Bible causes Man to cut off + Microwave his own hand

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by McPie, Jan 10, 2008.

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  1. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Well thats true.
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    No-one person is completly sane, i've met some 'nut-jobs' who burned themselves before, for 'strange' reasons, and when I talked to them they were like someone i'd met in the street completly 'normal', it made me realize that just because you've done something too the extreme doesn't mean your on the verge of losing your sanity.
  3. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    1.You can tell it's a metaphor if it doesn't make sense when you think about it in normal terms. The Bible is supposed to make you think unlike text books that just make you memorize and record information.

    2.But we aren't are we...

    1.Evolution has like 3 different theories that I've heard of and one is that man formed from slime. O.o. If the Bible isn't true then how come we find the ruins of cities exactly where the Bible says they are? Hmm?

    2. I don't know about it being compiled by Constantine though. I know that many Christians wrote the Bible. You don't know how long I've studied that...

    1. Copernicus' discovery was as big as the person who said the world was round and not flat...
  4. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    1. Our "normal" thinking is quite different than the thinking of a 1st century Christian. Perhaps the writer DID want it all to be taken literally. We may see that wearing two types of thread is nothing to be ashamed of, but, apparently, a first century Christian didn't. Ethnocentrism. "My society says X, so it must be true."
    2. We are getting very close.

    1. Gravity has several different theories on how it works, but, does that mean that gravity's not real? London is mentioned in Harry Potter, and Greece is mentioned in the Greek myths, so they must be true![/sarcasm]

    What does Copernicus have to do with evolution? And, people have ALWAYS known that the Earth was round. At least the upper class and intellectuals.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    1. You can't take half of the things Science says literally as most facts are just theories, like Dark matter is just a theory, but today, the mjorit of the public believe in it. And your concentrating on the minority of christians that lived many centuries ago, just think that a minority of Christians might say something different, but at least that minority have some morality compared to the small minority of scientists who believe in torturing humans and animals to further their research into science.

    2. I'd find it hard to believe if the average lifespan did increase, since all this cr@p artificail foods and lack of work humans have to do anymore.

    1. First of all, London is real and so is Greece, and the key word there is MYTH, and Harry Potter is fiction, 2 unreliable and irrelevant sources.
    And one theory is Gravity is non-existent, so it could be and coudn't be real.

    Now that is not accurate, people didn't always know the world was round, do you really think the first people on the Earth really thought they were on a giant sphere floating in an endless space?
  6. Repliku Chaser

    First off, a 'Theory' in Science is not just some made up thing. People keep confusing science hypothesis with science theory. Theory is actually a thing that holds up and is established with -evidence- to support it and many things go to circulate from it. A hypothesis is an idea or concept tested that may have support and some evidence but not enough to make it a Theory. A hypothesis in science is the word used as a 'theory' in common speak, not in science. Theories of science have many evidences.

    Scientists do studies on animals for the betterment of humanity and also animals and plants. They do examinations for the environment and all sorts of things. Some of those studies save wild life. Some of them save human lives. I'm sure all those Christians that killed, raped, murdered and tried many people of false crimes just for thinking different, as well as have treated animals as though they were OWNED by man because God said so were so much better. At least scientists have a reason which is to benefit lives. Also, the Bible was meant to take pretty strongly and early Christians even caused revolts etc. The world was a lot more violent back then with excuses. The only thing that makes things worse now is over population and people have deadlier weapons. If we had those weapons back then, the world would have been over long ago.

    The average life span of people has been increasing for a long time. In 1900 the life expectancy was 47 years of age. Women lived shorter lives due to childbirth complications. Very few people made it to the age of 60. Life expectancy for men now is 73 years old and for women 78. There are people who can live to be past 100 now. This is a dramatic change, isn't it? There is no sign that we will stop being able to push the age barrier as we improve techniques with life. Yes, there's junk food and all but seriously, we aren't sliding backwards.

    That would be a hypothesis, not a Theory. Also, the point he was trying to make is that despite London being in Harry Potter, the book is fictional. The same can be considered about the Bible, and also some facts within the pages of the Bible are verified and others historically have been proven very false. Not to add to this, some of the legends in the Bible seemed to rip from other legends including those from Mesopotamia and Babylon, where the Jews first collected data to write the First Testament and also information in the 2nd book too which put relations to Egyptian and Roman Mythos but dress it up differently. Just because some book mentions public figures and/or locations does not make it historically accurate, nor does it make it a true non-fictional tale.

    You are right. People did not always -know- the world was round and many decided to believe the Bible since it made a declaration that the earth was flat and resting on 4 pillars. We -mostly- became sure it was round once we sent up things from NASA to get a view of the earth and there were die-hard Christians there fighting the first launches all the way. They called it blasphemy. However, just because Europeans and Americans by default of the religion were led to believe the world was flat, not everywhere had this in mind. Ironically, there are still some idiots out there who believe the world is flat and nothing is going to change that opinion.
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    And the day of 'judgement' that you spoke of, will happen sooner than latter, with even greater destruction.

    Humans, whether Christian or not, do things for personal gain, whether physical or mental. No-one can deny that. Selflessness is not part of humanities nature, as much as they try to deny it.

    Original Christians that killed animals, did not kill to test their beliefs, but did so for food, a way to survive naturally. Compare to today’s world which kills animals for profit and money or to experiment on, to cause more pain than anything Christians use to do. If I had to choose, Christians are more merciful than scientists.

    And though Christianity might seem brutal, as well as its history, at least it holds its belief in something, they are unified between something they are connected by, though many Christians are different in mind or choices, for example the man who cut off his own hand, may have been a 'hardcore' Christian compared to more laid-back Christians that might not practise everything they preach. I myself, classify Science as its own type of religion, not Scientology, but because Science teaches us, tell us how life works, what’s good and what’s bad for us, which is a foundation for most religions. What I am trying to ay is that Sciences has its own branch, some more humane others more violent. If we focused on the individual and not the many we would have to discuss all the goods and bad people have done in the past which is pointless

    Figures can change rapidly in a short period of time. Just because it says we will live till we are in our 80's or over because of figures does not mean it will 100% happen. Not to mention most people in that age range are being kept alive by machines and unable to move, talk and their minds are nothing more than dead. Not what I would call, living a good life.

    Many Legends and Myths told by religions or culture are quite similar, stating Christianity as one of many to 'copy' another religion would be a biased acquisition. And the Bible was made up of a group of people, all Christian all with different views and opinions on life. Once again, I say, you can't blame all of Christianity because of individuals.

    We are only told that the world is round, unless we see it with our own eyes in space than I would not guarantee everything the 'powers above us' tell us, that or I maybe just be distrusting about such a powerful group for people that run a country. I deny things to the end usually.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Not all humans are bad. You have such a bad outlook on everything that can walk bipedal and communicate with one another and wears clothes. That's a serious prejudice and you are one.

    You need to sit and read the Bible. There's all sorts of animal sacrifices in there, you know. There's also food that is clean (kosher) and not which people were told to eat. What did animal sacrifices do for anyone, or killing a ton of lambs to paint blood over doorways so their first borns weren't taken in Egypt etc? It really does help to know this stuff before saying things like that. Compare that to the fact we have medicines, people live longer, cures for diseases that struck people back in those times have happened etc. I'd say science wins out here because they -are- too our advantage. Religion makes people kill animals and yet it's such a good thing. Today, if people do that they automatically tag a 'Satanic Cult' sticker on it.

    Just because people 'hold a belief in something' doesn't make that belief a true thing. It is -to those people- but that's also the difference between an objective truth and a subjective truth. If both don't meet somewhere, one is a deception in each person's mind and if they do, it is a truth. Science is in no way a religion. People who do insist on saying that really don't even get the meaning of what science is. It is a group of many fields of -exploration and examination-. It is not a religion in the least as religion makes all your life choices for you, tells you all the answers etc. You can -see- proofs that some things might be bad for you. I also don't see scientists out causing wars. Science is -used- in wars but most of the time people justify war with religion to rally troops. They aren't using science for that. Science is a tool to better or worsen the person who uses it. Religion is a belief to better or worsen someone. There -is- a big difference here. Comparing science to a religion is like comparing an apple to a ham sandwich.

    I gave you the figures. You can do with them what you want. That is the luxury of science. Things were studied and examined and results happened and you can assume what you wish. The point still stands however that we -do- live longer. The vast majority of people are not brain dead somewhere. Also, the elderly who are happen to usually be older than in their 70s. It won't throw off the average by much. Even if you still use this argument though, no one is going to call you a heathen, blasphemer, or curse you and condemn you to a naughty place that's rather hot year round.

    I would disagree. I do not wish to offend people here so my apologies are early and I will be brief. All through history there are events that were put in the Bible that either did not happen or were mutated to put God effects in them. There are things taken from Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egyptian and Roman mythos. Note that all other religions of the past too were absorbed and reduced to the status of mythologies while Christianity is considered of the status 'religion'. Even after the Bible was written, mutations kept happening and holidays were annexed and altered, foods were made holiday necessities, etc from European and Northern European areas. A Yule Tree, the nativity scene looks just like Horus's nativity scene to include the star and all, Easter is a goddess's name and yet the 3 day resurrection stuff is then, and I could go on but again, I don't truly want to offend people. I will just say that much of the Bible and after incorporated things were taken from other sources as well as some of this stuff being original.

    Also, I do not blame -all- of Christianity. The guy was a nut job and the views of common Christians are that they omit much of the Bible and take the meanings and symbolisms that fit in this day and age. Quite a few Christians haven't even read the Bible from cover to cover and those who have know it has its violence etc but choose for themselves to take the good things out of it. Christianity has held well because of its adaptability and there are morals that can be seen as near universal. I do not personally like the Bible and think it is the most violent book ever published but eh, I know that is my opinion.

    You tried to say though early on that the guy was not a nut job. So which is it? Was he whacked or is the source of information he took to do this wrong? To me, this works along the same lines as someone going outside and stealing a car because GTA is a cool game. Whether or not I like the Bible or not, I still see the man made a choice to take it how he wanted and mutilate himself. This is not an uncommon practice in Christianity for the past, but in modern times, it really is something most would considered outdated and appalling behavior. It still brings up the point though why the Bible is so defended and yet video games are attacked by religious people. No, I won't entirely condemn the Bible because I do believe books should not be banned regardless of material for the most part, same as movies etc. But I'll close this comment with why can't religious folks who tear at music, video games, movies etc and all realize that they are hypocrites? Leave enjoyment alone even if some people are delusional and ruin it for the others. We deal with the nut jobs while the vast majority can take things correctly and not do stupid things like this. That is how things should be done. Look at the individuals and not just remove the material because the rest of us are old enough and not stupid enough to screw things up.

    Okay, so you say you would not believe something if you don't see it with your own eyes. Yet if you come to the conclusion that the world is -flat- it would be because you were told it first. So in essence, you would go off something told to you initially and have to wait for proof to counter it. This is exactly why science exists and yet you use science as the enemy here. You as an individual have the power to explore your world, life and make choices. This debate though really isn't on science as much as it is on the interpretation of this man's deed here, so I'll get back on track.

    The Christians who have posted say that the Bible isn't to blame for someone taking passages too seriously. In the past, these passages were much more taken vehemently. The religion does change to fit the society of today and yet again, the Bible is entirely left to interpretation. We can be very grateful that this guy was a nut job and most Christians aren't like this. Denying he was a nutter though as you did earlier implies what? That the Bible is wrong? My point would be that even if I find the Bible to be wrong, in the hands of regular people, it works out fine. In the hands of a delusional man, ...he ends up one hand less.
  9. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well a grape can become a raisin, but it doesn't mean that it is no long a grape. Just because someone has an out-break of seriously abnormal psychological behaviour and then returns to their regular habits doesn't mean that A) they won't repeat the behaviour again and B) that nothing is wrong. Most psychological illnesses involve constant behavioural changes and subtleties.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    My words seem to be taken in the wrong way, so I will say nothing more incase I make things worse for myself.
  11. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    Well anyway u slice it , it isnt the Bibles fault its the wacko who cut his hand offs fault :\
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It is if that's where he got the idea from. Do you really think he would have known what the Mark of the Devil was and what to do about it if he hadn't read the Bible?

    Influences can be as bad as the act itself.
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    The bible in itself is simply an idea. How that is construed depends on the point of view of the person. Arguing that it's the bible's fault is as useless as arguing that video games are instigating violence among youth. All that ends up happening is the scapegoating of the medium based on the the individual acts of others.
  14. 11jones2 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    yeah that the what happens most of the time that why its better to talk to other people about the bible or that can happen
  15. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Am I the only one who has noticed that the Bible is FULL of contradiction.

    In Genesis you are told that Noah was told by God that you can eat any animal you like but in Leviticus it Has a whole Verse saying what and what not to eat.

    There are many more but this was the only one that I could think of off the top of my head because I am Aethiest and have never read the Bible exept for when I have to in Religious Ed because I go to a Catholic School. And also, that guy must have mental health problems because The Book of Revelation is just mostly a Load of Twaddle. It doen't make sense. Why obey it?
  16. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Exactly right........except,he told noah? what happened before that.............lets see the entire world's vegetation was destroyed(great flood) and, yes eating meat became a danger because animal's became "inpure" that is why God made istructions on what not to eat and what to eat

    if you dont understand the bible you could always read some other books related to the bible(wich name of the writer i wont say)
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    I sense bull in the church!

  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The thing is, if it was... say... Grand theft auto that convinced him that to be a winner if he went on a killing rampage, it would get a lot of different answers.
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    i think i understand what you mean...........

    but im a tad confused, it would be different of course but right now i cant think of any way how
  20. Bone Doctor Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 21, 2008
    San Vanelona
    i think what we have here is someone that is way to "obcessed" with his faith and from his expert knowledge of the bible probably remembered that passage when he did somthing sinful so he cut it off and to purify it to be good enough for god he put it in the microwave to be purified (i know WTFLOLBBQ, but jsut you know what im saying) OR!!!!!!!!! He is f-ing retarted and thought it would be somthing fun to do on a saturday afternoon
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