So today in biology we were going over the creation of the earth and such and that moved into relative and radiometric dating and my teacher said "So class, here's a bit of review. How would you date a rock?" and i yelled out "Uncomfortably?"
She mumbled something about the movies. Her funny is no match for mine. @ Jerome : This is true, but it wasn't biology.
... I lol'd pretty hard because I had the same problem with a bunch of my other classmates in freshman year... Why are you so damn quoteable?
I almost wrote orgasm on my test. Glad I did that double check. But Biology is fun... sorta... maybe... meh. I mean, I got straight B's both semesters. =|
Nick, lets be real, biology is only entertaining with Ryan in the classroom, him and his stupid little batman action figure. i hate having it first mod, you and your 9th mod biology class can go to hell. >|