Bigger Images of two upcoming Keyholders (Updated)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, if you remember earlier, we had two images of Keyholders, one which featured 4 different keyblades, and another one which featured Oblivion and Oathkeeper. Well first we managed to show you a higher quality image of Oblivion, and Oathkeeper. Now, thanks to a member of 2ch, we can show you a bigger image of two more!

    Source: 2ch
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Oct 8, 2007.

    1. Darkandroid

      But seriously they look pretty cool, especailly the kingdom key on. The oblivion is too shiney.
    2. Crumpet
      i love the oblivion one
    3. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      I like the kingdom key. i would defenitly want one. oblivion, is to shiny just like Darkandroid said.
    4. C
      Wow they looks really awsome =D
    5. Supa_S
      I'd like to point out one thing. The Kingdom key keychain has been around for quite some time now. I've seen it being auctioned on ebay and yahoo auction. I believe that pic serves to compare the old keychain with the new ones that are currently being sold on SE's website. So the pic isn't of new keychains (well maybe the oblivion is new but the kingdom key is kinda old)

      Guess the 2ch poster is trying to point out that they're the same size.
    6. Spike
      Can't wait to see a Bond Of Flame one. THAT would be sick.
    7. Darkcloud
      The level of detail on the oblivion is impressive...even if it's too shiny! Love it anyway!!
    8. Poki#3
      What? The Oblivion looks better by far. The Kingdom Key on this picture is raw metal without any paint on! (It's probably not a finished product)

      It isn't VERY shiny, and also take into account the fact that the wrapping reflects light and there seems to be very good lighting...

      PS: Doesn't change the fact that it's overpriced :(
    9. Inasuma
      Wow. I would absolutely love those keyblade keychains on my DS or PSP. Especially as I would do that, since I'm really obsessed and anxious for BBS. lol

      And the upper image is cool. I'd take the metal key chain though. It looks more original and cool.
    10. KING SORA
      Good Pick

    11. KageNoMichi
      I love the black Oblivion one! I would love to put it with my fanmade Riku keychain I keep all my keys on XD They need a Way to the Dawn one too! I'd love to have all of them though, it'd be pretty cool to have a huge set of all the keyblades... though I wouldn't have enough places to put them, haha.
    12. newman

      :) This is neat !

    13. Unmei

      i wanna collect them all!
      that'll cost a lot, though...
    14. Kairi9020
      I really like the Oblivion. The Kingdom Key is really good too.
    15. tc831
      they look cool as
    16. KING SORA

    17. Misty
      King Sora, please stop spamming. Edit those posts now or I will for you. >_> *is in a bad mood*

      Anyway, that's pretty cool, Xaldin. xD;
    18. Spitfire
      That Oathkeeper one is off the chain. *dies bad pun*

      Na, but those look awesome with out a doubt.
    19. P
      I like oath keeper best. What is the other one in the oath keeper picture?