comes along. There is some connection between Sora and Ven that draws them together, thus replacing the soul inside Sora's body with Ven's. Sora's soul would then rejoin Sora with his heart via Kairi. I do not believe that Sora was just a walking heart for a year. Something would have needed to support it.

    This probably has a few loopholes, but whatever, just my shrewd ideas on the matter. However, I was right about Xion, so I'm hoping I have the same run of luck.

    Posted by Mike
    I was thinking along those lines, but you seemed to nail a good theory. It's the only thing that would make sense. That image that I added was on purpose. I knew it was the scene where he asked to be erased. You tied the connections and that's the only way that Ven and Roxas could look so much alike. Roxas and Ven have the whole different personality, but it's so clear that their body is the same. It's just woud make sense when Ven was erased which later became Roxas. The connection would go further than that. Xemnas and Master Xehanort have some kind of connection. We know that Xigbar does, so that "old friend" has to point out to Ven. There were so many reasons why they got Roxas to join the Organization. Roxas is with someone that's from the past, Ven's empty shell?

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 30, 2009.

    1. firefan
      I think that since Ven knew Xehanort during his life when Xemnas found Roxas he made him look like Ven. Who of course also wielded the keyblade.
    2. WilliamTheWise
      Roxas was born this way. Xemnas didn't alter him in anyway.

      I don't think Ven knew Xehanhort the student, but he might have know him before whatever happened to him. Because Xemnas puts his arm on Roxas in a similar manner as Ven and Terra.

      Xemnas sees Xion as both a doll and Ven, just like Xigbar
    3. firefan
      Sense Xemnas is the Organizations leader couldn't he change how they look?
    4. WilliamTheWise
      I don't think so. If he had the power to do so, it would have stated by now.
    5. firefan
      True but I have read Ven a stronger connection with Sora than Aqua and Terra
    6. WilliamTheWise
      Right, the two must have a connection of some sort
      • Roxas looking like Ven (Kinda..)
        [*]Xion looking like Ven to both Xemnas and Xigbar
    7. Waterjewelemi
      Well this is what I believe.

      From what I seen in trailers and playing KH2 I came to this conculsion

      Ven might be Sora older brother.

      Ok plz read why I think this before commenting and remeber that BBS is based before kh1.

      Ok in the bbs trailer at the end you see Ven on desnity island asking to be erased. I think he was erased and that his heart went into Sora, making him a future keybearer. Becuase he was erased he was forgotten by everyone.

      But why do I think that maybe Ven is Sora brother?

      Well Ven looks actually like Roxas (more Ven is Roxas) so thats why Sora nobody doesn't look like him compared to everyone else, plus I think Roxas has Ven heart when Sora realsed them all in kh1. When sora did that Ven heart was realsed from him and turned in to Roxas, think that is why Roxas is different from the other nobodies, cause he does have a heart.
      In KH2 Final mix scene, Axel actually says to Roxas "You do have a heart".

      Other thing to prove it is why does Ven look like Sora, well...

      In KH2 Xigbar says to Sora "He use to give me that face", which means Roxas has the same face, but since Roxas looks actually like Ven, that would mean that Ven has the same face as Sora.

      All this together makes me believe that maybe Ven is Sora older brother.

      I hope you understood this well, and like I said this is a theory and I might be totally wrong when the game comes out.