Bible causes Man to cut off + Microwave his own hand

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by McPie, Jan 10, 2008.

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  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The Bible isn't necessarily the problem. It's usually how the people respond to it, for good or for bad, for positive or for negative.

    This kind of thing happens sometimes, and I think part of it has to do with possibly the mans mental condition. If he was always sane and all the sudden he cut off his hand because of the Bible.... then uh... that's going to be a bit of a bummer. People shouldn't take things from the bible literally like that. It has plenty of allegorical references and concepts. Cutting off your hand, I'd imagine, isn't exactly what is being represented with the "cut off your hand" bit. It probably means you should cleanse yourself, or something of that sort. And it's just common knowledge as a whole to not believe or interpret everything you hear as real or literal. :/
  2. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    Did he ever say he did it because of the bible?
    If not then dont dis Christianity just cuz the town crazy cut his hand off...
    Also if i had to cut my hand off to go to Heven then i would gladly do it .
  3. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    ...And THIS is why religion is BS in my opinion. THIS is why I refuse to believe in God, because I can't imagine a God who tortures anyone who doesn't love him to death.

    But yeah, this guy seriously needed mental help >.>. it could have avoided the situation altogether.
  4. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    God never said chop off your own hand.
  5. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Yet, the Bible does. The Bible has some pretty ****ed up laws. Especially in Leviticus.

    On topic, the man is mentally insane. Not even a fundie would be that stupid... right?
  6. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    ya but not many people are gunna cut there hand off because of it :\
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    religion can be comforting to some, that's why it exists in my opinion. i personally am an atheist and i think that the dude was either crazy or SUPER religious.
  8. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I told my dad this story about the guy choping his own hand off because he thought he had the mark of the beast on his hand and my dad laughed and said, "He doesn't understand that part of the bible very well."

    True, only if there stupid or crazy.

    The dude is crazy.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Yep, and yet they tend to be ignored by most preachers. Mainly because they would never work nowadays. That is why I dislike organised religion. It's a complete pick and mix. People take the bits they like and forget the bits they don't. How many gospels weren't deemed "suitable" enough to enter the Bible? How many of them are sitting in the vaults in the Vatican because the Church didn't want people to read them?

    You never know what fundies are capable of, that is what is so scary about them =/
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Quite true. A lot of Christians depend on others to preach to them the stuff and don't read the Bible themselves but for verses pointed out to them to take to heart. The Bible is chocked full of a bunch of things that don't get uttered in both the New and Old Testaments. I read the thing through page to page as a teen and had nightmares from the thing. I really don't get how some people are saying it's not tremendously violent, let alone it condones war, claiming women as property, endorses slavery etc. It's not a nice book. People can say they excuse the stuff that's not important and go for the 'messages' implied elsewhere, but truly many crimes including serial killings have been done over the Bible and taking verses how they wanted. I do agree that people have serious choices to make, but as I said before, if the Bible came out now and was introduced to the masses, it would be a banned book and video games might get a reprieve. Ironically, the only ones pushing to have video games banished are fundamentalists. It makes me seriously wonder how many people actually have read the book page to page and not depended on someone to do the work for them.
  11. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    There are even parts in the Bible that say the mentally/physically disabled are not worthy of going to heaven. That would mean anyone out there with Down syndrome, autism, the insane of course, maybe even ADD. I guess I'm going to Hell =/ (I've got ADD)
    Also amputees, so that guy didn't help himself any by cutting off his own hand. Sucks to be him. So basically, one has to be totally perfect in every way to go to Heaven. I guess it's getting pretty crowded in Hell. =/

    But, of course, those parts get ignored by the general public. I agree totally, Repliku. Video games would be the least of worries if the Bible was released now.
  12. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    It's a metaphore...

    The Bible has hidden meanings because your supposed to actually think when you read it. He probably was mental though. Most of the time people just laugh at it but he took it seriously too seriously. So that was an issue there. When you think about it it's an actual metaphore as I said. I mean the Bible isn't full of BS. I read a passage saying that people in the future would not live past 120. Guess what...unfortunatly we don't.

    BTW Evolution doesn't make sense. Someone obviously wanted fame so bad they made up something. I the Bible has been aroumd for a very long time. It was there in the 1400's with Queen Elizabeth. And seriosly like some people would go to all that trouble writting a 2000 page book that's full of whatever.

    NO ONE HAS THAT MUCH TIME! Besides evolution didn't come up until that guy who thought the earth was in a crystal sphere came up with that. Then there was Copernicus. Who actually made sense to me.
  13. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    God nor the bible did this to the man. The bible is really just full of morals, and storys, like noah's ark, techinally that's impossible, but guess what? The bible writer guy, he didn't make that up, there was already a similar story of a man that put all of the animals on the earth into one ship, it's from umm like where abraham grew up, not the president, the founder of the religon. Also, Jesus sitting under a tree for 40 days and 40 nights, that's what Buda did orginally, not Jesus. So yeah, religons really, hate to say it, copy eachother all the time.
  14. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well believe it or not it was once said that we couldn't live past 40...fortunately we can now. Some of the oldest people in the world have reached 107 years. Considering such a potential who knows how long we could live if we made the effort to make ourselves more health and biologically efficient.

    And what are you going on about evolution? The theory was formulated by Charles Darwin, who lived a good 300 years after Copernicus. Could you also please specify how it doesn't make sense, because from a theological evolutionary standpoint it gives as much credit to the possibility of intelligent design as it does to chance.
  15. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    This is the perfect example of why people should be mentally evaluated regularly. I have absolutely no sympathy for this idiot, and only wish he did it to his head instead.
  16. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    The bible has nothing to do with this. It's just someone being an idiot and blaming the bible for it.
  17. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    First of all, how can we tell what's metaphor and what's not? "If it's not accepted in our society, we'll try to make people think it's just a metaphor," is basically what the religious leaders are saying.

    Second of all, we're getting extremely close to living 120 years.

    1) Evolution DOES make sense. Do you even know how evolution works?
    2) Made something up? Darwin noticed things in nature that didn't make sense unless they came from a primitive ancestor.
    3) The Bible you read today was compiled in the 200's, and translated into early English quite some time later.
    4) The Bible was not written by one person. It was compiled by Emporer Constantine in the 2nd century using several books written by several early Christians. Out of all the books written by early Christians, very few were included in the bible.

    1) see above.
    2) ... Wha?
    3) Copernicus came WAY before Darwin.
    4) Wait, what do you mean? The only big thing that Copernicus did was find out that the Earth was NOT the center of the universe. He had nothing to do with evolution.
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Seriously, not everyone who hurts themselves is a 'nut-job', people who slit there wrists or harm themselves are 'nut-jobs', they migh be depressed or something, but your not going to call them crazy and say they should be on 10 different types of drugs, and sent to rehab.
    This guy could be funny, kind and so on, but we are only reading about him cutting his hand off, if you knew his whole life than yeah, say what you think but not just because of what one news article said.

    If that happened, their would be double the number of people on legal drugs. Their lifespan would decrease and atleast 1/6 of them would become drug addicts. And 1/9 of those addicts would be taken away in straight jackets. -_-
  19. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006

    no, but someone who cuts their hand off and microwaves it, usually isnt all there.
  20. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    It's not the Bible's fault; people just have to take things literally. A lot of the things Jesus said were metaphorical and cannot be taken at face value.
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