Beyond Sora and Nobody. Beyond Good and Evil/Kingdom Hearts crossover.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BaseSebastian, Feb 25, 2009.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    For those who don't know, Beyond Good and Evil is a game that was released by Ubisoft in 2003. It is a very in-depth game, supporting stunning graphics, which aren't half-bad today, a good original story line, and a cast of entertaining characters. It was not at all a bad game, but due to its hard core and challenging gaming style, it suffered in the sales department, though still not lacking in being Critically acclaimed. A new Sequel is To be announced, though confirmed, with more modern graphics. I personally suggest playing Beyond Good and Evil for Hard core gamers who aren't afraid of using their heads to get to the end, and for those who love great stories.

    Background Info on characters:
    Jade: A Female reporter in her early 20's who lives in a Lighthouse along with canine Woof, the children orphaned by the DomZ kidnappings, and her "uncle" Pey'j. It appears that she is not actually human, as suggested in the first game. She fights with a Deï-jo stick, which she uses against the DomZ creatures. Black hair, green lips, wears a dark green jackets, light pink shirt, dark green pants, and squeakless shoes to allow for stelth, which she is very adept at lurking in the shadows. Equiped with a camera and a glove that shoots energized disks. Works for the IRIS Netowork as a reporter under the code name: Shauni.

    Pey'j: A Sus Sapien who is half man, half boar. He's Jade's adopted Uncle, and a mechanical genius. Wearing a similiar jacket to Jade's, a white undershirt, smothered with sweat, jeans, and a pair of gravity-defying jet boots. He fights a with a highly advanced tool wrench, which can also be used to fix mechanical things. He is in fact the secret cheif of the IRIS network.

    Hub: A former Sergeant in the Hillyan Army, he now works with the Underground, but has gone missing ever since his last mission. He wears large, bulky dull-yellow armour, employing a very formidable hammer-like weapon. Code name: Double H.

    Other NPC Hillyan characters who will be potrayed by myself for story-line sakes.

    What are Sora and Company doing on Hillys? They have come across the world while flying in the gummi-ship, detecing strong Heartless and Nobody movements. Unfortuneatly, Organization XIII is controlling both Kingdom hearts factions, and dealing with the DomZ along with another mysterious traitor. Speaking of traitors, many members believe that four members within the Organization is leaking info to the IRIS Network. All pretend as if it not them.

    1.) You are allowed one character from the Hillys Hero list, as there's only three playable characters, and two Kingdom hearts roles. For instance, you could be Double H, Sora and Donald, or even Sora, Jade, and Axel. It doesn't matter which faction you pick on the Kingdom hearts side, you can even be on both sides.

    2.) Try to simulate the character's personalities in the best way. It is suggested that you had at least play BG&E before, or you've looked them up and know them moderately well.

    3.) No yaoi, yuri, or yiff. Mild straight flirtation is permitted, but please, no relationships that plainly...wouldn't work out. e.g. SoraxJade, Double HxJade, Pey'jxKairi..0_0" How about just SoraxKairi and we can keep it at that.

    4.) Please respect your fellow player.

    5.) Do not spam, powerplay, or control and/or kill another persons character, unless it is a NPC DomZ creature, Heartless, Nobody, or Alpha Section trooper.

    6.) A fight scene will be alerted if coming up, and once the complete party has reached the various assigned objectives, a cutscene of sorta will occur, where I will lead on to where the story is going next.

    7.) Feel free to stay in one place for as long as the entire cast would like, just don't keep them there forever.

    8.) Have fun!

    Hillys Heroes:
    Pey'j- BaseSebastian

    Hillys Villians/Misc.:
    DomZ creatures/Alpha sections/IRIS Network leaders/Various Hillys Denizens- BaseSebastian

    Kingdom Hearts Heroes:
    Riku- Serious
    King Mickey- BaseSebastian

    Kingdom Hearts Villians:
    Organization XIII-
    Luxord: BaseSebastian

    Namine' and Roxas are left out, but will be featured in chapter-like cutscenes.

    First chapter Intro will be released when the following requirments are met:
    Somebody is playing:
    Jade, Pey'j, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, and Riku

    Special announcement to RP moderators: Due to my involuntary inactivity, please do not close this RP down, please, even after the 30 days without a post deadline.
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Are the Organisation factions split? How does the whole Murluxia betrayal thing work out?
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Like said, there are four suspected traitors leaking Info to the IRIS Netowork, which will be explained later. Marluxia, Larxene, and Axel are most likely suspects among the others, but that leaves out one other, and let's just say there's only one traitor in the list of Kingdom hearts story-line traitors.

    The three Organization members who betrayed the Organization in Kingdom hearts are under a close-watch, but they are trusted to a certain degree.
  4. I will take Larxene, of course =3.

    And, since you said two. Hmm. I'll take Saïx. Though I don't know whether to take Xemnas instead. He's just a bit difficult to play if you want to keep in character.
  5. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    I will gladly claim Demyx please. Thank you for letting me know.
  6. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Gotta have Axel. This will be my first time rpging in a crossover. This looks very interesting and I couldn't pass this up.
  7. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Marluxia please =D this rp looks like it's going to be quite interesting.
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